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Sean Mooney

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Everything posted by Sean Mooney

  1. Sean Mooney

    Why would anyone become a teacher now?

    As I said a few months ago- there are people that do this because they've conflated CRT with anything racist. They do exist and they are crazy. It's not all but it is some.
  2. Sean Mooney

    Why would anyone become a teacher now?

    Who is teaching race in every subject? How is it affecting grading and the like?
  3. Sean Mooney

    Why would anyone become a teacher now?

    Maybe in Colorado it is slightly different but the school funding is not a set number here when it comes to funding money outwardly. Case in point for charter schools. If a student chooses to leave Public School A and their expenditure per pupil is (10,000) that money is given by the home district to the charter school essentially outsourcing their education. If a student chooses to leave Public School B and their expenditure per pupil is (13,000) that money is given by the home district to the charter school essentially outsourcing their education. The obvious issues are- why does the charter school not have a number attached to it? In many cases those schools are one building of a significantly less portion of kids. A specialized high school might have one building with 4 grades and 400 kids. Their number per pupil is most assuredly not 10,000 and certainly not 13,000. Furthermore, if they take in special education students they can the 10,000 (or 13,000) number plus a bonus on top. So in some cases the home district is being hamstrung by the lack of funding transparency. Additionally, because so many charter schools take on lower educated students, and those in need of more resources, they take more money in Title I funding and everything. What basics do you think are not being taught? You glibly responded with "schools should just go back to teaching the basics." What do you think is not being taught? And I'm asking the American Literature question because books get questioned all the time for content. How are you policing that and how is that any different than how it is already policed?
  4. Sean Mooney

    Why would anyone become a teacher now?

    And again- both sides will abuse this. Pretending like it will just be a one sided issue is dumb
  5. Sean Mooney

    Why would anyone become a teacher now?

    These were simple, non Gotcha questions. I'm saying what are the basics you think are not being taught? Give a list of American Literature novels you think should be taught.
  6. Sean Mooney

    Why would anyone become a teacher now?

    Because that number is not consistent from one school to the next. One school it might cost 10,000 per student, another one might cost 15,000. Are you making up that difference somewhere. Again- it isn't a 1:1 comparison you are trying to make.
  7. Sean Mooney

    Why would anyone become a teacher now?

    What schools do you think are not teaching the basics? Do you have a set list of books you want to teach in say American Literature?
  8. Sean Mooney

    Why would anyone become a teacher now?

    Again- if people pretend like it is just liberals or just conservatives doing this they are just fooling themselves
  9. Sean Mooney

    Why would anyone become a teacher now?

    What is the number you want to assign per student? Is it a set number or is it moving based off of multiple factors? Schools get their money based off of how much it costs them to educate one student (as you said)
  10. Sean Mooney

    Why would anyone become a teacher now?

    Problem is this movement is funded and organized by very politically motivated groups..They will continually push to enable parents to get involved. Also, how does a school handle it when one kid in the class has one set of rules and another kid has another when it comes to content?
  11. Sean Mooney

    Why would anyone become a teacher now?

    There are a lot of factors that would have to be figured out. How is bussing working to places? Is there a limit to how far people can go? For example, can a person go to a school an hour away because it is the closest "good" school to them. Also, are they going to provide funding for people to close financial gaps? I mean a poor family is still not necessarily going to be able to send their kid to some high priced school so they are not changing their scenario any. And in some respects parents do have choice in a lot of areas in that they can put their kids in a charter or cyber school that operates as a public school and uses public dollars from school taxes.
  12. Sean Mooney

    Why would anyone become a teacher now?

    See this is why I tried to even stop engaging with him. He doesn't argue in good faith, and is just coming from such an uninformed POV it isn't even worth entertaining. I mean he is outright telling you he wouldn't bring it up which of course underscores he isn't willing to have a discussion of bad faith policies.
  13. Sean Mooney

    Why would anyone become a teacher now?

    Culture is part of the issue in some areas, and some of that is outside of the teacher's hands. It's unfortunate because as time has progressed what we are asking of schools is getting greater while the support is shrinking. My only problem with charter schools- or the voucher system as it is laid out- is that it won't solve those cultural issues. It will create different ones and just shift problems to other areas. Which again is why I said in theory it looks good but the practice or execution doesn't work.
  14. Sean Mooney

    Why would anyone become a teacher now?

    He doesn't know any teachers either and he didn't work in a school. Probably isn't allowed within 100 feet of one. And yes- there are problems with the education system but the things people think are problems are not, and they distract from very legitimate issues that need to, and should, be addressed
  15. Don't you have some more nonsense to go make up and post in other threads?
  16. Hey dummy- I said I didn't like it when people said it about Trump either. What is your mental disfunction that you can't gather that.
  17. Sean Mooney

    Why would anyone become a teacher now?

    It's clear he knows nothing. People like him expose that they have a very limited worldview- colored by manipulated information- the more they talk.
  18. What is with you dopes and timelines? I didn't post in this particular section of the board until a few months ago and wasn't posting in this section in October of 2020. I'm telling you now it's not okay. For me personally, while I'm not a fan of Donald Trump I wouldn't wish him dead...he has grandkids and children and all that. And yet again- I'm not a lib and AOC means less than nothing to me.
  19. Sean Mooney

    Why would anyone become a teacher now?

    He doesn't know any teachers. He is just spewing nonsense and calling it fact.
  20. Do I have to go to a "lib news site" to say I don't think anyone should be wishing death on people?
  21. Again- it's okay to say we should not be wishing death on anyone- be them Trump or AOC. Why is this such a hard concept? Being a good person is not unique to one side or the other.
  22. Uh huh...people wishing death on her is cool I guess.
  23. Sean Mooney

    Why would anyone become a teacher now?

    So much heresy and whisper down the lane information being passed off as fact. And guys you are arguing with hardcore troubadour who is a babbling idiot. Do like I do and just ignore everything he posts and don't engage with him