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Fnord last won the day on February 8

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About Fnord

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    FF Geek

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  1. I stated upthread that I don’t have any good answers. Basically no one can be trusted with that power, especially those that would want it.
  2. Fnord

    Downfall of mainstream media

    What're ya gonna do when he loses? Protest? Sky scream more than you already do? Try to bomb some government buildings? Or maybe just jump right into killing some libs? You're a fuking psychopath. Much, MUCH, closer to the brownshirt philosophy than I, but again, too fuking dumb to realize it. And if Trump does somehow win by cheating, you'll defend every fascist, violent, illegal, anti-constitutional thing he does with vim and vigor because you're an easily influenced hate sponge. Seek help.
  3. Fnord

    VP Debate: Vance vs Walz

    I would have guessed he was gargling them with a nice effeminate white wine. Riesling maybe?
  4. Fnord

    VP Debate: Vance vs Walz

    Jer, lemme know if you need a translator. I speak Walz. Also, someone voting for Trump calling out another politician for lying is... well, pathetic is a nice way to put it.
  5. Fnord

    How to respond to catfish attempt.

    Well babe, now you know.
  6. Fnord

    How to respond to catfish attempt.

    Jesus Christ. How did Jerry slip into my DM's?
  7. Fnord

    VP Debate: Vance vs Walz

    That's why I asked if I had it right.
  8. Fnord

    Who here still supports Jan 6 attack?

    Beloved? Cheney should probably be rotting in prison for war crimes and still is the devil, and Pence is still a gonzo Christian nutball. I keep hearing from Republicans that you don't have to like the person to like the policies. This is that.
  9. Kirk and Solomon are both noted right wing agitators with a long history of partisan lies. Instead of believing those two, view the facts from a journalist that has covered the whole story.
  10. Fnord

    Downfall of mainstream media

    You can't even back up the inane shlt you post here daily. It's always a soliloquy of boot licking, elitism, masters and bastards, blah blah blah, and the only one smart enough to see through it is YOU, a 2-bit keyboard warrior clearly not in charge of his own faculties. With the nerve to tell us all what we think while not doing any of your own. When Trump loses you'll probably end up on a FBI watchlist of domestic terrorists because of this delusional BS. It will be deserved.
  11. Unless you count the livestock feces. There is quite a bit of that. Although it's certainly not exclusive to the streets of Des Moines.
  12. Fnord

    VP Debate: Vance vs Walz

    A handful of states, including Arkansas, Louisiana, Mississippi, Tennessee, and Texas, made few or no changes to their voting procedures to promote increased absentee voting. @jerryskids I understand where you're coming from on "ballot shotgunning" and the inherent potential for chicanery. But I cannot help noticing that all of the states you listed other than PA (and in addition to Alaska, which @Horseman mentioned) as not having proper procedures in place to vet the mail-in ballots were all won by Trump, and the results in those states were never contested. Do I have that right?
  13. Fnord

    Downfall of mainstream media

    LOL at these guys. They are so completely encapsulated in little right wing media bubbles that they're oblivious to the reality that the media they consume rates magnitudes higher on BS information dissemination than the outlets they're convinced are ruining the world. This is why they are still convinced Trump won the last election and the DOJ is committing muh LAWFARE despite a total lack of non-circumstantial evidence. Same a-holes that will get violent if Trump loses because your preferred infotainment sources tell you that's impossible without muh FRAUD! For the millionth time, you ARE the problem.
  14. Fnord

    How to respond to catfish attempt.

    Subject matter expert.
  15. They are obsessed with signals of abuse like "show me on the doll where..."