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Sean Mooney

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Everything posted by Sean Mooney

  1. Saw this article today and it's an interesting read. Important to note- Trump's team seemingly has nothing to do with this (I'll highlight that line in the article as well)...but it does speak to the problems and issues that are arising, and will continue to fester, with AI and false information online: The rest of the article can be found here: https://www.cnn.com/2024/08/28/europe/fake-maga-accounts-x-european-influencers-intl-cmd/index.html
  2. Sean Mooney

    Venezuela gangs take over parts of Aurora

    "Black social media"
  3. There's a Little Debbie eater's union? No one believes anything you say about yourself you lying sack
  4. Sean Mooney

    is timschoschet at war with the entire geek club?

    Justin got caught up in the nuclear war he was constantly predicting
  5. Don't forget- they were just taking pictures according to MAGA weirdos
  6. I would hope if the person at the head accepts it that trickles down.....but I could see that latter part not being the case. Could get potentially ugly considering there is a strong chance the Democrats lose control of everything
  7. It certainly seems to be going that way. It will be interesting to see what happens if/when Kamala loses. Will she accept the results and move on or will she declare it was stolen? I think we all know what path Trump will take if/when he loses
  8. HT hates unions. He was told to hate them and they are wrecking the country according to his masters.
  9. 1.) Pence is a large reason why Trump won the first time around. 2.) Trump brought new trash into the DC cesspool. He didn't drain the swamp, he extended it. 3.) Trump puts himself first. Then, Now, Forever.
  10. Whether Trump wins or loses- you will still be a nothing happening dipshit
  11. Sean Mooney

    European Influencers Being Used to Try to Swing Election

    No one was talking to you. Did your autism kick in again or did you feel you needed to draw attention to yourself there you whiny baby?
  12. Sean Mooney

    European Influencers Being Used to Try to Swing Election

    Firstly- thank you for the civil response instead of turning it into partisan nonsense like some others did. Second- I don't think it is anyone in particular who is doing it. I think they are just people who see the ability to drive content and clicks for themselves and are basically engagement farming. In some cases too I think it is people just trying to steal information from people. Not necessarily for identity purposes but to just have the ability to essentially take over people's accounts and drive content towards them. The article also posits it could be state actors from different countries and I suppose that could be an issue as well. Lastly- yeah the grammar stuff is weird. It's as if the system is putting in these random breaks to beat tracking software or prevent something from being tagged as "AI." As a mild example- in some of the community groups on Facebook I'm a part of there are 4 times a day people putting up things that say "Hello community, times are tough and my business is in danger of closing. I do vent cleanings....40% discount...." but vents is almost always spelled wrong. Usually with a weird apostrophe somewhere in there. I think it helps them beat the guidelines and everything but it is clearly a scam of people making fake profiles of someone to put that through. And it becomes an issue because Facebook won't flag those things and then they perpetuate. I do think all the social media companies should be drug into Congress again and be interrogated over some of this because they have not figured out a way to beat it all yet and it doesn't seem like they are working on it as they are solely focused on user counts and perpetuating their agendas either intentionally or unintentionally.
  13. Sean Mooney

    Ignore List

    I assumed Blue horseshoe was MAximum Overkill who has a similar style and has posted like one thousand times a month since December. I'm assuming the dude has no life outside of finding tranny threads on Twitter to hate jerkoff too.
  14. Sean Mooney

    European Influencers Being Used to Try to Swing Election

    Coming from the guy who freaks out when someone makes a comment to them that might be taken offensively that is ironic.
  15. Sean Mooney

    European Influencers Being Used to Try to Swing Election

    I never said Democrats weren't doing things like this. You have an article that shows it that I can comment on I will gladly point that out as well. I don't pick sides- I will call out both parties.
  16. Did your brain break here? And again- you mean that conversation we had where we pm'd one another back and forth for a few days?
  17. No one THINKS it....we know you are dull. My guess is you get a lot of coloring books for holidays
  18. Sean Mooney

    European Influencers Being Used to Try to Swing Election

    You could post that story. I posted the one I read today. I didn't say "It's only one side doing this...." Why do you people immediately have to play whatabout?
  19. What the hell are you talking about? Who said anything about a "think tank"?
  20. I mean the article is just the writer laying out what is in the Penn Wharton Budget Model. So it is just laying out facts and pretty devoid of opinion of any kind.
  21. The American Mind (a publication of the very conservative Claremont Institute) had an interesting article about the view of this election. It touches on the 5 main topics at play in this election which are: inflation, immigration, crime, abortion, and world affairs (it says 4 of 5 favor Trump. I'd say 1 clearly favors him, 1 does not, the other 3 vary depending on how you want to interpret data or view the scenarios). But with so much favoring Trump you'd think he would walk- but he is an historically disliked President. "exit polling from the 2022 midterms found that 28% of voters cast their House vote to “oppose” Trump, who was no longer even in office and wasn’t yet a declared presidential candidate. That opposition to Trump was enough to negate seven-eighths of the anti-Biden vote. Similarly, in polling conducted about a year ago, independent voters were asked, “Who are you hoping will NOT be nominated by either party for president?” Thirty-nine percent listed Trump as the person they most hoped wouldn’t be nominated, surpassing even the 37% who listed Biden." So to them this becomes an issues-vs-intangibles election. How do voters view Harris- is she a next in line or new blood candidate? Over the past 30 years, next-in-line nominees—those who were the runner-up during their party’s previous open nomination process (one not featuring an incumbent president of that party) or else had served as vice president—have notched one win and five losses (a .167 winning percentage), winning an average of 41% of the electoral vote. Over that same span, new-blood candidates—George W. Bush in 2000, John Kerry in 2004, Barack Obama in 2008, and Donald Trump in 2016—have posted three wins and one loss (.750) and have won an average of 56% of the electoral vote.
  22. People are not communists and fascists....that is a dumb scare tactic people use when they aren't serious about having a real conversation.
  23. The latest Cook Political Report has North Carolina moving to a "Toss Up" from "Leans Republican." Barack Obama, the 1st time running, was the last Democrat to win that state. RCP has it at Trump +.9- well within the margin of error. I'm not going to assume she wins that state because it would be a fool's bet at this point. If she does however, then you are looking at a map that expands a lot of possibilities for Kamala to win the Presidency- - Win NC, and hold WI, MI, PA you win pretty comfortably by a pretty similar margin to 2020. - Win NC, Hold Georgia, it allows you to lose one of the Rust Belt states and still win the Presidency- even losing Arizona and Nevada. (In some scenarios you could lose 2 Rust Belt states and carry the win - Win NC, HOLD Georgia, keep Arizona and Nevada and it allows you to lose the Rust Belt states completely and still win the Presidency - Not to mention the chaos scenarios where winning NC and the right combination of other wins and losses could lead to the 269-269 tie. But in some scenarios winning NC could give you some wiggle room outs if one of the Rust Belt states falls away from you.
  24. No one believes you were a cop either. You can stop now.
  25. Which is dumb policy to enact from here and it's dumb policy when Trump says it as well. Honestly- neither one has really advanced an adult economic plan yet. It's all political posturing nonsense