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Ultra Max Power

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Ultra Max Power last won the day on June 16 2023

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About Ultra Max Power

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    FF Geek

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  1. Ultra Max Power

    Renting V Owning

    Rent gouging is a byproduct of Bidenomics. Everything the landlord provides and covers has gone up 15-20%, so the rent naturally does as well.
  2. Ultra Max Power

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    Surely there are studies out there backing this up right?
  3. Ultra Max Power

    Tennessee City Has Banned Being Gay In Public

    acts of... in public
  4. Ultra Max Power

    Tennessee City Has Banned Being Gay In Public

    I blame lawyers for this. Probably outdated wording, but the obvious intent was to ban sexual acts in public. Anyone who can't see that has an agenda.
  5. Ultra Max Power

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    The Real Truther is pretty bad at math. If 47% of poll respondents say they know someone who died of covid, that doesn't equate to 155 Million American deaths.
  6. That is sad and scary. T&P. I think the guy in red tried to impede Johnson getting to the net and threw himself at him.
  7. Ultra Max Power

    Mass Shootings Maine

    Then this idea fails at the Federal level because of Mexico gun laws and the lack of border enforcement. Guns are still making into the country and only in the hands of the worst of the worst.
  8. Ultra Max Power

    Womans NBA vrs Boys High school Team

    I think the WNBA team would beat 90% of high school boys teams. A "State championship" caliber team would absolutely smoke a WNBA team.... like Clay said.
  9. Ultra Max Power

    GDP Growth 4.9% In 3rd Quarter

    Wealth inequality is at an all time high. Record poverty. Record credit card debt. Home affordability is the lowest in 40 years. Every one of these continue to trend in the wrong direction under Biden.
  10. Ultra Max Power

    Mass Shootings Maine

    Yeah, but its the same line of thinking of blaming Indiana for Chicago's murder rate. It's never made sense to me.
  11. Ultra Max Power

    Mass Shootings Maine

    Why would you say this?
  12. Ultra Max Power

    Mass Shootings Maine

    no, you're just conflating things. An AR is a model gun that can be chambered in like 10 different calibers. So that is about 10 different levels of "powerful" coming from that weapon alone. Depending what gun you use to shoot each caliber, an AR may be more powerful for some and less powerful than others.
  13. Ultra Max Power

    Mass Shootings Maine

    An AR is a model, 22 and 9 are calibers.
  14. Ultra Max Power

    New office employee rants about working 9 to 5

    Yeah silly me. A 40 hour workweek is basically the new black lung.
  15. Ultra Max Power

    New office employee rants about working 9 to 5

    No, your "progress" example was people being phased out of their jobs. Its not good for them.