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Engorgeous George

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Everything posted by Engorgeous George

  1. Engorgeous George

    Why are the liberals acting so retarded at this joint address?

    No, the jokes available there were to mistake the kid for Emmanuel Lewis or to riff on republican Presidents liking to give badges out, just like Nixon did with Elvis.
  2. Engorgeous George

    2000 hours of misery

    Did it last year and going for it again. No tobacco, no drugs, no alcohol, no processed food or food prepared by others. 20 hours in and I am feeling as mean as a snake on a hot plate.
  3. Engorgeous George

    2000 hours of misery

    1000 hours in. They just opened a Carl's Jr. nearby and the girls scouts are selling their cookies seemingly every place I go so temptation abounds. Still, so far so good.
  4. Engorgeous George

    Why did the deep state target the liberals as their ally?

    Have they not? Perhaps you are not paying attention. Anyhow, time to put this alias on the shelf along with others of yours. You offer no value so no sense in reading you further.
  5. Engorgeous George

    Trump vs the Judges

    Well the grape Flavor-aid was pretty darn tastey.
  6. Engorgeous George

    Trump vs the Judges

    So long as that is all he waves around.
  7. Engorgeous George

    Here come the tariffs

    That is his raison d'etre.
  8. Engorgeous George

    SB halftime show

    Grammy's define relevance?
  9. Engorgeous George

    "Black National Anthem" performed at Super Bowl

    And another one makes the list.
  10. Engorgeous George

    When you look at the Chicago Bulls emblem upside down

    Raising interesting philosophical questions about robot emotions and motivations.
  11. Engorgeous George

    🚨USAID & CIA behind 2019 Trump Impeachment🚨

    Gave me a smile. I have not heard that one before. I am fairly sure it will slide into my lexicon
  12. Engorgeous George

    🚨USAID & CIA behind 2019 Trump Impeachment🚨

    I believe power corrupts. It makes those who hold it contemptuous of those who do not. The Democrats were very corrupt. The Republicans are undoing that corruption so that they can replace it with corruption of their own. We can see even in this forum those who are cheering on that shift. Though I could not caution all I still might warn a few...
  13. Engorgeous George

    Did Lamar Jackson graduate kindergarten?

    Wow, has it been 7 seasons already? Dude should be in his prime then this past year or so and the next 2 or 3 years or so. Then his running is going to fall off. When that threat is gone there will be no more designated spies and the pass defense against him will get more sophisticated. Will his experience sustain him at that point we shall see.
  14. Engorgeous George

    SB halftime show

    Thank you good Sir.
  15. Engorgeous George

    SB halftime show

    Perhaps you could share which song you are referencing for those of us unfamiliar with his catalog. that way we could look up the lyrics you are referencing.
  16. Engorgeous George

    SB halftime show

    Or a mascot battle royal or cheerleader mud wrestling.
  17. Engorgeous George

    Did Lamar Jackson graduate kindergarten?

    Are successfull runners not just fast but exceptionally good at spacial relationships?
  18. Engorgeous George

    "Black National Anthem" performed at Super Bowl

  19. Engorgeous George

    SB halftime show

    Can't speak for others, but I have not.
  20. Engorgeous George

    SB halftime show

    I'm listening to vinyl from 50+ years ago.
  21. Engorgeous George

    "Black National Anthem" performed at Super Bowl

    Have you always been slow or are you experiencing decline just recently?
  22. Engorgeous George

    "Black National Anthem" performed at Super Bowl

    He played it at all of his rallys. Or maybe I misunderstand. is YMCA not the Queer anthem? is it Karma Chameleon? Or something by Queen, Mellssa Etheridge, or the Indigo Girls? I like this one:
  23. Engorgeous George

    Elon musk access to the treasury

    Again, untrue. It is what a majority in a plurality voted for. As for me, I am not a cry in the pillow sort of fellow.