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Sean Mooney

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Everything posted by Sean Mooney

  1. Sean Mooney

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    Pretending like the dopey left have the market cornered on being snowflakes is silly. The Dixie Chicks got pulled from country music stations, "Freedom Fries", people were burning Nikes, boycotting Target, Beyonce, the movie The Hunt, NASCAR, videos of smashing Keurigs, throwing away Gillette razors. Plenty of whiny snowflake garbage from the right too. People on the left and right are too sensitive.
  2. Sean Mooney

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Here is what schools come down to: We learned in the spring of 2020 and in the school year of 2021 that online learning does not really work for a vast majority of kids. Some kids excel but they need to be super motivated and self-starting and far too many kids are not like that. Also, many people who were fake concerned about things were saying stuff like "Kids are suffering socially and mentally and depression and suicide numbers are skyrocketing." I say fake concerned because those things have been major problems for a while and are still problems yet no one seems to care all that much anymore. So the choices are: We leave kids unmasked, and COVID cases spread in schools and we end up probably being shut down for a long period of time again or kids mask up and we stay in person. So what do you value more? Me personally- I'd rather wear a mask until I retire if it means kids will be in person learning.
  3. Sean Mooney

    Was AxeElf Right?

    Stay tuned throughout the year for more developments.....
  4. Sean Mooney

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Correlation does not equal causation and what is that dude's background.
  5. Sean Mooney

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Oh man...let's play a game to see who doesn't understand sample size around here now.
  6. Sean Mooney

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    Where did I say anything about supporting Romney? Also, why does everyone need a label right away? Just because I said I might have voted for Kasich all of a sudden I am a neocon. A few weeks ago I was a socialist. Trump was a citizen in 2003. I don't give a damn what his opinion was on the Iraq Invasion. But as to what you said: Well that certainly doesn't sound like opposing it. That doesn't either. That doesn't work either. He did express some regret like 3 weeks in which is easy to do once you know some effects of it all. So this is another mistruth of the Trump regime people are buying.
  7. Sean Mooney

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    What was I wrong on? Be specific. What claim did I make that was wrong? It shouldn't be that hard.
  8. Sean Mooney

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    See- you got caught again so you lash out. Loser. Oh but hardcore dummy does. Can't you see. Of the 2020 candidates- well I had no preference to either side in that. I did say that Democrats best bet to beat Trump was Biden because Bernie and Warren were way too left. Bloomberg is too wishy washy and bouncing back and forth between parties make him just look like an opportunist. But I certainly didn't think people were going to vote for another dude from New York to defeat the current guy from New York. Klobuchar was okay as a candidate but had zero chance of winning. Same with Pete- plus still probably a lot of people who wouldn't have voted for him on account of him being gay. And Gabbard had no chance of winning. As far as the 2016 Republican candidates- I guess I probably would've voted for Kasich. But I definitely knew Trump was going to win the nod and probably the whole thing. Some of the funniest moments I had during 2016 was laughing at people thinking Trump wouldn't win. I remember at work when Romney spoke out against Trump some person at lunch said "I'm glad Romney finally spoke up to bring some sanity." I laughed out loud and said "You think anyone voting for Trump gives a damn what Mitt Romney says?" I laughed at a lot of people who thought he wouldn't win. He isn't a political guy on the surface (although he clearly was and he did more to muddy the swamp of DC than clean it) and he is a quasi-celebrity.
  9. Sean Mooney

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Prove what I said is wrong. And what you call a deflection is just your inability to accept the truth. And insults are what are warranted when I am insulted.
  10. Sean Mooney

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    You like the Kool-Aid you are given. I get it.
  11. Sean Mooney

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    You said Obama didn't have the balls to be a radical he lets Biden take the hits which implies Biden is the radical because you didn't say anything about his appointments in that post. Talk about you having signs of being an idiot.
  12. Sean Mooney

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    And Fauci is laughing about the stupid thing Cruz said. The guy on Twitter thinks it is suspicious and he is peddling far left conspiracies. That is idiotic and something a person who falls far right and more opinion would believe.
  13. Sean Mooney

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    We've had this discussion on here. You guys believe everything you read too much. The person who said that on Twitter is projecting what they want to believe onto the clip and it is idiotic. And it is because they are commonly recognized as being far right and a place that is far more opinion than fact. Fauci clearly sees Cruz's comment for the stupidity it entails.
  14. Sean Mooney

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    I'm not. And I'm not a Biden fan but you are divorced from reality if you think Biden is a radical.
  15. Sean Mooney

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    Biden is a radical? :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:
  16. Sean Mooney

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Yes the editor of the far right and mostly opinion National Pulse is the guy we should listen to instead.
  17. Sean Mooney

    DOW down over 1,000 due to new COVID variant

    Politicians are hypocrites?!?! NEWS AT 11
  18. Sean Mooney

    Lubbock TX shooting

    It's murder. Geez. Also, yeah the guy swung him around but he didn't move or advance on him. A lunatic fired a gun at his feet and he spun him away from him as opposed to actually trying to wrestle the gun from him. Also the link from Amy on Twitter that was posted earlier seems to indicate the guy with the gun is not going to have legal standing here for self-defense anyway.
  19. Sean Mooney

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    So you've not read anything legitimate study wise? Also- post some stories about people who drank a lethal amount of water
  20. Sean Mooney

    Car drives through Christmas parade in WI

    I'm not the judge and I don't work for the system. Go ask them.
  21. Sean Mooney

    Car drives through Christmas parade in WI

    New York Post reported it through their research of court records and documents. He was diagnosed at 11. He attempted suicide multiple times by the time he was 12 and was in a mental hospital
  22. Sean Mooney

    Car drives through Christmas parade in WI

    I know it's easy to just take one brush and paint everyone with it, but the world doesn't work that way champ.
  23. Sean Mooney

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Jesus you are stupid. I literally gave you an article that supports my idea that I mentioned that they have been working on this for a long time and the "19" version gave them the specific things to attack. You are just being obtuse at this point because it's easier than being smart I suppose. Yes. I never said it was harmful. It is ineffective mostly though. The pushback is because people are pushing it as a cure for something that it is not a cure of. The pushback is not on taking ivermectin it is on specifically taking ivermectin as some super drug against COVID. This isn't hard to understand.
  24. Sean Mooney

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    You are yet again showing you don't understand the definition of words. Research is- the collecting of information about a particular subject. As part of collecting information I read a bunch of stuff both in studies that are offline and those that are online. I'm lucky that I have family members in the medical community that were able to share studies from medical journals to read for myself. One of them happened to be online to share. It would be hard for me to share offline sources. Sorry you don't understand how message boards online work? But I shared with you part of research I've done and also research you could be doing right now instead of saying "Ivermectin is the cure." or whatever other nonsense the person was purporting that you rushed into defend. So googling is part of research and then finding legitimate sources from that googling is part of research. Again- maybe take some time to read. You need it badly. I wasn't saying he had done personal lab research on ivermectin. I wanted to see what he was reading that was legitimate. You felt the need to tag in on that as well so you can share as well if you see fit.
  25. Sean Mooney

    DOW down over 1,000 due to new COVID variant

    The vaccinated are causing variants? Wow- the lack of ability here to understand science is baffling.