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Everything posted by JustinCharge

  1. JustinCharge

    North Carolina Mom. Nail meet head.

    freedom of religion is part of our morality ahole.
  2. JustinCharge

    Things I'm already sick of: NFL version

    thats directly coming from corporate. they are driven to grow the business. steve a smith bayless drama is designned to go after people who read gossip magazines. taylor swift stories get corporate super excited because it draws in women. sports fans are maxed out so they are ignored. they even check themselves if they talk xs and os by saying "dont get nerdy!!!!"
  3. JustinCharge

    nuclear war - doomsday⌛

    This thread not only helps provide info on nuclear war threats, but it definitely is chlorine for the geek club forum. all of these liberal trolls expend so much energy in here making posts that i dont even read, that they have less time and energy to pollute the rest of the place.
  4. JustinCharge

    So how do the Dems eliminate Biden?

    So Trump is +15% over Biden among independents. Since 1980, no candidate has lost an election when they win independents by double digits. (Reagan 1980, Reagan 1984, Bush41 1988, Biden 2020). Interestingly, we went 32 years between elections where a candidate won indys by double digits. https://ropercenter.cornell.edu/how-groups-voted-2020
  5. JustinCharge

    So how do the Dems eliminate Biden?

    Independent voters have swung heavily towards Trump in 2024 polling. Independents went heavily for Biden in 2020 54%-41%: https://ropercenter.cornell.edu/how-groups-voted-2020 Current polling shows Independents in 2024 voting Trump 57%-42%
  6. JustinCharge

    nuclear war - doomsday⌛

    **** JustinCharge Update Post **** NOTE: liberal trolls are trying to ruin this thread so they can be skipped. I no longer read troll posts in this thread myself and its a cleaner read. Going forward, just check the most recent page for an Update Post from me. I will try to add one Update Post per page. ------------- The current situation seems to be that Ukraine has given up on the counteroffensive and is now using Elon Musk's Starlink to target Putin himself inside Russia. The West's objective is to blast his location with a slew of missiles and drones and kill him to trigger nuclear war and WW3. Current window for nuclear war: anywhere from now to mid October 2023. October 3rd-5th is a critical window. If you hear that Putin has died in a missile attack, you probably have less than an hour to find a safe location from nuclear war.
  7. JustinCharge

    So how do the Dems eliminate Biden?

    biden is apparently going to blow up the world before we get there.
  8. JustinCharge

    nuclear war - doomsday⌛

    The current US strategy seems to be that the Ukraine counteroffensive failed, so kill Putin because he refuses to fire nukes. So the US took over Starlink from Elon Musk because Elon refused to allow Ukraine to use it to hit targets in Russia. With starlink now a full weapon, the US uses it to target Putin's location. Then Ukraine conducts a massive missile / drone strike wherever Putin is and kills him. That removes the last barrier to WW3 and nuclear war. Russia then nukes several US cities in retaliation for killing Putin and we go full thermonuclear war and most of the global population is dead while liberal elites hide in bunkers hoping to ride it out or perhaps sacrifice some children to Satan before going full Branch Dravidian and committing mass suicide. It didnt work tonite because Putin apparently reached the safety of his flying fortress. But give it a few days or weeks. These liberal elites are crazed. Destroying the education system, encouraging riots in US cities, brazenly leaving the border open to bring in illegals and crime and unrest. Decriminalizing crime. Defunding the police. They are so obviously destructive and murderous. Work with neo nazis too. Remember, its most likely we never know the details of what happened. Were just gonna get nuked and pretty damn soon like in weeks at best. But if you hear a report that Putin has been killed by a missile strike, that is time to enact whatever bug out plan you have. Do not screw around.
  9. JustinCharge

    ***Happy Football Day Week 3***

    Belichick held the Dolphins to 24 points in week 2 by running a variant of his super bowl defense vs the McVay Rams. Against the Rams that game, Belichick ran a 6 man front with 4 run stuffers and 2 high safeties. He was able to clog all running lanes and mix up the safety coverages to confuse the offense and keep the big plays from happening. Against the 2023 Dolphins, Belichick went with a big 5 man front and THREE deep safeties or the same 6 man front with 2 high safeties he ran against McVay. The Patriots also made sure to play field position and pinned the Dolphins behind their 20 quite a few times. The Dolphins were forced to march on very long drives and walk away with a field goal at best on several drives as this type of defense is to make the offense march 15 plays without making a mistake, something no NFL offense can do consistently.
  10. JustinCharge

