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Sean Mooney

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Everything posted by Sean Mooney

  1. Sean Mooney

    This economy is so bad

    You are arguing with someone who is a complete zero...save your breath
  2. Sean Mooney

    This economy is so bad

    It's in the thread...people can click some buttons. But my initial post on page 55 was this: 2 parties 2 presidents pandemic corporate greed So 6th on my list. HTH
  3. Sean Mooney

    Jan 6, 2021

    "Back the blue.......into a corner and pummel them" Funny how all that you should just listen to the cops stuff went out the window that day
  4. Sean Mooney

    This economy is so bad

    Man you could have saved yourself a few posts by reading my exchange with RLLD last week where we covered the same ground. I mentioned "corporate greed" as like the 4th or 5th factor in inflation. RLLD posted a Youtube video from some dude in his basement Cliff Notes-ing a federal report mentioned in the CNN article that was in line with what I said. RLLD then argued with me for multiple posts not realizing he was proving me right time and again. It was a fun time to be alive.
  5. I'm not sure whoever appeared on the Chris Hayes show is the best argument maker. Also, Chris Hayes looks like someone took one of those apps where you can see what you'd look like as the opposite sex and put in a picture of Rachel Maddow
  6. Sean Mooney

    *** Official Hunter Biden Trial Thread ***

    Pretty rich coming from the dope who has been here for years saying to go after Hunter because it will help expose Joe's shadiness. Normal people have said all along if the dude committed a crime than get him for it. The law did.
  7. Sean Mooney

    *** Official Hunter Biden Trial Thread ***

    Well hit him with the punishment then. But hey- way to go- you got him
  8. Sean Mooney

    Racist dad ruins daughters graduation

    A bunch of those reported on it in the past 24 hours. Not sure why you think places don't care unless they are blasting headlines on their websites and whatnot? Maybe you didn't see them because you actually have to read and thus you didn't know what it was saying
  9. Sean Mooney

    The state of the Presidential race

    It also varies depending who you talk too....trans people are not a hive mind
  10. Sean Mooney

    Racist dad ruins daughters graduation

    You do know NBC and MSNBC are the same news services for the most part right? Sorry I only went 8 deep Move those goalposts dummy. Please tell us again how something in Chicago (and Ohio here) was only covered locally but you knew about it in New York. You are a clown
  11. Sean Mooney

    The state of the Presidential race

    My life isn't tied to this place like yours is. I don't care if people are laughing with me or at me. And of course you would know the sound of people laughing AT you
  12. Sean Mooney

    Racist dad ruins daughters graduation

    ABC News AP News Newsweek Daily Mail New York Post NBC News USA Today Yahoo News All national news organizations that reported on the story within the 5 days since it happened. Some throughout the entire process. Let me guess- this is another only locally reported story from Ohio that somehow you know about in New York? Dipsh!t
  13. Sean Mooney

    The state of the Presidential race

    Nah...I've read enough of your gibberish here to see what you believe. You don't see how dopey you actually are.
  14. Sean Mooney

    The state of the Presidential race

    You dopes think anyone slightly to the left of you is a liberal
  15. Sean Mooney

    The state of the Presidential race

    I'm not a liberal...but nice try. I just don't care about LGBTQ topics to the level you do because you are constantly talking about them
  16. Sean Mooney

    The state of the Presidential race

    I'm sure you or one of your dopey friends here could start 12 threads about it
  17. Sean Mooney

    The state of the Presidential race

    You would've never been interested in me....I'm not a tranny.
  18. Sean Mooney

    The state of the Presidential race

    Eternal Dummy's lube for him and his inflatable girlfriend: https://m.media-amazon.com/images/I/81siyBjQlIL.jpg
  19. Sean Mooney

    The state of the Presidential race

    A life outside of being a sh!t stirring loser on a fantasy football message board.....so yes- I've got more than you. Run back to your Little Debbie snack cakes and type some more nonsense
  20. Sean Mooney

    Trump's Cognitive Decline

    Lots of excusing Trump here I see.
  21. Sean Mooney

    The state of the Presidential race

    Did you inflate your wife before you talked to her or do you just leave her inflated the whole time at this point? And the kids in the picture frame on the desk next to you are just a stock photo that came with the frame man. No amount of pretending they are family makes it so.
  22. Sean Mooney

    Trump to eliminate taxes on tips

    I didn't disparage it. I literally said I don't care one way or the other. Again- I was mocking that some people are okay with this pandering but cry about others.
  23. Sean Mooney

    Trump to eliminate taxes on tips

    Just as funny as MAGA drones who say are the most centrist posters here.... I don't care if tips get taxed or not...I just wanted to mock the whole idea that pandering for votes was okay now.
  24. Sean Mooney

    Trump to eliminate taxes on tips

    So in Nevada (a battleground state) Trump stood in front of a group of people and said "I want to eliminate taxes on tips" and people cheered. Gee- I wonder if there is any city, perhaps in the Western US, perhaps even...oh let's say- in Nevada- that would cheer such a campaign promise that almost assuredly is empty? What do we call that- you know when people want votes so they say something they don't plan on actually doing in order to get votes? Pander...something? And we are against that right? Is it good now since like 12pm Pacific time yesterday? Does it have a window where it isn't good anymore to do that?
  25. Sean Mooney

    The state of the Presidential race

    It doesn't matter...Even if it is low it is still higher than than the chance you've ever seen a woman naked in person.