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Posts posted by pipeman

  1. 5 hours ago, kcBlitzkrieg said:

    Nope…but question is, what moves did you make after week 1 when Dobbins, Ekler and Gainwell injured ?  Some big ww names out there in most leagues, 12t and lower…  


    Seven bench spots keeps the waiver pool pretty shallow, but I did pick up Moss last week. I'll be starting two from Mostert, White, Warren, Gainwell and Moss while Ekeler is out. 

  2. 4 hours ago, rilett said:

    Not sure where you are playing. In the FFPC where I play his ADP is 1.7 I’m in 12 leagues and the lowest he was drafted was 1.8 


    My Fantasy League- 23. ESPN-33. Fantasy Data-34. Draft Sharks-34. Fan Trax-40. FF Today-33. NFFC- 39.

    Any of these sound familiar?


  3. 6 hours ago, rilett said:

    I thought he looked really good as well. I don’t have him on any of my teams, not really by choice, it just worked our that way. It’s a risk when you don’t know what his role will be until they play the games. Same situation as Robinson except you’re spending a 1st round pick on a player without knowing what his role will be. Paterson and Allgeier have been productive and have earned a role in this offense. I can’t really blame anyone for taking the chance, the upside is hard to ignor.




    1st round? Haven’t seen that happen in any draft, real or mock. His ADP was mid-3rd when most drafted.

  4. 3 minutes ago, gcmmidwest said:

    Has Anybody here but me seen AxeElf's real life photo,? Back in like 2005 when almost everybody here used his photo as there avatar...it was epic 

    Yeah, he used to use both an angry Indian looking photo of himself, as well as a Glamour Shots photo of his wife. Can’t remember which site it was, but someone posted a bunch of his personal stuff on a forum board. He’s beloved everywhere he goes.

  5. I pondered this last year when it happened, and I know it's going to happen again this year...

    Even though 8 of 12 teams are out in our redraft league, ESPN allows for these teams to still put in for waiver claims. The site lists them as "playing" an opponent, but the results of these matchups mean nothing. Because the claim list is worst to first, this allows for any of these owners to block the remaining four playoff teams from the couple of waiver gems that typically surface this time of year. I 100% guarantee that, come tomorrow morning, at least one of these teams will have made a roster move. When it happened last year, the owner who did it told me that he was purposely screwing with the playoff teams. He said he was "playing 'til the final whistle", and was unapologetic for his actions. I contacted ESPN prior to setting the league rules for this year, and was told that there is no way to "freeze" the non-playoff teams out of managing their teams past week 15. 

    Personally, I see no reason why ESPN even allows for this to happen. Opinions?

  6. Appreciate everyone’s input. As I stated from the beginning, my intent with the post was to see if anyone would have treated this differently. I upheld the trade. I think the biggest issue is that the website shuts down its own process at the deadline. Had the trade been much more lopsided, and closer to the deadline, the moral dilemma would have been greater. 

    • Like 1

  7. 3 hours ago, Law said:

    Nothing wrong with the trade and it was agreed upon before the deadline. It should go through.

    This is an example of why league vote on trades is a bad idea. It greatly hinders any trading as the parties have to agree two days ahead of games. One week ends on Monday night. The next week starts on Wednesdays with waivers and Thursday with games. Teams can't even properly plan their waivers if they're also trying to do a trade. The timing with a 2-day hold makes it hard. 

    If you just have a commissioner as the decider, then problem solved. This deal could have been processed right when it was agreed to. This makes even Sunday morning trades doable. With voting that's impossible.

    In my leagues, I have a 2-day waiting period for "feedback" but the understanding is that I decide and can and will process a trade as time best warrants it. 

    I've come to see that league vote probably isn't the way to go. We do allow for a trade to get "pushed" through before the 48 hour window. If the owner can get 7 of the 12 to vote yes, I will process the trade. But it rarely happens, because if guys see that a competitor is getting help, they just won't vote at all.

