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Everything posted by NewbieJr

  1. NewbieJr

    6000 White Nationalists storm Charlottesville, VA

    ewww. Don't talk about touching me, creep. Just stick to quoting me 30 times a day and jerking off to my picture.
  2. NewbieJr

    6000 White Nationalists storm Charlottesville, VA

    life is sure different without that badge and gun. Hard to hide behind that Uber certificate. LOL
  3. NewbieJr

    6000 White Nationalists storm Charlottesville, VA

    keyboard muscles? Rofl. In real life, you would shake like a leaf if I was within a mile of you. Nothing 'keyboard' about my muscles and we both know it. In real life, I'd shatter your jaw in five seconds. So enjoy the internet and your revenge for all the wedgies in high school, Nerd. Boo!
  4. NewbieJr

    6000 White Nationalists storm Charlottesville, VA

    beating you up relentless every day and watching you follow me like a lap dog? I'm in, cumguzzler.
  5. NewbieJr

    6000 White Nationalists storm Charlottesville, VA

    are you crying? Show me on the doll where I hurt you.
  6. NewbieJr

    6000 White Nationalists storm Charlottesville, VA

    blood and soil! Blood and soil! Or, in your case, Kum and more kum. Pussie
  7. NewbieJr

    6000 White Nationalists storm Charlottesville, VA

    oh look. Still stalking. Is wednesday uncle night? Have you ever gotten the taste out of your mouth?
  8. NewbieJr

    6000 White Nationalists storm Charlottesville, VA

    lol. You're adorable. Dumb people are cute.
  9. NewbieJr

    6000 White Nationalists storm Charlottesville, VA

    Blood and Soil!! Blood and Soil!! You will not replace Us! You will not replace us. Jews will not replace is. Trump's America. Welcome.
  10. and are those plazas squares and streets still named after Hitler today? #wrinkledmongoloid
  11. NewbieJr

    6000 White Nationalists storm Charlottesville, VA

    119 of 123 of your last posts are quoting or referencing me. It's been a very low have dreams about me at night? If I ever find out you're stroking yourself and thinking of me, I will press charges faguette
  12. NewbieJr

    6000 White Nationalists storm Charlottesville, VA

    I tend to hyperbolize. LOL
  13. Remember going to Germany and seeing a bunch of Hitler statues and swastikas? Oh, you don't?? That's because they're not out in public anymore. They're offensive. #silverretard.
  14. NewbieJr

    6000 White Nationalists storm Charlottesville, VA

    Acts like this will prompt changes in the laws. Assembling with torches, shields, and clubs won't be allowed much longer under the veil of 'peaceful protest'. These guys assembled using tactics to make blacks think back to the days of lynching. I wouldn't have given two shits if the counter protesters decided to throw a bomb and wipe out dozens of them. Just disgusting assembly in the modern age. And our KKK Nazi Prez approves of it.
  15. Wait. You mean to tell me that five Fox-blinded Trump sheep disagree with a liberal? GTFO!!#%^&@$!#!~!
  16. NewbieJr

    6000 White Nationalists storm Charlottesville, VA

    Lol Not much harder, actually. Been listening to a lot of ELO today.
  17. NewbieJr

    6000 White Nationalists storm Charlottesville, VA

    As I sit in my spacious air conditioned office, listening to my Amazon Unlimited Music account through my computer speakers w/subwoofer and looking out my huge window, I can't help but to chuckle at my warehouse days from 1998.
  18. NewbieJr

    6000 White Nationalists storm Charlottesville, VA

    Solid contribution. Now go try to upsell Becky a new air filter.
  19. NewbieJr

    6000 White Nationalists storm Charlottesville, VA

    In Trump's new America, racist Nazis and those who stand against them are equal.
  20. NewbieJr

    6000 White Nationalists storm Charlottesville, VA

    You keep supporting the KKK, Nazis, and White Supremacists. God bless anyone who is against these groups and want to stand up to them.
  21. Your uncle said he liked when you'd gently put your teeth down on his shaft. He really liked holding your ears and pumping hard into your face.
  22. NewbieJr

    6000 White Nationalists storm Charlottesville, VA

    Peaceful assembly. Bwahahahah They showed up the night before with torches and clubs.,