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Everything posted by lod001

  1. lod001

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    I wonder why.....The POS cannot complete a sentence anymore.
  2. lod001

    NBC Poll

    Unfortunately THAT is why biden has a chance. The average humanoid in this country is borderline retarded now. Dems need that to win. Dems and RINOs worked on making them stupid over the past few decades for a reason in order to stay in power. A moron is easily manipulated and will always believe what you tell them. If people were smart, the people elected would be smart & have the border shut. We would be laughing at the green energy idiots. The alphabet soup freaks would be a fringe group of psychotics that are told to shut up. Criminals would be locked up, murderers quickly executed. Everyone would have told fauci to stick that virus and jab up his ass. Trump would win 99% of the vote.
  3. lod001

    GC Fantasy Nascar

    I'm in.
  4. lod001

    This economy is so bad

    Everything bold was going on when Trump was in office, retard. So the above is EXACTLY what was going on when Trump was in office (minus the inflation), BEFORE china/fauci unleashed the scam virus, that kills like 0.001% of the population, screaming that its a massive killer to scare everyone so the could shut everything down, wreck the economy and get Trump out. Wrecking the economy was the only way Trump could lose and they had to cheat to do that.
  5. lod001

    Death pool update: Carl Weathers

    Yep. Vaxxed & boosted so at least his death was not as severe. Tweeted a couple days ago, just dropped dead like they always do.
  6. lod001

    Illegal Aliens & the Schocheting of America

    Idiots democrats that run NYC let 4 illegals go after they commit assault on cops. Cops in NY pissed. Democrats hate cops.
  7. THAT is how you show the population that crimes like that will result in your own death. Those 2 will never try that again.
  8. lod001

    Trump INDICTED

    LOl. You're such a complete retard.
  9. lod001

    Trump INDICTED

    Corrupt as fock Fani Willis shits her diaper.
  10. lod001

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    These idiots are so fuckin stupid its beyond belief. Look at the idiots cheer NOTHING. That's a libtard.
  11. lod001

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    Proof that libtards are completely retarded. This does NOTHING, ZERO, while their own city falls apart. 'Hey, Israel, we passed a ceasefire resolution for you guys, now quit it'. It's hard to find something more retarded than this. This is the type of moron a libtard votes for.
  12. lod001

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    If ya ever imagined what timshowshit looks like, this is spot on. Probably minus the hair.
  13. lod001

    [** Official President Joe Biden Thread **]

    Yeah, well they are 90% paid off retards and I'll tell ya, the leader of Italy most certainly wants retarded joe binden gone. So once again, you are wrong, hammerhead. https://www.politico.com/news/2022/09/29/italys-meloni-trump-gop-00059363 https://news.yahoo.com/giorgia-meloni-italy-prime-minister-election-american-politics-150708835.html
  14. lod001

    Tyranny closing in

    Another plate of diarrhea that libtards will gobble up while saying 'tasty'. That is them using every angle they can to try and get the people completely dependent on the elite. THAT is how they can control everyone. They were moving slowly but have sped up the process because they are all becoming fossils with short lifespans and want to rule the planet before they die. CBDC is their ultimate goal as that instantly makes you theirs. Once again, libtards just eat the sh1t they are fed and ask for more.
  15. Problem is the Asians will keep voting for libtards that do nothing to stop it. I thought they were smart. Apparently not.
  16. lod001

    Mask Mandate

    Here ya go, retard. https://www.telegraph.co.uk/news/2023/04/12/face-masks-protect-no-evidence-covid-lockdown/ "A rapid review report published by the UK Health Security Agency (UKHSA) investigated if high-quality masks, such as the N95, KN95 and FFP2 coverings, protect clinically vulnerable people in the community from catching Covid. However, the report was unable to find a single piece of scientific research which had usable data." Joe Pinkstone
  17. He was a nobody. A sacrifice where they can say that there is no 2 levels of justice going on. 'See, democrats get punished when they break the law'. If he was valuable, they would have got him off with some community service. His mistake was thinking that he would be protected like the scum, pencil neck, POS schiff and the other high ups. The fact that he made that statement, tells ya that someone high up convinced him to do that AND that if he ratted them out, he would get a visit from hillary's suicide squad.
  18. lod001

    What should we do about the drone attack in Jordan?

    There is $ in war. We are the biggest meddlers on the planet with bases everywhere we can. Where is the german base in the US? We got one there.
  19. lod001

    Lamar to flop today

    When you get to the playoffs and especially the conference championship. The defense are way better 99% of the time. That is what happens to this guy. Plus he passed when he should have ran since he can't pass and he can run.
  20. lod001

    NFL games fixed?

    I hope there is a Taylor Cam during the game. Put it down in the corner so its on the screen for the whole game. When she opens her mouth. flip to the big picture and put the game down in the corner. That's big ratings right there.
  21. Thats what we were saying. That would have been hilarious.
  22. Dan Campbell = idiot. Will he ever learn? He should get roasted in Detroit this weekend. Maybe that will wake him up. He lost the game for them.
  23. Just caught a glimpse of Taylor Swift.
  24. JFC, Andy Reid can barely move.