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Everything posted by TylerRoseFan

  1. TylerRoseFan

    Obama on O'Reilly

    This makes no sense.
  2. TylerRoseFan

    McCain missing key issue against Obama

    I think the senators running for POTUS and whatnot should have to forfeit their salaries while running. Hell, it's not like they are doing their job, why should we pay them?
  3. TylerRoseFan


    Messicans...don't forget he hates the messicans too.
  4. TylerRoseFan


    I hear they have a golf course.....
  5. TylerRoseFan

    Which one would you choose?

    knee injury vs. rookie rookie
  6. TylerRoseFan


    Wiffleball is a great guy. He and Bert drove a long way to deliver a generator to me directly after we got our asses handed to us by hurricane rita. They brought us some Ice Cold Ziegenback beer. We drank it in the McDonald's parking lot in Newton, TX. It was like Heaven. He's earned a permanent thumbs up from me.
  7. TylerRoseFan

    Rate Sara Palin's speach last night

    So, I'm sitting in Rotary at lunch today. We are a pretty conservative group of people. The main topic wasn't the hurricane, but was Palin's speech last night. The point was made that the press jumped on the idea of "how could Palin be focused on family values yet have a prego teenager?" The lady sitting next to me (a small business owner w/ 3 kids netting more cash than gutter claims, 36dd) said "yeah, lets see what the democrats would do...probably take her kicking and screaming to an abortion clinic and kill the unborn child". She then looks up to a gentleman who was introducing himself to several people. He looks at her and says "I'll tell you in just a minute". You see, today a gentleman who happens to be running for congress, John Milkovich, happened to be visiting the Rotary club. He's a democrat. She sunk in her chair and didn't speak again. And then he actually addressed the club on abortion and did a very eloquent job of it.
  8. TylerRoseFan

    Predict the Kansas City Chefs Record in 2008

    5-11 Sep 7 @New England 1:00pm L Sep 14 Oakland 1:00pm W Sep 21 @Atlanta 1:00pm W Sep 28 Denver 1:00pm L Oct 5 @Carolina 1:00pm L Week 6 BYE Oct 19 Tennessee 1:00pm L Oct 26 @N.Y. Jets 1:00pm L Nov 2 Tampa Bay 1:00pm L Nov 9 @San Diego 4:15pm L Nov 16 New Orleans 1:00pm L Nov 23 Buffalo 1:00pm L Nov 30 @Oakland 4:15pm W Dec 7 @Denver 4:05pm L Dec 14 San Diego 1:00pm L Dec 21 Miami 1:00pm W Dec 28 @Cincinnati 1:00pm W
  9. TylerRoseFan

    Why I am voting for __________....

    And then post the results.
  10. TylerRoseFan

    Why I am voting for __________....

    Not only do you hate America, but you're dumb too.
  11. TylerRoseFan

    Rate Sara Palin's speach last night

    A [ 18 ] ** [62.07%] B [ 5 ] ** [17.24%] C [ 0 ] ** [0.00%] D [ 0 ] ** [0.00%] F [ 2 ] ** [6.90%] Ass of Rat [ 4 ] ** [13.79%] I wonder how close that is to the general American public's view?
  12. TylerRoseFan

    What did Obama do...

    Apparently, he organized the community.
  13. TylerRoseFan

    How much would you sell 1 year off your life for?

    $2,386,475.23 give or take.
  14. TylerRoseFan

    Kevin McHale

    Love is going to be a fantastic 6th or 7th man for many years in the NBA. He's not a future star.
  15. TylerRoseFan

    Since we are talking about Movies

    Riding Giants Better Off Dead
  16. Year: 1977 Stadium: Astrodome Teams: Astros v. Reds Setting: Nickle Beer Night or something like that....dad spent like $2 on beer. Johnny Bench comes up to bat. POW!!!!! Line shot coming our way. People diving left and right for the ball. Dad calmly lifts his hand SSSSMMMMAAAACCCCKKKK!!!!!!!!!!! He catches the friggin ball. Hand as red as red could be. He simply hands the ball over to me and grabs his beer. We got a souvenir Honorary Astro Team Member thing also. I took it to school the next day. Later that afternoon we were playing in the street w/ it and it went down the drain....gone forever.
  17. TylerRoseFan

    Focking LSU

    It all worked out.
  18. TylerRoseFan

    Kobe or Micheal debate?

    Pippen was GREAT as a roll player. He was selfish and a follower. His reaction to the play at the end of the game where Kucok's number was called instead of his is a mirror into his soul. Follower...not a leader. One of the greatest support players ever. Terrible leader. For his to be listed as a member of the all nba 50 year team is a farce. That being said: Kobe < Jordan No question about it. Game over.
  19. TylerRoseFan

    Best War Movie of all time

    I get that alot. I just haven't gotten around to it yet. It's hard to find a 3 hour block...when it happens to be on. I don't rent movies. I wait for the luck of the draw.
  20. TylerRoseFan

    Best War Movie of all time

    Loved (i'll watch them every time they're on): Full Metal Jacket, Stripes, LOTR Trilogy, Star Wars, Empire Strikes Back Liked a lot (loved them at first watch, but tend to not watch them when scanning channels): Apocalypse Now, Deer Hunter, Platoon, Saving Private Ryan, Black Hawk Down, Haven't Seen: Schindler's List, Braveheart
  21. TylerRoseFan

    ***Official Lakers vs. Celtics Thread***

    Don't know who WILL win. I do know that I want the Celts to win.
  22. TylerRoseFan

    Forest Gump..

    The scene where he meets Forest Jr is priceless. His reaction and resulting concern over the child's intelligence is brilliant. One of my favorite scenes ever. "He's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen in my whole life."
  23. Digress: Any time one of you say "have to pay child support", it's chicken sh!t. They are your focking kids. You should want to support them. To do it grudgingly is terrible, very terrible.