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Posts posted by lod001

  1. Sometimes YOU DON'T GET WHAT YOU VOTED. Yeah, another conspiracy theory comes to reality.

    PRESS RELEASE: “It appears that when a voter selects a “Yes” or a “No” for one of the candidates for retention to the Pennsylvania Superior Court, the selection is recorded on the paper ballot and on the machine for the other candidate.”

    ...only an issue when recording the votes for when a voter selected a “Yes” for one candidate and a “No” for another candidate.”

    Translation: 'Fock!!! They figured it out!!!'




  2. Tried to burn down the MLK house.

    Soros is pissed off. "I told that idiot in the middle of the night. Not 'at night'. Stupid fucktard got caught. She's not getting paid. If she squeals, do what we normally do'. 'This was setup perfectly and this idiot blew it'.


  3. 3 minutes ago, RLLD said:

    I have a further concern.  

    Its early, and it is clear that the abuses of the law to take down Trump are not being as effective as they hoped, so we are already seeing some desperation....the move on the part of media to now do this "he will become a dictator" nonsense....

    Where do they go from there? I mean.....how far are they willing to pervert our system, abuse our laws....to take down a political opponent?

    As we near the election, and their manuevers seem less than successful, coupled with people being so badly harmed that Bidens polling just suffers.....how far will the DOJ go?

    The dictator angle is a complete flop. A failed desperation move. I'm still predicting the final attempt will be to blame the disastrous covid mrna jab debacle on Trump sometime next summer. We have reached the point where its undeniable to anyone with a functioning brain that the jabs were a disaster and have killed and damaged more people that the flu they pimped as covid.

  4. pimpledick - Another complete idiot that no one bothers to engage because of the constant diarrhea that flows from the idiots mouth.

    It's completely unraveling now. 

    This is the type of complete ignorance that tards like pimpledick would be believe.


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  5. Just now, RLLD said:

    Correct.   It is abundantly evident that Hunter has enjoyed protections for years now.  That is not likely to end.  Not unless say Trump is elected.  I am not sure of the others, but I am confident that Trump will unfock the DOJ and fic this issue....

    This alone....I submit....terrifies the political establishment in general, but pointedly Democrats and emphatically.....the DOJ.....

    The cabal of corruption these folks foment will do anything to prevent Trump getting in there and both exposing their criminality.....and also dilluting the power of the corrupt alliance they have built.

    They want to convict BEFORE the Nov. election. Then they can say, 'see, we are not corrupt at the DOJ. We go after everyone that is breaking the law'. Then when biden pardons his son, they will say 'yeah but that wasn't us, we got him and convicted him' and all the media will say 'yeah'. They may turn on biden at that point but his toast now anyway. He's inconsequential to them staying in power now.


  6. Completely destroyed in about 1 minute. 😂 You can see it in her face that she knows that ended her right there. 

    Vivek is the type of person you want ruining the country, just like Trump. No talking point BS no catering to the masses, just come out and destroy the career politicians and their BS. He sent the fat man packing as well along with help from Megan whatshername..

  7. I like how no one even responds to the retarded beachtard23 posts. Everyone sees that his ignorance is completely off the charts.

    They are still dropping like flies but will always come up with an excuse of like 'dehydration'. 🤣 She was so proud to get the death jab. Soon she will get her final calling.


  8. 40 minutes ago, TimHauck said:

    Dowd is a proven fraud.  He claimed an increase in cancer in data through 2019 was from Covid vaccines.

    Not from the jabs. Its due to the jabs wrecking the immune systems and therefor allowing cancer to thrive. You're still an idiot who believes only idiots.  The only fraud is you.

    You're such an idiot, you would accept $100 to die.


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