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Engorgeous George

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Everything posted by Engorgeous George

  1. If you plant ice you're gonna harvest wind.
  2. Engorgeous George

    Netanyahu's address to the Joint Session

    A speech neither Biden, Trump, nor Kamala could deliver. Forceful, organized clear, full of moral clarity and conviction. Shame on those who did not attend. They might have learned something. Predictable, of course, those members here who will not have liked it. They should be coming out soon.
  3. Engorgeous George

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    22 years old, hungry from not eating all day, and the brats and beer were free. Basically like a great white stumbling upon a fresh whale carcas. An opportunity not to be missed. Pretty certain I have not had more than two brats in a sitting in 25 years. My grandmother use to make a pickled cabbage and onion thing which was great on brats. Crispy, not like the slimy sauerkraut.
  4. Engorgeous George

    *** 2024 Summer Olympics ***

    I enjoy the rock hard butts on the female athletes.
  5. Engorgeous George

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    So, the low bar election proceeds apace with each side trying to denigrate the other sides candidate, flawed candidates who should never have been put forward. This is what your two-party system and your partisanship behavior has wroght. It was highly predictable. We are a failed experiment at this point. The workshop of liberty has produced an abortion.
  6. Engorgeous George

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    I once ate 14 in an hour. Not a contest, I was just hungry. I like Usinger's with mustard relish and chopped onion. Not a fan of the sauerkraut. They are alright too with the Brewers stadium sauce.
  7. Engorgeous George

    Happening Now! Hamas/Liberal Insurrection

    Its difficult to not be persuaded to thier point of view when they lay out the undisputed facts and cogently develope their arguments like they do.
  8. Engorgeous George

    Netanyahu's address to the Joint Session

    Seldom turns out the way it does in the song.
  9. Engorgeous George

    Netanyahu's address to the Joint Session

    I ain't often right but I've never been wrong.
  10. Engorgeous George

    Guess who is too old to run for President?

    I find his reference stupid. What is more stupid is the take that he thinks Lecter was a real person. It is beyond too forced.
  11. Engorgeous George

    Tell you what--Trump can golf

    Ugly swing, good results. Of course for a man of his age his game is quite extraordinary.
  12. Engorgeous George

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    Old times there are not ...forgotten.
  13. Engorgeous George

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    I saw a picture of her from her first campaign for office in California. She was a pretty good looking younger woman.
  14. Engorgeous George

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    Wait for it, but eventuallyTtrump will stop calling Kamala the Border Czar and he will just shorten it to B Czar.
  15. Engorgeous George

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    Not to mention going to Subway when there are 20 better choices in the vicinity.
  16. Engorgeous George

    Sheila Jackson Lee is Dead

    Pancreatic cancer 74 years old
  17. Engorgeous George

    Who will be the Kamala Harris pick for VP?

    What better way to punish one.
  18. Engorgeous George

    Who will be the Kamala Harris pick for VP?

    200,000 Muslims are pretty much always offended about one thing or another.
  19. Engorgeous George

    Who will be the Kamala Harris pick for VP?

    I am unclear why either man would accept being second fiddle to her having real prospects of their own. I am also unclear on why the Democrats would take somebody from the Senate given the current split in that chamber. Sure in most states the governor gets to appoint a replacement but that process can take some time but with Menendez out and Harrfis on the camopaign trail so maybe unavailable to break tie votes do they really want a Senator out of the cahmber on the campaign trail. Also, parties always put up poison pill votes if they can. Why tie Harris to a poison pill vote Kelly might be forced to make right before the election?
  20. Engorgeous George

    JD Vance

    I am surprised with Vice Presidential candidates like Al Gore, Cheney, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. Too bad the poll did not go back further so we could see the result for Spiro T. Agnew.
  21. Engorgeous George

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    Though the California bar was and i understand is, marginally more difficult to pass the reason for the low pass rate is that California allowed, and still allows to my understanding, persons from unaccredited law schools to take the exam. They lower the pass rate, or at least they use to.
  22. Engorgeous George

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    Was it for Kamala or against Trump. I submit she is simply any democrat and any democrat was going to recieve enthusiastic support.
  23. Engorgeous George

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    She was "networking".