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Sean Mooney

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Sean Mooney last won the day on December 6 2024

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About Sean Mooney

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    FF Geek

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  1. Sean Mooney

    Joseph - The Ultimate Cuck

    You dummies always jump to one extreme to try and prove your point.
  2. Sean Mooney

    Discussion of Concerns for Trump Presidency

    It was most definitely a Redners. It was also most definitely Oz completely out of touch with the common person. There were so many things he said in that video that were ridiculous it is no wonder he lost.
  3. Sean Mooney

    Discussion of Concerns for Trump Presidency

    This whole idea of an investment in AI technology on the surface seems fine, but it is going to mess with jobs in a bad way. I also love the idea that a company with 30 billion in cash on hand is going to invest 100 billion dollars. There is a lot of things that need to hit right for that to happen.
  4. Sean Mooney

    Joseph - The Ultimate Cuck

    My favorite part was Jerry getting mad because I said "some jackasses" of 1.9 billion worldwide. His response was to say 39% of one area that has 2 million members of the religious persuasion is evidence it isn't "some jackasses"
  5. Sean Mooney

    Joseph - The Ultimate Cuck

    Exactly. This is the point I made and Jerry whacked out over it. Again- if you judge any group by the most extreme position holders in that group you are wiping out large swaths of people.
  6. Sean Mooney

    Joseph - The Ultimate Cuck

    I jumped in on you decrying the entire of the Islam faith and saying it wasn't valuable to humankind. Maybe you didn't get that far yet in your thread reboot? You seem to do this a lot. You make one statement, and then you argue a bunch of things around it and when you get called on it you say "You didn't read my first post...focus on that and not the inane posts I gave later." It's also clear you obfuscate the point about this stuff. As to the rape and sexaul assualt thing: From Deuteronomy chapter 22, verses 13-29: Clearly some of this is not good. But the important passage is in bold. If a woman is raped outside the city she is protected from punishment because it was obvious she didn't consent and no one would have been able to save her. If it happens in the city though she should be stoned to death with her attacker if she doesn't cry out. Now theologically people would argue that the verses are telling people the consequences so they never get to letting these actions happening- but you could also see how someone would misinterpret the verses and act upon them in those times. Even today there are people who would argue a person is unclean if they are sexually assaulted. Additionally, newer schools of Christian thought would argue the story in John 8 reflects a reconsideration of these rules, but there are denominations of the Christian and Catholic faiths that don't really follow the New testament so they wouldn't recognize them. As to gay marriage: The Bible has plenty of passages that go about gay marriage and I'm sure you know them because they are debated as to what they are saying at all times. There are people who take those verses very seriously and will shun or scorn gay people because of them and will fight against gay rights because of those passages. Again- people who pervert the word of God for their own purposes. But even still- I don't think anyone is saying we should dismiss the entirety of the religion because of some backwards beliefs or thinking. That's the point. You made the claim that Islam is not useful to humankind. In that discussion you said "Here are their thoughts on this and that." I asked you to look at all religions and you refused. Again- it's because you know the answer. You just want to stay boxed into your way of thinking.
  7. Sean Mooney

    Another School Shooting

    It's probably like the end of Elf with all the people singing in the park. Someone isn't giving enough thoughts and prayers. If we find them and convince them to do it we can probably stop this thing. He's a drooling idiot
  8. Sean Mooney

    Joseph - The Ultimate Cuck

    Full on- "Feet don't fail me now" moment
  9. Sean Mooney

    Mass-Murderer Fauci set to Receive Pardon

    He's an ophthalmologist.
  10. Sean Mooney

    Joseph - The Ultimate Cuck

    "Guys- just read my first post and ignore everything else I said..."
  11. Sean Mooney

    Joseph - The Ultimate Cuck

    Don't tell Jerry he can't paint with a wide brush.....
  12. Sean Mooney

    Joseph - The Ultimate Cuck

    I get it- you don't want to see the reality of religion that runs counter to what you want to believe. We don't stone you- but we will shun you and not acknowledge your marriage and discourage Christians from supporting it.
  13. Sean Mooney

    Joseph - The Ultimate Cuck

    Now do all the other religions. Also, lots of Christians denounce gay weddings as an affront to God. So by your logic all Christians are against gay marriage
  14. Sean Mooney

    Joseph - The Ultimate Cuck

    You didn't address my questions so you keep deflecting from them.
  15. Maximum Overkill weepaws peefoam (and his various aliases)