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Everything posted by Ray_T

  1. Ray_T

    Seattle RB situation

    I wouldnt be surprised if the line was improved this year also. Ifedi will have a year of experience, and he is a total mauler. I have to think Pocic will also help. This is a line that is getting better. it may take some time though.
  2. Ray_T

    Another keeper choice

    agree. This is probably the best advice.
  3. This is the bottom line. Let's face facts.... unless you are in a league that starts 2 QB, Cutler wont factor into your plans at all. If the matchup is right he MAY be an adequate bye week filler. the key fantasy players we care about on Miami are the WR's. and I think it's fair to keep the estimated values similar to what they were under Tanehill. there may be some minor tweaking of these numbers once we figure out who Cutler has developed chemistry with, but we would likely be tweaking these numbers even if Tannehill was still at QB. for now, I wouldnt worry much about this. but you will need to adjust as the exhibition season progresses.
  4. Ray_T

    Jay Ajayi

    well, he's got 3 more weeks til the start of the season. it may just be that they are taking their time clearing him and there's nothing wrong with that, but there comes a point where you have to assume the injury is a bad one. If he's still in protocall 2 weeks from now, I'd start considering whether I should take him off my draft board. because odds are good it was a bad one.
  5. well, if you know Tannehill is out for the year, I truly think this was the best move for the phins. Cutler already knows the system. While I expect there will be some tweaks based on personel, the basic system is unchanged, so I think the learning curve wont be all that steep for him. so he will be able to move in almost seamlessly. And for an offense, that's important. yes, he's a jerk, and maybe he doesnt have the Heart/desire to be a champion, but I think hes talented enough to put up some decent numbers in this offense. I'd watch the camp reports to see who Cutler develops some chemistry with because if you are gonna draft any of the Miami WR's that's the player you likely want.
  6. Ray_T

    Freeman vs Gordon @ end of rd 1

    I think it depends. in a keeper/dynasty, I'd take both over Jordy because i think Jordy has 1-2 good years left before age starts to catch up with him and the two RB's in question are both young RB's with plenty of upside. in a redraft (because this year's production is all that matters) Jordy is your man.
  7. Not totally true. when he had Marshall and Jeffery, he split between the two pretty evenly there for a year or two.
  8. Ray_T

    Freeman vs Gordon @ end of rd 1

    I dont know if he will be an outright bust, but I do think that he wont perform up to the level of the hype. Yes, they drafted 2 o linemen at the draft, but one is already hurt meaning they may be forced to start Tuerk. He was considered to be the best pulling center in the draft, but wasnt ready last year and had a season ending knee injury early so essentially red shirted for a year. it is also possible they may start Tuerk at Guard instead of Center. I think he will eventually break in to become a starter, but you are looking at him (basically a rookie) and Feeny (also a rookie) being inserted into the lineup. when you see more than one rookie on a line there is almost always some growing pains that comes with that. I see a slight increase in yards, and a decline in TD's because Rivers actually will have some heatlhy receivers to throw to in the red zone this year. in the end, I'm thinking he will be a high end RB2 or low end RB1. Not a top 5-6 RB that the boards and magazines are predicting.
  9. Ray_T

    Jarvis Landry Battery?

    hes not a high enough profile player and wont get the news hits they want.
  10. Ray_T

    Bills sign WR Anquan Boldin

    a lot of times these things are actually lisfranc injuries, but the team wont announce it as such (or it was mis diagnosed) those type of injuries are especially tough to come back from because nearly every tendon, ligament, nerve runs through that area and an injury in that part of the foot seems to screw up everything. either way, foot injuries are generally bad even if they are not in the lisfranc area, but it's definitely bad news for a football player.
  11. Ray_T

    ++ Update: Zeke looking at suspension - 6 Games

    Like I said earlier. the NFL does not care about being right. This is being done to keep them in the news.
  12. Ray_T

    Jay Ajayi

    FYI, he's still in concussion protocall. I'm thinking he got hurt a little worse than I thought. I wouldnt drop him down my board yet, but it's something to stay on top of.
  13. Ray_T

    Keeper advice - L. McCoy or M. Gordon?

    while I like Gordon better as a keeper, he hasnt been the picture of health either. he's played 2 pro seasons and has missed at least a couple of games each year. it's not to the point where I'd severely drop him down my rankings, but it's definitely something to be aware of.
  14. not disagreeing with you. just saying once the offense came together in the second half, the Eagles offense wasnt bad. that being said.... Murray is easily twice the RB in Tennessee than he was in Philly (even when he was playing well in philly) and that is due to scheme and situation.
  15. Ray_T