    Ukraine - Doomsday

    The US has given a list of reforms that Ukraine must make to continue to receive funding. The biggest reforms appear to be that Ukraine must put American agents in charge in key positions of the police force and reduce the power of Ukraine special forces. With these moves, Ukraine loses some sovereignty and moves closer to become a state occupied by Russia in the east and occupied by the US in the west. https://english.nv.ua/nation/us-sends-ukraine-list-of-reforms-necessary-for-continued-support-news-50356046.html
  11. JustinCharge

    nuclear war - doomsday⌛

    you dont have to live in constant dread of it. you can help push to oust biden as president and get a republican in there to stop this war.
  12. JustinCharge

    nuclear war - doomsday⌛

    we are REALLY close to nuclear war now. the closest weve been in human history. tonight. right now.
  13. JustinCharge

    nuclear war - doomsday⌛

    apparently right now is the biggest missile barrage of the war, with Russia, Ukriane and Crimea all get bombed heavily at the same time. Putin is rumored to be targeted, possibly missiles being fired at his likely location(s). Putin may have fled via a flying fortress. Theres no way to confirm or deny any of this. If we manage to take Putin out, we are going to be in full blown global thermonuclear war this evening. We will NEVER be able to know for sure what happened. I'd make sure your gas tanks are filled tonite.
  14. JustinCharge

    Useless Facts 9/25/23

    theres probably several corollaries to the pizza meter. perhaps you could observe the state department buildings each night and count how many offices have lights turned on and if the number is much higher than normal, a major event is about to happen.
  15. JustinCharge

    Useless Facts 9/25/23

  16. JustinCharge

    Canadian Parliament stands and applauds Nazi SS veteran

    liberals in this forum: endless trolling, personal attacks, guilt trips, refusing to engage on a serious level for years. also liberals on this forum: oh i think people not on the left are using political gamesmanship against us sweet innocent liberals!! we must take a stand against it because we feel buthurt!! therefore we will ignore any charges against us! altho it gives insight into which bleeding hearts fall for what the liberals are trying to do. the reality is any liberal not giving a full throated condemnation without any ifs ands or butts should really get permabanned. you also dont get to come in here looking for a counter where republicans need to fully condemn something. that should get a permaban as well. we are a society so soft we refuse to enforce discipline, preferring to coddle groups who celebrate nazis. stop it.
  17. JustinCharge

    ***Happy Football Day Week 3***

    i never understood why jerry said dak had him over a barrel and paid dak. draft a new qb. sign a free agent. dak just isnt the guy.
  18. JustinCharge

    Useless Facts 9/25/23

    the plot of the movie True Lies is the reverse of the movie Total Recall. In one, Arnold is oblivious to the fact that is wife is a secret agent. In the other, Arnolds wife is oblivious to the fact that he is a secret agent.
  19. JustinCharge

    ***Happy Football Day Week 3***

    Cardinals are 6-1 in their last 7 games vs the Cowboys. sometimes a team just seems to have another teams number.
  20. JustinCharge

    Ukraine - Doomsday

    it is what it is. britain, france and germany were warring wih each other for ages. suddenly they stopped. no, its not because theyve evolved. its because their armies were dismantled by the USA and they all effectively became american colonies. recognize what happened. historically, its similar to what the roman empire did to Egypt. Egypt was this eternal power and then the Romans conquered it. they became a vassal state, a colony of Rome. then slowly they faded away into a non-player on the world stage.
  21. JustinCharge

    Anybody HERE have DeVon Achane on their team?

    i started him because i know why they drafted him. speed kills in the nfl and with him in the backfield and tyreek hill flying around the field at WR, the fish will be pretty much unstoppable. my other RB is the packers' aaron jones who has missed 2 straight weeks. i also stashed pierre strong on my bench this past week because there is a nonzero chance he wins the browns RB job. strong looked good at the end today. i had the high score of the week! roster (14 team league) QB kirk Cousins (i had rodgers to start the year) WR: Justin Jefferson WR: Kendrick Bourne RB: T. Spears RB: Devon Achane TE: Travis Kelce flex: WR Puka Nacua (blew my entire FAAB on him after week 1) DF: Steelers bench: Aaron jones (out) mac jones, WR Jahan Dotson (commanders), RB pierre strong (Browns)
  22. JustinCharge

    With the first pick in the 2024 NFL draft...the

    hahah it was jay cutler, thats even worse. aaron is bad.
  23. JustinCharge

    With the first pick in the 2024 NFL draft...the

    and rodgers only got it by beating grossman in the nfc title game
  24. JustinCharge

    Joke of the day

    my wife worships me! she puts burnt offerings in front of me every night. i hate when my wife gets mad at me for being lazy. its not like i did anything.