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Everything posted by lod001

  1. They definitely are looking at taking the house & senate and stopping Trump from doing anything.
  2. Are people seriously going to vote for this fuckin retard? https://x.com/ericmmatheny/status/1816196264935166412
  3. There are only 2 options here. 1. They have a new foolproof way to cheat to win another election and since she will just be a figurehead like biden and either obama or pelosi will be running the country, they are fine with her as the nominee. 2. They have realized that they screwed up using Ka-Mall-Uhhhh as a poison pill vs a Biden impeachment. They cannot give the nod to someone else now so they are just going to sacrifice 2024 and after she loses say "go away Ka-Mall-uhhh, you lost this race and you don't get a 2nd chance." Her being a legit viable candidate in not in play. She's a retard.
  4. For some reason the people who design the look of cars are all retarded, regardless of car maker. They designed that POS and lame looking cars. THIS is what they could design and sell thousands times what they are selling with their current ugly bland lame models.
  5. lod001

    Eagerly awaiting the hostage video tomorrow night

    Yeah in a weekend at bernie's fashion.
  6. Pumping him full of useless toxic paxlovid. Are they hoping he dies so they can fake grieving because the attempt on Trump is getting all the headlines?
  7. $71K starting price. If I'm spending $71k I'm not buying that lameass looking car. Pretty sure if you can afford $71k for a car, you could care less about MPG. I plan on buying a replacement truck next year when the economy completely tanks and they are virtually giving away cars & trucks.
  8. lod001

    Joe Biden drops out of Presidential Race

    This could be the best biden speech ever. i mean ever. https://x.com/MidnightMitch/status/1815136459671626121
  9. lod001

    Joe Biden drops out of Presidential Race

    "I am Kamala Harris, my pronouns are she and her, and I am a woman sitting at the table wearing a blue suit." https://x.com/libsoftiktok/status/1815131349331956149 They are going with a retard. She even had to look at her clothes to make sure she said the right color.
  10. lod001

    Joe Biden drops out of Presidential Race

  11. lod001

    Joe Biden drops out of Presidential Race

    Yes, pre cheating. It's the cheating where the Ds win.
  12. lod001

    Joe Biden drops out of Presidential Race

    The new nominee for the democrats. https://x.com/TedNugent/status/1815097283505258909
  13. lod001

    Joe Biden drops out of Presidential Race

    It's always that way. its up to us to choose correctly. It's ALWAYS up to us. I chose correctly, however many of us (independents-the now 50% of all voters) failed miserably and that has us in this situation.
  14. lod001


    And it bounces right back.
  15. lod001

    Joe Biden drops out of Presidential Race

    If anyone says your vote matters, see the democrats over the last decade. Your vote does not matter if you are a democrat. They will tell you who you will vote for.
  16. lod001


    Massive instant sell off on biden declining to run.
  17. lod001

    Joe Biden drops out of Presidential Race

    The democrat voters. You have absolutely NO say in who you will vote for. Think about that. That's what losers you are.
  18. lod001

    Coronavirus - Doomsday

    This retard doesn't even know the definition of irony.
  19. lod001

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    Trump fills an arena in Michigan. Trump filsl arenas averywhere. https://x.com/dom_lucre/status/1814779577618649427 Retard biden can barely fill up a high school gym and people think he got 81 million votes. https://x.com/saras76/status/1814770176711070120
  20. lod001

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    This is what everyone really thinks about Joe Biden. 81M votes - bullshit https://x.com/WatchChad/status/1783531521992700221
  21. lod001

    RNC: Trump Acceptance Speech

    Look at this low IQ fockin retard. Pissing & moaning about 1T. Biden and you idiot democrats want to spend multiple trillions on crap that won't do anything. Such is the scope of the Green New Deal, a policy calling for 100 percent renewable energy by 2030, universal health care, living wages, and jobs guarantees. But some economists argue it could cost between $51 trillion and $93 trillion over 10 years.
  22. lod001

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    Why aren't you 81 million idiots appalled that pelosi & obama/big mike and schumer are trying to get rid of the most popular president of all time? Yeah 81 million, what a bunch of BS. Oh, because you are brainless lemming that just do what you are told. You make your pick and then they tell you nope, you are not going to get to vote for him, you are going to vote for who we say and you idiots will do just that. That's how fockin stupid you are. Referring to squisition, gutterboy, tim showshit, etc.
  23. lod001

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    Whoa. Pelosi loses it. Yelling at biden. Pelosi: 'You stupid piece of sh1t, can't you figure out that we used your dumbass for 47+ years but now you are useless garbage. Drop out and do you dare endorse that idiot you picked for VP and tell your hag wife if she gets in my face, I'll drop her" https://x.com/joma_gc/status/1813780321025831217
  24. lod001

    Stock Market bubble - will crash

    Not a horrible move. A year from now markets will probably be a lot lower.