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Everything posted by EternalShinyAndChrome

  1. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Trump won re-election by disinviting the Eagles

    And reelection.
  2. EternalShinyAndChrome

    David Hogg = Little Hitler!

    That b##tch Hogg is going to lose so bad.
  3. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Trump won re-election by disinviting the Eagles

    For only one NFL Championship? That's so cute. Let me know when you get close to 13 NFL Championships, b###ch.
  4. EternalShinyAndChrome

    California---More leftist insanity

    You got the bonus commentary. Consider yourself blessed.
  5. EternalShinyAndChrome

    California---More leftist insanity

    The idea is to keep all the loony left f##ktards in one spot to screw up ONLY that one spot. The last thing you want is an exodus of them infecting other parts of the country.
  6. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Your first fisting

  7. EternalShinyAndChrome

    What if it's found that Trump did help the Russians

    but it was her turn, dude. She deserved it.
  8. Sho is a flat out liar for the cause. He's not any better than the liar he's sourcing. He'll do or say anything his liberal masters tell him.
  9. EternalShinyAndChrome

    North Korea summit canceled.

    Honcho needs to head over to the JV forum at FBGheys with Sho. Neither one of them are up to this.
  10. EternalShinyAndChrome

    North Korea summit canceled.

    And I know it's absolutely KILLING you. You wanted Trump to fail.
  11. EternalShinyAndChrome

    God orders another televangelist to get a plane

    Even if it meant eternal damnation in the fiery pit of misery?
  12. No one takes it less seriously than me. No one.
  13. Maybe we're the same? One poster with a split personality? The logical, truthful and free thinking side of ESC and the paranoid, lying, deceitful and easily-led side of Sho. We are....Legion.
  14. Anyone get the impression that whenever Slo calls someone a liar (which is pretty much everyone he disagrees with), he's crying at his keyboard and his mascara is running down his face while he's furiously trying to post it?
  15. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Dicks Sporting Goods Sales Sink After New Gun Policy...

    Yep. It's called Da Facebooks! now.
  16. Who green-lit this show? All her act is Trump bashing. It's lazy and a sign that she's not a very good comedienne.
  18. EternalShinyAndChrome

    God orders another televangelist to get a plane

    Yep. How does any member of his congregation even go along with this. It's like a cult.
  19. 1) I'm not a troll. That's like calling everyone that doesn't vote like you a "racist" - yawn. Both have been used by you and your side so much that it's lost all effectiveness. When everyone is a troll, no one is a troll. 2) I agree with you that Sho is universally disliked, but he aligns with your side so he's your problem to get rid of. 3) I am THAT cool. You're too blinded by your political ideology to see that. In person, I'm sure we would get along just fine over beers or whiskey. I'll even let you buy me that beer or whiskey.
  20. Just out of curiosity, did either of you read the actual posts at all? Or did you just scan it for the word "FBG" and knee-jerk a response? If FBG is banning everyone not towing the party line and not accepting new users how are users supposed to "stay at FBG"? Also, you know your request also includes your boy Sho, right? He posts over there even more than he posts here. With all that being said, however, you two have convinced me to stay here permanently. It appears that anyone that hasn't been a member of your good ol boys club in the GC since 1990 gets you and a few select others enraged. That sounds like something I am a-okay with.
  21. Listen, I was telling my story because someone asked, not because I was bitching about it. I realize no one gives two flying sh its.
  22. I have not. Does it come with the world's tiniest violin playing in the background?
  23. Rudnicki banned me indefinitely for posting "Your post belongs in the FAKE NEWS! thread" in response to Bucky86 saying 45K people were unable to vote because of voter ID (w/ZERO proof whatsoever). Apparently THAT'S considered abusive behavior over there.