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Everything posted by JustinCharge

  1. JustinCharge

    80”s TV Trivia Game

    Who was the crazy 1980s talk show host that was super animated with his microphone, like ducking his head and beating himself in the head with it as people talked, or reaching the mic out as far as he could to an audience member to let them speak?
  2. JustinCharge

    80”s TV Trivia Game

    What was Lisa Ruddy's nickname?
  3. JustinCharge

    80”s TV Trivia Game

    Mr. Humphries on Are You Being Served played by John Inman.
  4. JustinCharge

    The REAL truths about mid life crisis

    rusty is 60 and is clearly showing signs of dementia. now it makes sense. i mean mike krueger is only 53 so its a little questionable for him to keep allowing the lib to run amok.
  5. JustinCharge

    2023 MLB Playoffs

    just pointing out they didnt have to end the season with 2 playoff losses.
  6. JustinCharge

    Trump blasts General John Kelly

    bernie kosar.
  7. JustinCharge

    Trump blasts General John Kelly

    you responded to quick, i added more.
  8. JustinCharge

    Trump blasts General John Kelly

    you seem to think a leaders job is to be loved. i dont know anyone who thinks that way. There are plenty of people who hate Bill Belichick but he has 8 rings. Belichick's management style is to publicly humiliate his players because, while the players might hate him for it, it also means each playes is publicly held accountable to do an effective job. Do your job. And it works amazingly well. Someone like you would fire Belichick and hire a loser.
  9. JustinCharge

    Trump blasts General John Kelly

    this has been discussed for 8 years. Trump's management style is to praise, attack, praise, attack, etc. It is not unique to Trump and a lot of successful leaders do it. Trump has done this all his life. You might be the last person to notice it. It is simply a method to keep his subordinates on their toes and not get too complacent, which has proven to yield superior results.
  10. JustinCharge

    ***Happy Football Day Week 5***

    now we just need the bears to crawl into a shell or fields to throw a pick six
  11. JustinCharge

    ***Happy Football Day Week 5***

    i would be entertained if the redskins came back and won.
  12. JustinCharge

    Ukraine - Doomsday

    https://www.yahoo.com/news/fewer-americans-support-arming-ukraine-191311192.html Fewer Americans support arming Ukraine: Poll Sarah Fortinsky Thu, October 5, 2023 at 12:13 PM PDT·2 min read The share of Americans across the political spectrum who support sending arms to Ukraine has dropped, according to a Reuters/Ipsos survey released Thursday. The poll, conducted Tuesday and Wednesday, showed only 41 percent of respondents said they agreed that the United States should provide weapons to Ukraine, down from 65 percent of respondents who said the same in a June 2023 survey. That decline in support for sending weapons to Ukraine extends across parties. Democratic support dropped from 81 percent in June to 52 percent in October. Republican support dropped from 56 percent to 35 percent in the same period. Independent support dropped from 57 percent to 44 percent.
  13. JustinCharge

    Get your shopping done early in San Fran

    Starbucks closing 7 stores in San Fran https://www.foxbusiness.com/markets/starbucks-closing-7-downtown-san-francisco-stores Coffee giant Starbucks is shrinking its footprint in downtown San Francisco following the announcement that it plans to close seven stores in the city's center even as it opens, reopens or renovates other locations in the city.
  14. JustinCharge

    2023 MLB Playoffs

    actually how a team finishes is more important in MLB. teams that enter the playoffs winning at least 8 of their last 10 have an elevated chance of winning the title regardless of seed. there was no such team this year.
  15. JustinCharge

    Ukraine - Doomsday

    I think if there was a peace treaty, Putin would get thrown out of office. The Russian people have been enduring drone strikes in Moscow, bombings all over the nation, and Putin remains silent and wont make a big deal of it. The pressure for Putin to act is enormous. Its really stunning to watch Putin take the punches like this. Most analysts are boggled. As I say, if a nation was daily bombing DC, the American people would demand a nuclear response.
  16. JustinCharge

    2023 MLB Playoffs

    if the Rays won a top seed, theyd skip the first round. the punishment for failing to do that is a short series.
  17. JustinCharge

    No More Richard Butkus

    i recovered the corpse of a guy who "died in his sleep". He was frozen solid in his bed with rigormortis. When i turned the corpse over, his face was frozen in a terrified snarl like he was in total agony. so he mightve woken up in the middle of the night and followed that up with an extremely painful death. so im always skeptical of the "peacefully died in his sleep" thing.
  18. JustinCharge

    Biden Building the Wall

    the left has no principles, wether here in a tiny forum where they launch scores of personal attacks and guilt trips and ruin threads they dont like, or at the national level where they try to destroy trump for building a wall and then are cool with biden building a wall. trolls all the way down.
  19. JustinCharge

    Ukraine - Doomsday

    Biden set to give a speech and beg the American people for more money for Ukraine. Meanwhile we have urgent financial needs at home. tone deaf. However he promises a new source of funding ... but will the American people approve?
  20. JustinCharge

    2023 MLB Playoffs

    we know how that always goes. next year they will lose 3 starting pitchers to injury and 2-3 position players as well. in desperation, they empty the minors of prospects for a couple band aid fixes in some major trades and still come up short. year 3, the minors is a wasteland and they have old guys with huge contracts and squeak into the playoffs only to fall short again year 4 they trade everyone and rebuild for 40 years. every single franchise in the Orioles current situation seems to do this. might not get a single ring.
  21. JustinCharge

    2023 MLB Playoffs

    a lot of teams have bright outlooks but it always some down to injuries. there has not been a repeat champ since the 20th century.
  22. democrats: trump caused the inflation that happened on bidens term! also democrats: even though the economy was crashing late in clintons second term, the dotcom crash was all bush's fault!
  23. JustinCharge

    Marked safe from the emergency alert.

    no one wants to eat your pu**y.