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Everything posted by JustinCharge

  1. JustinCharge

    Spaceballs is free on youtube now

    Maybe its to pay homage to Rick Moranis? Here's the complete list of free movies: https://www.youtube.com/feed/storefront?bp=kgEmCGQSIlBMSFBUeFR4dEMwaWJWWnJUMl9XS1dVbDJTQXhzS3VLd3iiBQIoBQ%3D%3D
  2. JustinCharge

    nuclear war - doomsday⌛

    I suppose this needs its own thread. There's not much we can do about any of this except be prepared. A satellite phone, police scanner, go bag, and just being somewhere off the grid might boost your odds. I'm shielded by several mountain ranges at the moment in an out of the way area. A good idea might be to have a friend with a doomsday bunker (think 10 Cloverfield Lane with John Goodman). Or if you have a ocean-worthy vessel you could sail out to sea for a while. But other than some ideas to survive, there's not a lot to say. Link to a guide on how to prepare for nuclear war:
  3. JustinCharge

    *** NIGER ***

    What do you think of the hotspot that is Niger? Apparently some coalition of the West will tussle with a BRICs coalition.
  4. As America learned in the 1970s, if you try to control prices in a free market economy, you just create food shortages and groceries will simply not stock food that will sell for a loss. Then when the price caps come off, you get a surge in demand and prices skyrocket. Welp, Justin Trudeau is threatening groceries to control food prices .... or else face huge taxes. And make no mistakes, a surge in food prices will hit American grocers as well from this. And Trudeau is doing this simply to deflect blame onto grocers. And watch for gutterboy to try to attack me for "false misleading thread titles" because he doesnt give a shiit about the people. He just wants to attack.
  5. media cant stop talking about it! im sure he'll be on the View to discussit with Joy Behar soon!!! https://www.yahoo.com/sports/joe-burrow-shows-bengals-practice-175540437.html
  6. From Thomas Jefferson's own family, a call to take down his memorial Christopher Wilson Yahoo News July 6, 2020, 8:43 AM PDT A direct descendant of Thomas Jefferson has called for the memorial to the third president to be removed from Washington, D.C. Writing in the New York Times Monday morning, Lucian K. Truscott IV says his ancestor’s former estate at Monticello is enough of a tribute and that the Jefferson Memorial, located next to the Tidal Basin in the nation’s capital, should be replaced with a statue honoring the abolitionist hero Harriet Tubman. “The memorial is a shrine to a man who during his lifetime owned more than 600 slaves and had at least six children with one of them, Sally Hemings,” Truscott writes. “It’s a shrine to a man who famously wrote that ‘all men are created equal’ in the Declaration of Independence that founded this nation — and yet never did much to make those words come true. Upon his death, he did not free the people he enslaved, other than those in the Hemings family, some of whom were his own children. He sold everyone else to pay off his debts.” In the piece, Truscott argues that Monticello serves as an “almost perfect memorial” to the nation’s third president. In his opinion, Monticello notes Jefferson’s major contributions to the creation of the United States — including the Declaration of Independence — but also includes his history as a slave owner, or, as Truscott writes, “it reveals him with his moral failings in full, an imperfect man, a flawed founder.”
  7. On 570 AM KLAC in Los Angeles today, they were talking about the Browns - Chiefs game. They were saying they hate the rule where if you fumble and it rolls into the end zone, it is a touchback. They were calling it the dumbest rule in all of sports and the Browns should have gotten the ball at the 10 yard line. What are some of the dumbest rules in sports to you?
  8. I think this question could be a fulcrum. Dorian Thompson-Robinson is having an A+ camp but no path to starting for the Browns in an NFL that is super thirsty for QBs. The New York Giants have a really good young head coach in place but need to upgrade at QB. Would you consider pulling the trigger on this deal given what weve seen from DTR at the glorious institution of UCLA (which the Chargers got their colors from) and in the Browns camp to this point?
  9. I can see this coming a mile away. The MSM is chock full of hamas supporters. They want to bash israel but cannot. However, once israeli troops go in, the MSM gloves come off and they will bury the story of hamas attacking first and focus on any tiny or large misstep by the Israeli army. if possible they will put a positive spin on Hamas or at least ignore them. The forum liberals will follow the lead of the MSM and start criticizing heavily anything Israel does. The forum liberals or run guilt trips and personal tax on anyone who tries to point out that Hamas attacked first and all their crimes. The forum liberals will try to give soft support the hamas if they can if not it’s just constant criticism of Israel. I can hear Tim schoschet already saying and no way do i support Hamas but what Israel is doing is wrong Blah blah blah Trump blah blah blah you should feel ashamed Republicans. He’ll say this all while draping a Palestinian flag around himself and saluting the Nazi that was celebrated in the Canadian parliament. This thread in particular will upset the forum liberals because I’ve already called him out on what they exactly plan to do because they’re so stupid then I can read them like a book way in advance
  10. JustinCharge