    I was in a keeper league for about 15 years where all trades were approved by the LM unless he could prove collusion. You could keep two player per year, with a three year keeper max. The problem was we also allowed for the trading of future draft picks. Although it wasn't technically collusion, you'd have trades of LT2, Moss, and a 15th rounder for the other guys 1st, 2nd. and 3rd the following year. Both owners greatly benefited, but it became a league of three or four super teams every year. 

  8.     ESPN's trade deadline was Wednesday at noon. Our league is set up to allow for trades to be voted on by the owners, with a 48 hour voting window. All trades are processed after the window if the league hasn't voted it down by over 1/2 majority. I sent out a notice on Tuesday that the deadline was approaching, and that afterwards, no trades or VOTES, per ESPN, are allowed. 

        A trade was accepted at 10AM Wednesday. Team A, who is technically out of playoff contention but has major RB problems, sends their #4 WR Marquise Brown to Team B for his #3 RB D'Onta Foreman. Team B is in the playoff hunt, and is hurting at WR. On the surface, the trade helps both teams. No evidence of collusion, even though Team A isn't in the mix anymore.

        The two hours pass between the notification of the trade and the deadline. Three votes are cast, all to allow the trade. ESPN shuts down all trade operations, and the trade is set to be processed at 10am Friday. Now, one owner has approached me, and has suggested that they are not cool with the trade, and that I should use my LM power to allow for the trade voting window to be extended, given the timing of the trade. I said no, but am now wondering if this qualifies an an exception to the rules.

        Wondering if any of you would treat this differently?

  9. 4 hours ago, Sean Mooney said:

    That is a happy problem to have.

    Strict numbers would say the Chargers give up the most points to running backs of the three defenses so you would start Pacheco. However, he still loses out time to McKinnon and he doesn't really get used in close because they like to use Kelce and Mahomes as a swiss army type guy there. I would also imagine that game stays relatively close.

    Gus probably leads the backfield in Baltimore in a game you would think favors Baltimore being up big and thus running...but Drake had a really good game in his absence and he will steal work. 

    Mitchell will get probably 12-15 carries against a Cardinals team that also gives up a lot of points to running backs. 

    Monitor the injury reports on Sunday. Provided Gus is healthy I would rank them as:





    If Gus is injured I'd start Mitchell


    Yes, I've been lucky to have hit on a couple speculative waiver claims. Gus was my first choice as well, pending the late week reports. If I can avoid any more injuries, this is the last week of my bye issues. On a different note, I'd be curious as to what offers you guys might dangle for a more reliable WR2, based on my current roster.

    PPR QB/2RB/2WR/TE/Flex

    QB- Hurts, Carr

    RB- Henry, Chubb, Mitchell, Pacheco, Edwards, Mattison, Hilliard

    WR- Hill, Sutton, Davis

    TE- Everett, Dulcich

  10. I’ve been offered Russell Wilson and Pollard for Derek Carr and Pacheco. I know, on the surface, that it seems like a no-brainer, especially since Carr is my backup starter with Hurts on bye. The reason I hesitate- Wilson may not even play, which would mean I’d have to drop Mattison to pick up a crap QB for this week. Since there’s no chance of getting Mattison back once he clears waivers, the trade would possibly end up being Wilson/Pollard for Carr/Pacheco/Mattison. Any thoughts? PPR redraft
    Hurts/Carr, Henry/Chubb/Mitchell/Hilliard/Mattison/Pacheco, Hill/Sutton/G. Davis/Renfrow/Gallup, Everett/Dulcich


  11. He seems like a legit lottery ticket when he gets his chance. He's on our waivers, but I need to drop a guy to pull it off.

    Who would you drop? 12 team PPR QB/2RB/2WR/TE/Flex

    Starters- Hurts/Henry/Chubb/Hill/Sutton/Everett/Gabe

    Bench- Carr/McKissic/Hilliard/Mattison/Gallup/Renfrow/McKenzie (Mitchell IR)
