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Everything posted by EternalShinyAndChrome

  1. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Wiff appreciation thread

    Read the post again - you're the iCreeperTM wishing for gay cakes and gay cakes shaped like Sho's c@ck. Here, I linked it for you again. Also, care to explain how signing up on the same message board 17 YEARS LATER after your gay crush Sho is considered "following him around"? My invite to this forum pretty much makes you look like a fool. Of course, I'm sure you'll ignore like you do with anything that's the truth.
  2. EternalShinyAndChrome

    What the hell is shadowbanning?

    All it will take is to shadow ban one, insignificant, abandoned, trans LBGHLWDGST account and they will riot in the streets and burn their own neighborhood down.
  3. It's only one of the only true guarantees in life - like death and taxes. It's not even debatable. Y'know how liberals like to always say "the science is settled" on things that nothing is settled on? Well, in this case, the science IS settled.
  4. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Trump’s Star on Hollywood Walk of Fame Destroyed.

    I say we send in a squad of Marines next time. f###ing leftist p#ssies need to fight 4 to 1 in order to possibly win - and they still got handled.
  5. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Wiff appreciation thread

    Nope, that's not the one. Apparently I took you down so hard it scrambled your brain. Let me link it for you again so you can actually read who wanted the the gay cake and who suggested/wanted it shaped like Sho's c@ck. It also addresses your fake narrative "You followed Sho here" nonsense. And, unlike your posts, I have corroborating and eyewitness evidence to back all that ###### up. Read it, and stay down. Breakdown, take down - you're busted.
  6. EternalShinyAndChrome

    I did not know this

    BUT IT MATTERS TO WIFF! This is what is going to take Trump down! This is the smoking gun they've been waiting for!
  7. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Wiff appreciation thread

    You probably don't want to go there. Stay down.
  8. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Shocking! North Korea actually upgrading their nuclear facilities!

    Question...have the hater's got at least ONE thing right yet?
  9. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Winning! MAGA!

    I see the usual liberal slaves are doing the bidding of their MSNBC masters again. I guess Haters gonna' hate!
  10. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Wiff appreciation thread

    You're the one that started a thread about him like you're a love struck teenage girl. Why don't you just suck his c@ck next time instead of bothering us with this nonsense?
  11. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Wiff appreciation thread

    Don't we already have a Fake News thread?
  12. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Shocking! North Korea actually upgrading their nuclear facilities!

    I love how you change the narrative every time you're proven wrong - which is every day. Not only are they taking down the launch site, they're returning remains of US soldiers and your psyche can't handle it. By now, I would think you would be used to be wrong all the time. You're like a mini-Sho. Or is Sho a mini-Wiff? I guess it doesn't matter since you're both interchangeable.
  13. EternalShinyAndChrome

    I present to you Skylar Stenger

    yeah, definitely hot but she's totally into herself. The "LOOK AT ME, AIN'T I HOT" skin tight public workout suit is a dead give away as is the online "LOOK AT ME, AIN'T I HOT!" videos. Kick her out of bed: absolutely not. Long-Term : no way.
  14. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Budwiser losing customers

    Have to agree to this. I used to drink Miller Genuine Draft, High LIfe and Bud until I went to a beer tasting get together and tried numerous foreign and american craft beers. Never again will I drink that stuff - it tastes like water now. I'm into Sam Adams and other, heavier and darker beers. I try to buy something new every time I go out.
  15. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Great comments by Michael Che

    I don't think Jeffries is funny at all. I can only stomach about 5 minutes of him before I need to switch the channel.
  16. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Great comments by Michael Che

    Sebastian Maniscalo is fookin' hilarious too. One of the best, IMO.
  17. EternalShinyAndChrome

    California---More leftist insanity

    you know what else is a safe injection site? Your mom. Update: After thinking about it, I think maybe your mom is an "unsafe" injection site.
  18. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Bad day for FBI/DOJ scumbags.

    He's clearly into the whole S&M thing - he just keeps coming back for more glorious beat-downs day in and day out.
  19. EternalShinyAndChrome

    What We Know So Far

    Well, we know that's the daily talking points from the unhinged left, but do you actually have any proof yet? I mean, real proof? Not this made-up, hysterical "proof" the left comes up with everyday (like, i don't know, that the POTUS is a Russian plant).
  20. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Slate making FFToday famous (again?)

    Wait... The reporter who got it WRONG beat the snot out of somebody? Not surprised Sho is defending fake news again.
  21. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Slate making FFToday famous (again?)

    Yep, of course they did. It was plainly obvious who you were talking about - Hollywood celebs. I'll bet any money the writer at slate knew who you were talking about too but Twisted it to fit the narrative.
  22. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Add Chris Hardwick to the #MeToo Victim List

    Another ex with an axe to grind: https://deadline.com/2018/06/chris-hardwick-amc-talk-show-guests-want-postponement-allegations-1202411828/#comments Keep in mind SHE stayed with him for 3 years. This is out of control. Who doesn't come out of a bad relationship emotionally abused?
  23. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Add Chris Hardwick to the #MeToo Victim List

    Hardwick exonerated by AMC - will be back next month to his regular hosting duties. https://deadline.com/2018/07/chris-hardwick-returning-talking-dead-amc-sexual-harassment-allegations-1202433461/#comments Finally some due diligence and justice. He needs to sue that .
  24. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Trump/Cohen audio. No thread :dunno:

    That's the only logical explanation. No way he has any other job with him posting 24/7 on TWO fantasy football sites. You think he's got a lot of posts here, you should see the other site. Seriously, though, he is at the beck and call of the DNC and carries their water pretty well for them. He's a good liberal - doesn't think, just takes orders and runs with it. Today's marching orders were to get hysterical and act as if the "leaked" conversation was nothing but a full on admission of guilt by Trump - and to call others "idiots" if they don't believe him.
  25. Huh? HBO was where it was originally developed and aired. Also, Milch is attached as a producer.