    RB Comparison.............

    yeah, but the browns actually hired a guy who I think is a good coach. they may have been a badly run organization for a long time, but they have been doing a lot of things right in the last 2 years. Even if they are at the bottom of the standings, they recognized they wont be making the playoffs and have been doing the right things to do a proper rebuild. I think the Browns will be better than last year. I know that's not saying much, but I think they are good for 2, maybe 3 more wins. Yes, they will still be a losing team, but they will win more than they did last year and that usually means better RB stats.
  16. I know. that being said, when Murray went to the Eagles, I said on the board that he was going to a team with a new QB, he would be the new RB, and there were a couple of other pieces on the team that were replaced (if my memory is correct I think it was at WR and one or two members of the O line were replaced) i said openly that this offense wouldnt produce well until the second half. and that's exactly what happened. first half of the season was terrible. Second half wasnt bad. but you are correct in the sense that the situation wasnt ideal for Murray. He has been far better in Tennessee where the Scheme is friendly to his skillset.
  17. Ray_T

    Bills sign WR Anquan Boldin

    This is a good signing. I think a lack of depth at WR really hurt Tyrod's numbers when his WR's started to get hurt last year. While Boldin isnt the player he was, he is good enough to be helpful and he will be a good mentor to some of the young WR's on this team.
  18. Ray_T

    Keeper advice - L. McCoy or M. Gordon?

    At some point you need to cut bait and go with the younger player. In this case, McCoy I think will put up better numbers than Gordon. But that's not the only thing to consider. IF you feel you have a good shot to win this year, McCoy is your choice. That being said, the dropoff between McCoy and Gordon isnt huge(based on fftoday projections), and you are getting a player with a young line that may bode well for a good, long career for him. I personally think the dropoff from McCoy to Gordon will be a bit bigger than many are predicting. Gordon still has a (largely) rookie line. one of the new guys is already out for the season, but I do think the line will be better than last year. I think Gordon will be the better player next season and could be a long term keeper. It's tough to let that get away from you for the price of a few fantasy points this year. I would keep Gordon. it likely wont show until midseason when that line starts to gel and come together as a unit, but I think Gordons numbers will be a bit better than last year (if he stays healthy)
  19. Ray_T

    Thank You Everyone

    well, weepaws, whatever your situation is, I hope it works out for you. while we didnt always agree on things, I enjoyed our debates. good luck to you sir.
  20. I think I had him ranked #3 going into last year (behind bell and David Johnson) but I also knew he was running behind a beast of a line. He looked great in pre season and I had no doubt he would deliver.
  21. Ray_T

    RB Comparison.............

    RB Stats generally reflect the way the team is doing. if the team is winning they will run the ball a lot more than if they are losing. if a team is losing, they will throw a lot more. as Duke is largely a pass catching back, this is why he was cutting into Crowells playing time. as I dont think the team could actually be much worse than they were last year, I have to believe the arrow is pointed up for Crowell. if they win 2-3 more games than last year, he is a 1000 yard back with a couple hundred receiving yards and a couple extra TD's. while I make no guarantees, I do think Crowell will be better next year than he was this last year.
  22. Ray_T

    Ryan Tannehill - leaves practice early

    it's a tough position. they drop every year. I think we see more in the press about it these days, but it's a high turnover position relative to other positions.
  23. Ray_T

    RB Comparison.............

    funny thing is... when Forte first came on the scene people said the exact same thing. they didnt like him, didnt think he had much talent.... then suddenly he proved them all wrong. I prefer Crowell because the duke is more or less a pass catching back and The Cleveland QB's may not be good enough (or experienced enough) to take advantage of this. also, the Duke has had problems with concussions. he is one good hit from being out of the league and in a wheelchair. I suspect for that reason, he will not be running between the tackles much (if at all) and this severely limits him.
  24. clearly not. I think any of the top 5 backs in this draft would also have put up very good numbers in Dallas. That line was dynamite. I'm guessing it wont be nearly as dominant this year. We will find out what Zeke is made of this year.
  25. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000824930/article/chargers-rookie-ol-forrest-lamp-suffers-torn-acl This may hinder Gordon for this year. one of the O linemen is out for the year.... already.