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listen2me 23

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Everything posted by listen2me 23

  1. listen2me 23

    49ERS Was Smart To Sign Aiyuk (Ricky Pearsall Shot)

    Looks like Green Bay may see more FA friendly looks.
  2. listen2me 23

    Venezuela gangs take over parts of Aurora

    Libs only care about a person living in fear, being harassed, feeling threatened if it is a black criminal roughed up by a cop. Not white yellow or brown, only the blacks. And yes then it is auto "wide spread". These stories its, well it happened in a part of that city. And oh most are good. But you get 1 cop and 1 black criminal into a situation and its full go. Wide spread. Systematic. A huge issue. These are the hypocritical games they play. You cant take them too seriously.
  3. listen2me 23

    The Bad Hombres thread

    That guy has to be a troll. He cannot be real. Is this how people are in Liberal cities? I cant find people like this where I live. I tend to just assume these cant be real people and just acts.
  4. listen2me 23

    The Bad Hombres thread

    Im a man. A heterosexual man. So yes I mow my own lawn and clean my own toilet. Is that above you? Or are you just not capable of starting a mower?
  5. listen2me 23

    The Bad Hombres thread

    If you put your money where your mouth is and took in a family of migrants. Lets say 5. And they told you these are really good people. Well besides 1, they were in MS 13. Would you say hey sure! Bring em in? Or would you say no thank you?
  6. listen2me 23

    Deion Sanders head coach at Colorado

    They lost to Colorado. The team that was last on their conf last season. I realize how good NS St has been over the years in D2. And they can compete. But they lost to a bad D1 team last night. Not sure they beat 3/4s.
  7. Who needs to steal a fob? Apparently the stealing of thr code with some device is becoming more popular. Just need to be within distance to reach signal. Have heard some instances of this locally. What a world to be a law biding citizen.
  8. listen2me 23

    NFL 2024

    I feel you. And good that you have optimism. But in these situations wouldnt GMs and coaches know this better than us? Wouldnt they know who these guys have had to be coached by and if thats the issue? Its like Fields. Everyone blamed coaching for years and lack of a team. Yet no GM or coach really saw.this and went after him harder than thr Steelers had to? Seems like if Darnold has it all and it was just bad coaching then the Vikings wouldnt of bothered using a 1st round pick on a QB? And tried to ride Darnold for a couple years to see what hr has under "better coaching". I liked Darnold coming out. But I just cant chalk up every bad QB being a bust because of coaching. Some have it worse than others but whats bust QBs just failed with "good coaching"? Doesnt seem to happen all that often. Sometimes a shamny will get a Trey Lance and he just isnt good. But he was quite a projection from D2.
  9. listen2me 23

    how many CDs can you buy with 136 million?

    Id of traded him and got something. Theyve had years of evaluation. You either say sure hes good enough. Or you try to keep a good roster trade him and draft a QB. By quick googling they have 6 picks next year. Maybe you are talking about comp picks. But comp picks arent going to get you up 18 spots. They would have to package future high picks. Like I have said, whats thr cut off? If he looks good for 1 playoff game then loses in divisional round... is that good enough? Whats good enough to keep him? If you then deem him good enough, his price will only be higher the longer you wait. They are really playing a wishy washy game by letting it go this long. You either think hes good enough to pay or you dont. Not sure what Jerrahs angle is here.
  10. listen2me 23

    how many CDs can you buy with 136 million?

    Imagine finding your QB. Making a SB early in process. And having to deal with a guy like Jamar Chase disrupting practice and playing games. Thr Bengals are trying to compete for Championships. He has 2 years left. Jefferson was drafted 1 year ahead and didnt sign a deal until this season. Lamb was a year ahead. Got a deal this season. Superstar WRs are a headache.
  11. listen2me 23

    Notable Cuts

    I would not draft Emmanuel Wilson. Its a cut thread and people are wondering about the #2 back to start the year. I know real football talk scares some of you.
  12. listen2me 23

    NFL 2024

    Find that hard to believe with Sam Darnold. They are clearly the least talented team in the division. And depending on Caleb does in his rookie season they may have the worst QB in the division for this season. I think they will be competitive. They arent a doormat like the Patriots. But find competing for a playoff spot to be rather tough in such a good division.
  13. listen2me 23

    Notable Cuts

    As a Packers fan I am a fan of Emmanuel Wilson. Guy is a natural runner. Not the best recieving back. But a natural runner. Led preseason in rushing last season. Was close this year. Believe he had most yards after contact in preseason. Excited to see what he can do early in the season.
  14. listen2me 23

    how many CDs can you buy with 136 million?

    And they still flame out. Listen I cant talk Lamb without talking Dak. They go hand in hand. 2 run both back at a higher number with probably lesser rosters than those that exit early....is um....spinning wheels. Im for signing Lamb if they are moving off Dak. But I think they should have traded him already. Theyve had years of evaluation. This isnt after his tookie contract stuff. They will sign him though. Win lose or draw on the season. It will be same ol cowboys until the money JJ backs up hits fan. Then a total rebuild. Without ever really trying. They have Zeke running the ball this year.
  15. listen2me 23

    how many CDs can you buy with 136 million?

    They won back to back SBs after he left. Go figure right?
  16. listen2me 23

    how many CDs can you buy with 136 million?

