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Everything posted by EternalShinyAndChrome

  1. EternalShinyAndChrome

    What if it's found that Trump did help the Russians

    That's giving clueless a bad rap.
  2. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Iran Nuclear Deal

    Again...the sheep are hating today because they love Obama and hate Trump. Plus, IT WAS HER TURN!!!!!!
  3. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Iran Nuclear Deal

    The only liberal standards are double standards.
  4. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Hearts bleeding for this psycho gunman

    Well, this incident happened with all of that already in place. Seems like none of that worked.
  5. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Matt Ryan. 130 million, 5 years, 100 guaranteed

    He's better than average. Not elite like Rodgers, Brees or Brady, though.
  6. Once again, Slo comes into thread and denies all reality.
  7. He's a slave to his liberal dogma. He can't break free of the shackles the DNC plantation puts him in.
  8. You might need to explain what the above bolded word means to Slo, MDC and a few others. Maybe drawing it in crayon with pictures would help them understand the meaning?
  9. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Stay Klassy Kanye

    Pffft! David Hogg is so passe! He was LAST week's leader of the Democratic Party. He's since been replaced by Stormy Daniels as the new leader. I know the Democrats always go with the newest, brightest shiny object as their head honcho, but try to keep up.
  10. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Spinning up the Atlantic Fleet

    ^^^^ this. No denying that. Now it's up to Trump and the Republicans to - ONCE AGAIN - clean up the disaster left by Democrats. It's the same thing Walker had to do here in WI.
  11. I'm all on board with improving our energy with something cleaner and safe. I think that there is ALWAYS room for improvement and we definitely should be making this our goal. What I'm NOT on board with is taxing everyone into oblivion and hamstringing the US while doing so.
  12. EternalShinyAndChrome

    The Manafort Indictment: Not Much There, and a Boon for Trump

    When you're a slave to your DNC plantation masters, that's all you know. It's not any different than people in a cult - everyone on the outside sees the absurdity except the people on the inside. Ultimately, what it comes down to, is that people like Slo WANT and NEED to be led by a master telling them what to do, what to say and how to think. It's part of their DNA. Just about every post you see in here from a poster with TDS exhibits all of the classic signs of being in a cult.
  13. EternalShinyAndChrome

    The Manafort Indictment: Not Much There, and a Boon for Trump

    That SloTard guy's whole stick is to basically come into a thread and deny reality.
  14. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Matt Ryan. 130 million, 5 years, 100 guaranteed

    Ryan is not Elite. He sucks donkey balls.
  15. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Matt Ryan. 130 million, 5 years, 100 guaranteed

    Whoa, easy there. Wentz is good but he ain't no Aaron Rodgers.
  16. You may FEEL like Joey Tribbiani, but you sound like a nonsensical idiot when you post
  17. That's not how any of that works.
  18. They found writings on cave walls that show cavemen keeping track and listing all of the CO2 levels. Presumably so future man would know what just the right amount of CO2 levels are supposed to be.
  19. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Just spent most of the night at an Animal ER

    Same thing happened to my dog 3 years ago. Got off the leash and ran straight into the road. I saw the whole thing. The good news is that it was a SUV that hit him so it sits higher than a normal car and my dog is a schnoodle so he got hit by the bottom of the front bumper and bounced underneath like a ball and squirted out the side. I have no idea how he managed to not get squished by the rear tire. ###### driver just kept on driving without stopping. Anyways, the dog comes running back to me on the sidewalk and I scooped him up and ran back to the house. While doing that I slipped on the ice (it was winter) like an idiot. Anyways, as my wife and I are driving (I'm holding the dog) to the vet I notice blood dripping down my hand and I'm like "Oh ######, this isn't good". I thought for sure the dog was a goner or going to need some major surgery. We get him to the vet and same as your situation - no internal bleeding, no broken bones only some roadrash. Thank God, my kids would have been devastated. Turns out the blood was from me. I cut my arm pretty good when I slipped on the ice. That dog is one lucky SOB. Literally.
  20. EternalShinyAndChrome

    Liar in chief

    Dude has been here for years, apparently, and is still completely oblivious to that fact.
  21. EternalShinyAndChrome

    North and South Korea

    Well, the good news is Obama isn't in office so there is no need to worry about that.
  22. EternalShinyAndChrome

    New Study: Global Warming Is 'Not As Bad As We Thought'...

    Can we get back to talking about global warming? Or global cooling? Or climate change? I forget which one is the one that will generate the most money for the alarmists.
  23. EternalShinyAndChrome

    North and South Korea

    From the side who nominated Hillary Clinton (in a rigged election, nonetheless). Might want to stop while you're behind.