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Posts posted by BeachGuy23

  1. 8 minutes ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

    Sure, buddy, if that's what you have to say to make yourself feel better.  You got caught lying multiple times and now you're forced to deflect and move the goal posts.

    You tried, but failed once again.  :lol:

    There's a reason no one likes or respects you and you'll just have to live with that.  Maybe the twinks you pick up on your ghey body-building forums can make you feel better.  :lol:

    This self hating, closeted homo makes a gay reference in every reply as he spends his entire day here.

    hur dur do you da aids hur dur…


  2. 1 minute ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

    Stick to your ghey body-building forums cruising for power twinks.

    It was proven without a doubt that you TRIPLE my post count on a daily basis but then want to accuse others of spending all day here?  :lol:

    I think your AiDS has gone to your brain.  Might want to get some treatment for that - maybe you can pick up some more steroids on that ghey forum you post on?  Well, it it is YOUR month to celebrate so someone should be able to help you.

    Aids has gone to your brain?


    You have got to be a 12 year old boy with the doozies you've been coming up with lately.

    You are a poopey head, moron, incel twink.

    Love this for you.

  3. 6 minutes ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

    Sorry, boyo, you're not going to be able to move the goalposts with me.  You got served and now you want to change the parameters in attempt to prove the opposite!  Classic BeachGhey!

    Also, guy who posts on ghey body-building forums accuses others of being a twink.  Even Disney couldn't write a more absurd story!  :lol:

    You're  a member of the Boyosexual Power Twink Twins for god's sakes.  :lol:


    The self hating homo is calling uncle.

    You have 32 pages of posts in May vs 25 for me you fat, incel cuck.  I'd ask you to do the math on the % difference but you're a cultist moron.

    I don't blame you twink.  And maybe get off your fat, incle ass and start working out and you won't need to post on this cesspool all day ever day.

    Pathetic loser.


  4. 2 minutes ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

    I mean, you can't make this up.  BeachGhey admitted posting on ghey body-building online forums cruising for twinks is now accusing someone else of being ghey and uses ghey slurs.  :lol:

    Also, your daily post count DWARFS my post count, but nice try with the revisionist history.  Let me point something out to your limited brain:

    BeachGhey: Joined September 23rd, 2023, which is 258 days from today with a 3,379 post count for an average of 13 posts a day.  And that doesn't even include your 15 other aliases!

    ESaC: Joined August 30th, 2017, which is 2479 days from today with a post count of 13,137 for an average of 5 posts a day.  No aliases.

    So, in case you can't figure it out (which you probably can't because you're as dumb as a box of rocks), you are almost TRIPLING my daily post count.  :lol:

    You've been served you, as usual, and you look like the idiot you are.  Curb-stomping you is so easy it's almost not fun anymore.  :lol:

    Let’s do the last 2 months boyo shall we?

    And why do you keep referring to a bodybuilding forum as gay?  Oh that’s right, you’re an incel twink, that’s why.

  5. 1 hour ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

    Sure you did.  :lol:

    I'm guessing you went out and started arguing with the fish about Trump.  Your mania and hysteria is not something you can control.  You're obsessed and no doubt the fish probably beached themselves to get away from you.  :lol:

    You’ve literally been posting all day every day  month after month.  You’re just a self hating gay who fantasizes about glory holes and dudes.

    What a pathetic life you lead incel homo. 

    • Haha 1

  6. 8 minutes ago, thegeneral said:

    Get the Doc case up before the election. Would love to hear Trump talk about that one.

    The docs case has zero chance with that cultist judge.

    The Jan 6th case is unlikely too if the cultist SCOTUS sends the immunity case back down to a lower court.

    However this case may be enough to show the non-cultist what a true POS Trump and everyone he hires is. 

  7. 1 hour ago, jonmx said:

    The abuse of authoritarian power has to be zero.  Once you accept any abuses by government, it quickly expands to totalitarianism.  All the FISA crap which was approved only to be used against foreign terrorists, are now used thousands of times every day against normal law-abiding citizen.  But you keep bootlicking for those bastards to get more and more power.  It is focking sickening.

    Please tell me what man made societal construct is 100% above board you cultist, CT cuck.

    cot damn you're an idiot...well that goes without saying.

    Your master Trump stole from his own charity and defrauded his cultist followers out of millions.  And you hold him up as the dude to fix the system?


