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Patented Phil

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Patented Phil last won the day on July 13

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  1. My sister is very Liberal - annoyingly so. I just talked with her about the Opening Ceremonies to get her take, and her response was “Total shitt show.” She’s very much pro-diversity and pro-LBGTQIA+-!, but said it was way too much and over-the-top. When the Left starts losing someone like my sister, you know the pendulum has swung way too far.
  2. Patented Phil

    France got Akbarred (again)

    Me as well. That platitude is the biggest lie ever told to the American people. Complete horse shitt, and contradicted by thousands of years of human history. Diversity = Discord.
  3. Patented Phil

    The Kamala Cleanup - she was never the border czar??

    She’s an empty suit - a lazy, feckless fraud. That’s why her staff hates her so much, and she’s had 100% turnover since taking office.
  4. Patented Phil

    The Kamala Cleanup - she was never the border czar??

    FWIW, there is no way on God’s green earth that Trump would deport 15 million people. It’s just annoying bluster - red meat for the base. He will do something much more moderate and reasonable - deport the criminals (like Obama did) and seal up the border (like he did quite effectively during his Presidency, mostly through the Remain in Mexico plan). Deep down Trump loves him some cheap labor, like you.
  5. Patented Phil

    The Kamala Cleanup - she was never the border czar??

    You don’t care because you’re a Commie propagandist. Lying and scrubbing history is perfectly acceptable as long as it benefits the higher cause. Just focking wear it already.
  6. Patented Phil

    The Kamala Cleanup - she was never the border czar??

    You really are crazy. I mean - in all seriousness, you have mental illness. This is the most blatant example of msm liberal bias that my focking dog can see it.
  7. Patented Phil

    The Kamala Cleanup - she was never the border czar??

    This is hilarious. You people are focking nuts with the word games. And did you watch video? Every focking Liberal news network that denies she was the border czar, literally called her the border czar.
  8. So FoxNews intercepted the DNC talking points calling for people to deny that Kameltoe was ever appointed border czar. The media received those talking points as well. All at once, all together, they are “correcting the record” and scrubbing history. Problem is, we have the videos where they all called her the border czar. This video is unbelievable. Oh, one more thing… Remember the GovTrack ranking that had Kameltoe as THE MOST LIBERAL Senator? The one that had been posted on their website for 2 years? Yeah, it magically disappeared yesterday. This is on par with the Soviets, North Korea, and Communist China. Disgusting pigs.
  9. Patented Phil

    Happening Now! Hamas/Liberal Insurrection

    Good to see Kameltoe at least condemn yesterday’s despicable protests. The feckless Capitol police of course did nothing but watch these pukes destroy public property and set multiple fires. It’s fine when the Left does it.
  10. As are the numbers of unarmed blacks killed by cops. More people are killed by lightning each year.
  11. Patented Phil

    Hawk Tuah

    I guess I’m in the minority here, but I can’t get enough of this chick. Very rare when a girl is both sexy and funny. Reminds me of Kelly Pickler back in the day.
  12. Patented Phil

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    One can only hope. I’m not sure I could ever hate a President more than Biden. Nothing likeable about the man. Complete pos.
  13. Patented Phil

    ***Official*** Kamala Harris for President thread

    JFC, do you actually hear how you sound? Beta males? Swifties? You exude toxic femininity bro. I bet you don’t even tuck it anymore.
  14. Patented Phil

    Can someone explain this to me?

    Watching CNN panel and Van Jones says, “This was not easy for us (ie - Democrats removing Joe). We are not a cult. We were given new information, and we acted on it to do what was in the best interest of the party and the country.” The Conservative panelist asks, “Yeah but was it REALLY new information?” Van Jones gets animated and swears they had no idea about the extent of Biden’s declining faculties. And you know what? Given his reaction and response, I actually believe him. So my question is this… How the hell did he and most other Democrats NOT see what Conservatives saw so clearly for months if not years? Serious question. Did they really believe that the Fox News videos were doctored and “cheap fakes”? Is it because their Liberal bubble never showed them the months and months of Biden looking, acting, and talking like a dementia patient? Or is it that they were so blinded by their passions that their biases literally overruled their senses? Help me understand this, because it’s kind of scary.
  15. Patented Phil

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    Poor bastard got backed into a corner and was forced to quit. Couldn’t even bow out due to declining health or old age. Just - I couldn’t win so I got ousted. How pathetic.