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Tree of Knowledge

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Everything posted by Tree of Knowledge

  1. Tree of Knowledge

    Biden’s accomplishments (and failures)

    Boyo. They’ve been aged out. Most Reagan Era folks are long gone. I’ve got no love for Bush/Cheney Era globalists.
  2. Tree of Knowledge

    Biden’s accomplishments (and failures)

    One of Trump’s biggest mistakes was not taking an acid hose to all alphabet agencies on Day One. He let embedded left wing loyalists in place to undermine his presidency. He better have learned this lesson and give them all the bum’s rush in January 2025.
  3. Tree of Knowledge

    Biden’s accomplishments (and failures)

    His thugs got 51 “intelligence” officers to sign on to a lie that everything on Hunter’s laptop was Russian misinformation. Your boy also had MSM and Big Tech suppress the story. Boyo is a Biden Bro? I love this for you. SAD!!!! lolololololo
  4. So you can jump into the arms of a corrupt, incompetent, feeble, racist, pedophile like Joe Biden. Don’t be a simp boyo. You are being played for a sucker. SAD.
  5. Kyle Griffin is very interested in Pecker.
  6. Tree of Knowledge

    Items you don’t mind paying more for

    Good one.
  7. Tree of Knowledge

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    Ever notice Dividen never sniffs black children? The only thing worse than a pedophile is a racist pedophile.
  8. This is true. Join us. These people are some new variant of lunatic hell bent on destroying our country. Together we can restore balance to the force.
  9. Weren’t the right wingers the Nazis and antisemites?
  10. This is all so bizarre. Why are universities bending over for these lunatics?
  11. If there was ever any doubt, the Biden Regime has been running this lawfare to destroy Democracy since day one. https://www.thegatewaypundit.com/2024/04/cover-up-exposed-judge-cannon-unmasks-redacted-documents/
  12. Tree of Knowledge

    Marjorie Taylor Greene

    If she did, she would be Team Biden.
  13. Tree of Knowledge

    Marjorie Taylor Greene

    You are worrying me thinking about Ace Ventura when MTG is around flaunting here pure MAGA hotness.
  14. Kyle Griffin is eagerly waiting for Pecker.
  15. Tree of Knowledge

    Marjorie Taylor Greene

    Interesting word usage.
  16. Tree of Knowledge

    Marjorie Taylor Greene

  17. I'm willing to be cloned 11x for Father Trump.
  18. This all begs the question how can you select a “Jury of Peers” for a Trial of Father Trump? The man has no peers. Therefore, the defense should immediately push to throw the bogus case out.
  19. Tree of Knowledge

    Marjorie Taylor Greene

    She’s so hot. Hardbody too. I am surprised Boyo can’t appreciate that.
  20. Tree of Knowledge

    2024 Rock Hall of Fame nominees

    This process is so strange. Mumble rappers like Jay-Z are in but Jimmy Buffett wasn’t.
  21. Tree of Knowledge

    Biden Declares War On Women 🌈

    So you do have a rainbow flag, Boyo? I thought better of you.