    We do agree mostly. It all stems from you just disagreeing with me saying they dont have a path to the SB with Dak. If Dak flames out this year and they just dont resign him. Get nothing. Waste a year of Lamb instead of getting ready for post Dak. Its a lack of foresight. They must have an opinion behind closed doors. They are still waiting to see what hes got in him? Again these are fine lines in how you are evaluating a QB you have had for years. What did seattle get for Russ not long ago? And Denver got the rights to pay him a new nice extention. I sign Lamb if I am turning to a new cheap QB soon. I do not pay Lamb if I am hooking my wagon to Dak for another handful of seasons. If I must go that route I am paying Dak and thrn drafting WRs for the next 2 years while using Lamb money to keep defensive players. Instead if Dak Daks and flames out in a WC game. They A. Get to sign him. B. Get to watch him just freely walk and have a 19th overall pick to work with. Jerruh doesnt want to do what is better for the team long term. He will push back money as well as he can to get a window of WC exits.
  17. listen2me 23

    how many CDs can you buy with 136 million?

    Its a homer post. But I honestly think GB is showing the way of the future if these contracts keep up. You find you QB and pay him. While drafting a WR or 2 in mid rounds each year. Once your stud WR wants a big deal you let him walk. Or trade him for something before he gets to FA. Again it takes drafting sort of well. But WR is routinely the deepest position in drafts with how the game has gone. Your top paid QB should be able to elevate young WRs. Tua sucks in cold. But they have a 1st round Waddle and the biggest weapon in thr NFL in Reek. They scored 7 pts in KC last postseason.
  18. listen2me 23

    how many CDs can you buy with 136 million?

    It is the point. Having a top WR is nice and all. But having thr highest paid QB and WR is a bit idiotic use of money. Would Lamb elevate a new young QB? Or does new young QB just have to be good on their own? If a WR cant elevate a lesser QB thrn why are they so important. On the other hand we have seen QB put offenses on their back with middling talent. To have thr highest paid QB and WR at 1 time is wreckless.
  19. listen2me 23

    how many CDs can you buy with 136 million?

    He said they were all in this year. That meant losing a few guys and going with Zeke at RB. They are spinning their wheels.
  20. listen2me 23

    how many CDs can you buy with 136 million?

    I get it. When a team routinely has good regular seasons its hard to change. But you are settling for it. Theyve had one of the more talented rosters over the years. Whether it is CD and other solid WRs. Or thr great OL they had for years. Or the defense that was chalked full of talent. And its not enough. So now you pay a QB and a WR new contracts to run it back with rosters that will be even harder to fill out to the degree they have had. Its a fine line to say well if he has a better postseason we pay him thr bag to well if he loses in the WC we wont. Thats wishy washy. If you dont pay him and he gets to FA yet "has a better postseason" now you are really bidding and he may just say screw you ill go elsewhere and get the bag. Clearly better? I mean I know the Eagles tanked last season at the end but they are clearly better in my opinion. They showed it for much of the season until they lost themseleves. GB at the youngest team in league trashed them in Dallas. Now GB is only maturing and adding. 49ers yes. Lions are better. I cant say Falcons for sure, but its possible. Cowboys will be left holding Dak and Lamb while their defense gets priced out. Dak couldnt do it with maybe a top 5 roster for years. Lets see him do it with a middling roster. Cowboys didnt time any of this correctly. They have no other option than to pay Dak. What are you going to pay Lamb the bag then say after this season..."meh we dont have good picks but we will just wing it at QB this season".
  21. listen2me 23

    how many CDs can you buy with 136 million?

    Im with Ed on this one. Mainly when you have one of the highest paid QBs to pay along with said WR. I know people see top QB and top WR and think "oh shlt whos gonna stop these guys!". Yet they get stopped each year. But fantasy football!!!
  22. listen2me 23

    how many CDs can you buy with 136 million?

    Packers have one of the better WR corps as a group in the league. Ill say top 10. Yet they are thr cheapest group in league and possibly by a wide margin. No one will get massive stats, thus not commanding a record contract. If one does play hardball and wants more than hes worth, they let him walk. As they have 2 or 3 other guys along with TEs who can shoulder the load. And will keep drafting them. As much as I love Adams. Ill take the current group of 4 good WRs with differnt skillsets.....over Adams, Lazard, and MVS. But hey Adams scores fantasy stats! Cheaper. Better.
  23. listen2me 23

    how many CDs can you buy with 136 million?

    Guess I am confused with your position. You say you disagree with me saying they have no path with Dak. Yet say you agree on not paying him. Well if you believe you have a chance to win a SB ....you should pay him. He has proven otherwise thus far on very good rosters.
  24. listen2me 23

    how many CDs can you buy with 136 million?

    I mean you can say they do because hes capable. But hes proven to not be a winner. I am not saying let Ceedee walk. But a CD contract means you are keeping thr band together. Im far from a Baker Mayfield fanboy. But go look whay he did last year. Pounded thr Eagles. Thrn had TB tied with thr Lions in Detroit heading into the 4th Q. The Cowboys were down 27-0 at home vs the youngest team to make thr playoffs since the league moved off of 14 game seasons. Put Baker on the Cowboys last year and they do better in that game. Dak is Dak. If the goal is early exits from the playoffs then keep spinnin those wheels. He can get you there. Im not saying dont pay Ceedee. But thr whole reason you pay a QB top dollar is the elevate the offense. You can sit and throw top WR money at a guy then top QB money at a guy. Its a misuse of money. People are too stuck on fantasy football to understand this. Few ways to skin a cat. But paying a maxed out wildcard QB top dollar and thinking pairing him with the highest paid WR will result in good rosters and a chance to win a SB are sorely mistaken. The Dolphins have 2 excellent WRs. Reek is the biggest weapon in all of thr game. They scored 7 points last year at KC. (I know it was cold, it gets cold in January if you are planning to play games in January)
  25. listen2me 23

    how many CDs can you buy with 136 million?

    With Dak they do not have a path to the SB.