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Everything posted by Ray_T

  1. Ray_T

    Article: Early Observations - NFC

    The best or second best line in the NFL has lost a good chunk of the players on it. I'm not sure I"m buying that the line is improved. That's something I'd have to see to believe. It still would not surprise me to find that the line is still good. but that statement is pretty bold given what the Line was able to do last season.
  2. If he's not gonna be the starter, that's the most logical approach. Cutting him and getting nothing would be foolish and stupid. That doesnt mean it wont happen, but the reality is that a guy like this should never be cut. He's too good to let go for nothing.
  3. and actions speak louder than words. I think Hunt is the back of the future. To me the only question is how long it will take. The season may start as a committee. or they may work him in as the backup for a while. I doubt they will give him the job outright but I think the starting job will eventually be his.
  4. He's on my radar for one of my leagues, but we start 2 QB in that league and the dynamic is different for leagues where 2 QB gets to start.
  5. Ray_T

    Pick 2 keepers

    I guess it all really depends on who is kept. normally you expect all the top guys to be kept, but I find in every draft there are one or two that slip through. I got David Johnston in one of my auction leagues last year because the owner decided to go a different direction. Big mistake for him.... there are also usually one or two top teams that have 4-5 keepable players and can only keep 2 or 3. so if you were a bad team under the current rules if your first keeper is a top 3-4 player, you will keep him no matter what. after that it gets dicey. I dont know that Gordon or Howard are true top 5 players but there is the possibility that they are both top 10 players. so in this format, the right move is to keep both or take your chances and keep neither. but for me a lot depends on what the team with the #1 pick is doing. because if you do not keep 2, you need to know 1) if you are likely to be able to get your players back 2) what the chances are of getting an upgrade 3) what the chances are of getting a downgrade by not keeping 2. the most likely scenario for a downgrade revolves around the team with the #1 pick grabbing one of the players you left unprotected and leaving you with a lesser option.
  6. Ray_T

    RG3 in LA?

  7. http://www.nfl.com/news/story/0ap3000000811029/article/andrew-hawkins-to-sign-oneyear-deal-with-patriots sounds like he signed at less than market.
  8. it's still a pretty good team overall. I guess with CJA as your #2, you could have used more depth in terms of backups, but its not very often you will pick a team that doesnt have one weakness of sorts. I think you can fix your issue with an astute trade or waiver wire pickup, you just need to keep your eyes open. one solid pickup of a RB on the waiver wire(or via trade), and you could ride your way to the championship.
  9. Ray_T


    Gordon for a 7th is a great deal. for a talent like him that's so cheap it might as well be free. ditto for DJ. the only relevant question is how many keepers are you allowed to keep? Gurley isnt a terrible deal for a third. but that deal is not as good as the other two. It's not even close.
  10. Ray_T

    Keeper league - pick 5 salary cap $200

    I also think that given what is happening, I cannot see you paying a whole lot more for him in next year's auction (assuming you dont keep him) so why keep him if the cost to re acquire is gonna be about the same?
  11. Ray_T

    Pick 2 keepers

    ok, the way I read the rules, you get the #2 pick. so if you keep nobody, the only way you dont get your first selection is if the guy with the #1 pick keeps nobody. if you keep nobody, and everyone else keeps at least one, you will get the first overall pick and the second pick in the second round (assuming the last place team only keeps one) so there is the real possibility it is to your advantage to not keep anybody. If this is the case, I wanna know who the last place team has a choice of keeping.
  12. Ray_T

    Kenneth Dixon out for the year

    There are 2 types of meniscus injuries. I am reciting from memory so someone please correct me if I'm wrong. My understanding is that the most common form of this injury requires a 'trim' of the torn part outside of the knee and that one takes 4-6 weeks and is the most common form of the injury another is where it is torn and is inside the knee itself. This takes a much longer recovery period and is more likely to lead to complications. It is a far more serious injury. Like I said, I'm recalling from memory so if my details are anywhere incorrect, I invite any and all of you to correct me on this.
  13. Ray_T

    Help pick keepers in Dynasty league

    I too would keep K. Allen. He's a bit injury prone, but you cannot ignore his upside.
  14. Ray_T

    Longtime FFToday Guys: IBL Opportunity

    I love it when that happens. Play the matchup, get out of a pickle and win a game that should have been lost. I love it!
  15. Ray_T

    Travis Kelce value?

    I was able to get him cheap in one of my pools last year. I dont think I'll be able to have the same luck this year.
  16. Ray_T

    Kenneth Dixon out for the year

    well, this is a team that could use Hyde.
  17. Ray_T

    Kenneth Dixon out for the year

    Yeah that was my plan too. West will still be priced reasonably I think. but you are picking him at least a round earlier. Maybe two.
  18. I have no doubt that this season will not be as good as the last one for Dallas. The line wont be as good. I still think they will be good enough for Zeke to have a good season. I just dont think he will be running over teams like he did last year. and the offense wont sustain as many long drives that take a bunch of time off the clock. In the end, that will mean more time on the field for the defense, and I think that defense will be seriously exposed late in some football games where Zeke wont be as effective. I agree 5 YPC wont be repeated. I'm thinking somewhere in the range of 4.5 YPC would be more reasonable this year for Zeke.
  19. yeah I get it, but I dont think teams were keying on the RB all year long like they will be this year. Cutler wasnt spectacular, but he generally threw a 60% completion rate and 3500+ yards per year. They also had a stud WR in Alshon Jeffery that they dont have now. And he was dangerous when he was in the lineup. I still think it will be a harder year for him. but I also think hes a very good player. All I'm saying is dont expect the YPC to be the same. I'm pretty sure it will drop a bit.
  20. I think I had him at #5. but he's good enough that he should be in the conversation.
  21. Ray_T

    RG3 in LA?

    I was thinking the same thing. Unless he learns to be a pocket passer, he will have a hard time being a starter in this league. That being said, he's gone to the right OC. I think he worked with Tyrod Taylor for some time and if he got him to a point where he could play, he may be able to do it with RG3. I think RG3 would have to be satisfied to be a backup for a year or two while making the transition, but I honestly dont see a better option for RG3 at this point. He needs some good coaching with someone willing to put in the time and effort to help him. from what I've seen, there are only a handful of teams with the ability to work with him in this way and this IS one of them.
  22. I disagree. too many questions on that O line. 2 (possibly 3) new faces. It will take a half season for them to come together and work as a team. I agree Gordon will be better, but not THAT much better and most of the improvement will be seen in the second half of the season. I'm betting on Shady Mccoy as my #4 Ranked RB behind David Johnson, Bell, and Zeke.
  23. Well, there is no doubt that if the QB does not play well enough to make teams respect the pass, Howard will find the sledding to be substantially tougher than last year. If I was a Def Co-ordinator, I'd stack the box against that offense and dare them to beat my team through the air. If the Starting QB (whoever that may be) is good enough to beat the secondary, then I can see some running lanes opening up. But I think it will take at least 3-5 games for that to happen.
  24. Well, this sort of thing happens all the time. New coach, new offensive system. they draft a new player who they feel fits the scheme better and next thing you know, the old player is on the outs. I think this kind of thing is more common with defensive players, but it happens.
  25. Well, that's the kind of coach that can make a player like RG3 or Kap into a player. He did it with T-Mobile. edit-let me clarify. my understanding is that the OC worked with T-Mobile. So this could be a legit destination for a player with their skillset.