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TylerRoseFan last won the day on September 9 2020

TylerRoseFan had the most liked content!

Community Reputation

16 Good

About TylerRoseFan

  • Rank
    FF Geek
  • Birthday September 19

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  • Interests
    Travel, outdoors, bbq

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  1. TylerRoseFan

    Hey Guys, What's been going on?

    Just someone who used to frequent this place. It's been a while.
  2. TylerRoseFan

    @ a poster you miss

    Awe man. Miss you too! Hugs and . BRILLIANT!!!!
  3. TylerRoseFan

    Hey Guys, What's been going on?

    I've been out of pocket for quite some time. Any big news here I should know about? Any recommended threads for me to pass the day?
  4. TylerRoseFan

    A message for peenie and those who think like her.

    Man, you gotta HIT that sh!t!
  5. TylerRoseFan

    My cable company cancelled my Redzone

    I didn't bother getting it this year. Just checked, apparently it is free for week 1.
  6. TylerRoseFan

    Well this blows

    Damn, Man. Just now seeing this. Truly sorry to hear. Keep doing what makes you happy. Do the sh!t out of that stuff.
  7. TylerRoseFan

    Racial violence - list all incidents here

    That is absolutely infuriating.
  8. TylerRoseFan

    Texans @ Chiefs: Predictions

    How many focking jump passes is Watson going to throw?
  9. TylerRoseFan

    Back from my suspension

    For what it's worth
  10. TylerRoseFan

    This made me lol...nsfw

    "My son does fat sh*t." Now that's something I can use and apply to many aspects of my life. I like it!
  11. TylerRoseFan

    Hey Ya'll

    Damn, I forgot to add that as well. Thank god I have a Top Golf 10 minutes from the house. We should get together at some point...
  12. TylerRoseFan

    Hey Ya'll

    Not in Houston. My sons got HAMMMERED in Lake Charles and DeRidder. They are both in the LA National Guard and have been activated since the week of the storm. Still no electricity for either, however they are safe.
  13. TylerRoseFan

    Snow here in Colorado

    Sounds like it.
  14. TylerRoseFan

    Hey Ya'll

    Fuckin Sux!
  15. TylerRoseFan

    Hey Ya'll

    Sumbitch!!!! You're right. My bad. 36c. 36d. Natural.