  8. 51 minutes ago, Sean Mooney said:

    Whatever helps you sleep at night jonDem

    Keep trying to play the middle Mr. Zero Imagination.

    jonDem???  LMFAO

    You trying to stay in the middle on this issue just makes you as stupid as the cultist you so desperately want approval from.

    Keep trying and they'll accept you one day boyo...


  9. 4 minutes ago, jonmx said:

    If even 1% of the CTs are true, that makes you a bootlicker.   You fall for the authoritarian tricks of discredited minor details to completely discount what was proven.  CT was a term popularized by the CIA in the 1960's to cover up many of their illegal activities which are now known to be true.   Small-minded cultists such as yourself still fall for such cheap rhetoric and even parrot it.  I pity you for being so focking stupid.  

    Actually boyo, if 1% of the CTs are correct it would show that we normal people are correct in almost every single instance and you low IQ, CT nutjobs who pleasure yourself to fake conspiracies are the pathetic morons we all know you are.

    Good talk Ct nutjob. 

    • Thanks 1

  10. 1 minute ago, Sean Mooney said:

    That was your takeaway?

    But to answer your stupid argument. No. It wasn't real. Never watched it, but Dinesh D'Souza is a criminal loser who couldn't tell the truth if his life depended on it

    Oh, so I'm correct in letting the cultist who bought it hook, line, and sinker like they do all moronic CTs just how stupid they are.

    Good talk boyo. 

  11. Just now, Strike said:

    She's not playing that great.  That's a fact.  Doesn't mean he, or I, don't think she had a good chance of being special long term.  Discussing the FACT that she's not playing great right now isn't some great slight.  Pretty sure she'd agree with that assessment. 

    A 17/5/5/ stat line for a rookie on the worst team in the league with basically zero practice isn't great?


  12. 2 minutes ago, Strike said:

    It's like you didn't read his post lol.

    He posted "she's not playing all that great" after 10 games in her career with a 17/5/5/ stat line.

    She is playing great, she's just not dominating the league completely yet.  

  13. 22 minutes ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

    Taking their cues from the left's Summer of Love and any number of the riots your side has started.  :lol:

    Sorry, pal, you and your girlfriends don't get to cry about "violence" when you've featured it in every riot and protest for the last decade.  You even burned down neighborhoods, looted businesses, assaulted and murdered citizens and taken over city blocks of major cities.  GFY.  🖕


    Which politician did "the left" riot for that bears any resemblance to the cult of Trump's absolute and complete cuckery to the fat, orange turd?

    Is your Trump's head on Rambo's body still in good shape cuck?


  14. 1 hour ago, WhiteWonder said:

    im in the same camp as you. I'm not hoping she flops or declaring her some sort of complete bust. I think I even said she will probably wind up going down as one of the WNBA greats (for what that is worth). 

    but i do think it's reasonable to be critical of her poor performance early on, based on the build up... be that her fault or not. 

    the fact that shes not playing all that great and people are pointing to "fastest rookie in WNBA history to blah blah blah" just speaks to the level of talent in the WNBA and why it shouldn't be that difficult for her to hit the ground running. 

    She's played like 10 games, averaging 17 pts, 5 boards, and 5 assists and people are still calling her out?

    Did you people think she'd step in to the pros and start dominating women 10 years older than her on the worst team in the league?

    I guess you all cut Payton Manning after his rookie season too?


  15. 2 hours ago, HellToupee said:

    As someone who purports to be educated you certainly come across as an imbecile with comments like this

    LOL have you seen the creatures that make up most of Trump's rallies boyo?

    We ain't talking the best and brightest this country has to offer, that's for sure.

    And if you don't think it's the inbred necks who would be the ones to start shooting, then you're quite clearly the imbecile my friend.

  16. 1 minute ago, listen2me 23 said:

    Im just looking for some geeks to take a stab at it.  

    Biden got 80 million votes.  Surly since the Don is a criminal many fence sitters will not vote for him.  

    That leaves Biden as a very easy shoe in to win.  

    What say the Libs?

    Almost anyone but Biden would crush Trump.  But Biden is perhaps the worst candidate of all time this go-round.

    He no longer appeals to the groups he needs to appeal to, he completely botched the messaging of Trumpflation, and he looks ready to keel over at any time.

    I still think Trump will win because his voters will come out and Biden's won't in the numbers he needs. 