    ***Wagering thread***

    Browns head coach kevin stefanski said today pj walker will start if deshaun watson cant go.
  11. JustinCharge

    War in Israel

    Biden went out there and gave a big speech saying the greatest threat is maga Republicans he should go out there and give another speech where he apologizes for that and says the biggest threat are these pro-Palestinian protesters But he won’t because he’s the worst president we’ve ever had in this country
  12. JustinCharge

    nuclear war - doomsday⌛

    I wonder if that liberal troll nobody thinks i read any of that lol
  13. JustinCharge

    War in Israel

    Aoc showed support for hamas two years ago but today pretends to condemn them. We know her true feelings about hamas when the pressure was off tho. Just like our liberal friends in this forum who pretend to condemn hamas but have given a full throated support to domestic terrorism in the past when they felt safe to do so.
  14. JustinCharge

    War in Israel

    Aoc effectively backs hamas two years ago in this video. This should vault her to the dem nomination in 2024 or 28.
  15. JustinCharge

    War in Israel

    You types have openly supported terrorism for years on this forum. You wear it with a badge of honor. Calling blm riots peaceful protests. Dont deny you are a terrorist now. Own it.
  16. JustinCharge

    War in Israel

    Here are your leftists that post here. 1. support terrorist acts by blm 2. support mutilation of kids genitals 3. Trying to tell us they dont support hamas terror but i think everyone here knows deep down that people like rusty, honcho, gutter, fnord etc FULLY back hamas because of 1 and 2.
  17. JustinCharge

    War in Israel

    Dude ill bet you are in a sleeper cell. Always coming in here with disinformation. Take the bomb jacket off before you hurt yourself.
  18. JustinCharge

    nuclear war - doomsday⌛

    Shut up troll. Your defense is our border is secure? Hahahahaha
  19. JustinCharge

    nuclear war - doomsday⌛

    Are you seriously telling me that because you wish to nitpick over names, it is impossible to have another 911 or a nuclear 911? Gtfo troll you are a dbag
  20. JustinCharge

    Useless Facts 10/11/23

    Arnold schwarzenegger once saw a camel toe on a beach.
  21. JustinCharge

    War in Israel

    Elections have consequences. The democrats support mutilating kids genitals. The democrats win elections. The WORLD sees this. Putin delivers MAJOR speeches in this calling us evil, satanic and we need to be nuked. The world aligns with russia except for europe. You stick your head in the sand and pretend this isnt happening. You are far gone from absorbing leftist propaganda that the cognitive dissonance would make your head explode so you must ignore the truth that the world is coming to wipe us out
  22. JustinCharge

    War in Israel

    You are. You support blm terror attacks on americans
  23. JustinCharge

    War in Israel

    Some news from around the world: russia: blames the usa for the hamas attack. Hamas is using usa weapons they likely bought off the black market from ukraine. china: no sympathy. Chuck “fock you” schumer is mad about this. india: offers token vocal support for israel egypt: will stay out of it unless attacked iran: says this attack cant be blamed on iran syria: firing rockets at israel and warns it will enter the war if israel invades gaza MSM: starting to focus on a possible humanitarian crisis should israel invade gaza thats a clear anti-israeli turn. ok now we return you to the liberal trolls making this thread unreadable with their lies and propaganda
  24. JustinCharge

    nuclear war - doomsday⌛

    There are more nuclear threats this week than ever. Weve had russia run nationwide covilian nuclear war drills days ago. And this is your response? Really bizarre.
  25. JustinCharge

    ***Wagering thread***

    Well for one thing teams arent consistent from game to game so there might be some regression in the 49ers after a big win. Plus its on the road vs a really good defense. Altho other people prefer to roll with a hot team instead.