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Sean Mooney

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Everything posted by Sean Mooney

  1. Sean Mooney

    Lincoln Logs

    "What utilit99 sucked out of his boyfriend last night"
  2. Sean Mooney

    Child Tax “Credit”

    But we aren't going to say tough s#%* you didn't fill out the paperwork required to opt out?
  3. Sean Mooney

    Child Tax “Credit”

    You're an idiot.
  4. Sean Mooney

    Child Tax “Credit”

    What the hell are you talking about? Pull your head out of your own a$$
  5. Sean Mooney

    The left wants Joe Rogan off Spotify

    Very few to none. All of news has become political theater for people. And the majority of people just watch what supports their side so they can be "right."
  6. Sean Mooney

    Child Tax “Credit”

    Ok cool. And like I said- I think the only way you pay it back is if you got more than you should have. Case in point- on your 2020 tax returns you have 3 kids listed and thus got 3 kids worth of money. But in 2021 your one child aged out of that bracket and so technically you only had 2 children you should have received the tax credit for. In that case you are paying back in because you got more than you were owed.
  7. Sean Mooney

    Child Tax “Credit”

    Again- I'm not going to excuse laziness from people.
  8. Sean Mooney

    Child Tax “Credit”

    But you had the option...if you didn't and now you are upset about having to pay money back (not saying the OP is)...well that's just silly and people are upset because their laziness isn't being rewarded
  9. Sean Mooney

    Child Tax “Credit”

    You had the ability to opt out. The letters in the summer indicated that. Plus you only have to pay back if what you got from your child tax credit exceeded what you should have got. If you did not get back as much as you should have you still get that at tax time.
  10. Sean Mooney

    Vaccine mandate blocked

    That just isn't true. I know your echo chamber tells you it is but it isn't
  11. Sean Mooney

    Vaccine mandate blocked

    The flu shot is referred to as a shot because the primary method of delivering it is an injection under the skin. There is a nasal mist one as well. Covid is referred to as a vaccine because of the process of what it does in your system to fight the disease. Read some books people.
  12. Sean Mooney

    Bare Shelves Biden

    Utilit99 is an idiot who thinks political parties are like rooting for the Ravens or Steelers. I wasn't a fan of Trump but I didn't hope he failed...I mean geez. People who do want the President to fail are dumb
  13. Sean Mooney

    The latest conservative cure for Covid

    He would've just pulled on your crank like a soft serve ice cream machine
  14. Sean Mooney

    The latest conservative cure for Covid

    Sucks you had to spend the money to send it. Utilit99 would've met you for free to eat it.
  15. Sean Mooney

    Bare Shelves Biden

    Lumber prices dropped like 6 months ago.
  16. Sean Mooney

    Why would anyone become a teacher now?

    Ah..it is probably something similar to what we do here called the PAYS survey (Pennsylvania Youth Survey). They keep it anonymous to try to get students to answer openly and honestly but it doesn't work. Even the student's responses are anonymous as we don't see who said what. On the survey itself, from their website- First, the results provide school administrators, state agency directors, legislators and others with critical information concerning the changes in patterns of the use and abuse of these harmful substances and behaviors. Second, the survey assesses risk factors that are related to these behaviors and the protective factors that help guard against them. This information allows community leaders to direct prevention resources to areas where they are likely to have the greatest impact. A handful of people opt out. I would say just opt out.
  17. Do you not know the answers to these questions? AOC is an ineffective leader from NYC who means d!ck all to anyone outside of that district.
  18. Sean Mooney

    Why would anyone become a teacher now?

    Put down the pipe.
  19. Sean Mooney

    Why would anyone become a teacher now?

    What lesson plan do you know that has hate rhetoric in it?
  20. Sean Mooney

    Why would anyone become a teacher now?

    1.) Some students are not served well by the public education system. A lot of that is because of governmental overreach with years upon years of bad policy designed to equalize education. I mean at one point there was policy based on 100% of students showing proficiency in a topic. How would that ever work? But additionally, some special education students benefit more from smaller class sizes and smaller student to teacher ratios. Charter schools and things like that offer that. A more personalized approach to education. There is a belief that if we do that it will solve all the ills of the educational system and it won't. It will help some things, but also exacerbate some issues and create new ones. I worked in a cyber charter before I moved to a traditional public school. I see the value in them for some students and I don't begrudge them. However, I've also seen the waste in them. I also know that people thinking it would be free of political ties are fooling themselves. We regularly got e-mails to out teacher accounts from our CEO spinning bills in PA senate and telling us why we should support Bill ABC and how we should reach out to our local politicians. Charter schools are essentially businesses that happen to be schools. 2.) I wouldn't think so. The district I work in regularly includes reports on these type of surveys on their website for the community and it does help us try to direct resources towards specific issues. Additionally there are SAP (Student Assistance Protocol) teams in the district to help remove barriers to learning like alcohol, drugs, problems at home, etc. My guess is if it isn't tucked away on the community portion of the website somewhere it is available at a school board meeting or by requesting the information from the district. I would also say, in some cases I don't know how valid some survey results are, because most kids to not take them seriously. 3.) Equity in student outcomes is another case for me where I differ a little in what I believe versus what is projected. I get the theory of it all. We are asked to meet students at their ability level. So in some respects I create culminating assignments for students where it tests different ways of thinking. Some students are more mathematical in nature so I give them something to do that ties into that. Some are more musical so here is an assignment that ties into that. As long as I am assessing the same skill (I teach HS English) I think it works because comprehension and analysis is a basic skill that can be assessed in multiple manners. Where I differ some from others is that people want every single student to be given a personalized assignment and we should just let students do what they want and they make snappy sayings like "If , and we get told dumb things like "Failure is not an option." Well no, failure is an option. Students need to know you can fail in life and rebound from it. Students are living breathing human beings with different variables for many different reasons- defined success is different and grades are a portion of that
  21. Do you live in her district? Why do you think she matters more than she actually does?
  22. Sean Mooney

    Why would anyone become a teacher now?

    So much BS here
  23. Sean Mooney

    Why would anyone become a teacher now?

    I will answer them honestly but first one question on #3 before I respond. In what respect do you mean "equity?" Are we talking equity in funding, education, or in subject matter stuff i.e. race issues?
  24. Sean Mooney

    Why would anyone become a teacher now?

    So you can't comment on the facts I see? People want paradise scenarios without recognizing that paradise doesn't exist