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Everything posted by kilroy69

  1. kilroy69

    Tigers vs Cardinals

    Thats fine with me. I am also calling a granderson triple.
  2. kilroy69

    Guillen calls columnist Mariotti homosexual slur

    Mariotti is calling for a 2 week suspension. http://www.suntimes.com/output/mariotti/cst-spt-jay22.html The time has come for a two-week suspension, long enough for human sensibility and decency to kick in. It's more important the Sox send a message about what they stand for than what Guillen's absence might mean in a pennant race. Let Ozzie think about life a little. Send him out for some professional sensitivity training, not what is being attempted by unskilled shrinks in the public-relations office. Tell him why it's fine to admonish a media person all he wants -- a critic should accept criticism, naturally -- as long as Guillen doesn't step over the line and slur gay groups. Most importantly, explain what happened to Schott, Al Campanis and Jimmy "The Greek'' Snyder when they made insensitive comments. They were fired, run out of their professions. I am hardly alone in thinking Guillen, if he doesn't wise up, is headed toward a bad ending in Chicago. As somebody who lobbied hard in print for Ozzie to get the job, I knew he would be a politically incorrect load at times. But little did I know he would become a national embarrassment to a city, a franchise and a sport. The incidents are coming a little too frequently for comfort, and anyone who thinks he's just deflecting attention from his team isn't living on a sane planet. The shame of it is, his antics are taking away from the enjoyment of a rare World Series championship in this town, a title he made happen. As long as the Sox are winning, I suppose there will be enough Neanderthal fans who would defend a manager for an ax murdering. But when a lightning rod starts struggling and losing -- see Bob Knight, Indiana -- even the big bosses lose patience with the nonstop stunts. Guillen's beef with me involves his belief that if I criticize him, I should rush down to the ballpark immediately and let him litter me with insults. If that sounds like high-school macho nonsense, realize it's the general mentality of baseball clubhouses. Imagine a critic panning a movie, then being required to take a tongue-lashing the next day from an angry Vince Vaughn. Imagine a restaurant critic not liking an Italian joint, then having to show up so the chef can throw meatballs at him. Sorry, guy, I'm not a beat writer who covers the team every day. Tuesday night, I was at Game 6 of the NBA Finals, where I should have been. Next week, I'll be at the NBA draft. Next month, I'll be at the British Open. If Ozzie has a problem with my schedule, he should behave better so I don't have to write about him. I might cede to Guillen's wishes, by the way, if Sox management through time had been more professional in controlling numerous incidents in which I was threatened physically in their clubhouse. This, in turn, led to published stories about the episodes and turned me into what no journalist wants to be -- the news -- which led to a Sox-generated perception that I am some evil being who roots for the Cubs. Tribune Co. will confirm that as thoroughly absurd. Finally, last season, there were death threats and an incident at U.S. Cellular Field involving Carl Everett. Again, the Sox don't even address volatile issues when they involve me and other writers. Until they do, these are the rules they'll have to live by. Consider the latest Guillen flareups to be Exhibit A of why this situation exists.
  3. I am a pistons fan. That being said other than any of the pistons shaq is my favorite player and I am very happy to see him win one without kobe before kobe won one without him. How can you not like Shaq man? He is a funny guy and a gret big man.
  4. kilroy69

    Alleged females: a question

    Maybe take someone in with you so you can do a good cop bad cop kind of thing.
  5. kilroy69

    If they posed nude for Playboy...

    The olsen twins.
  6. kilroy69

    Tigers vs Cardinals

    I love the way you think. We need to get better at killing the sox before we can go to the world series.
  7. kilroy69

    We got a NO NO brewing

    Matt Cain is hoping to throw the first no-no since 2004. The 21-year-old Giants righty has no-hit the Angels through seven innings. The Angels, who trail the Giants 2-1, scored on a throwing error. And its gone.
  8. I got caught driving on a suspended licence. It was suspended because I owe a "drivers responsibility fee" stemming from a ticket I got 2 years ago. Every year for the last 2 years I have had to pay 800 bucks and this is after I payed the ticket and got my licence cleared up. I did not pay it this year because I just did not have it. I just got a job and was popped last week. So I am going to court to explain myself. I need a restricted liscense untill I can pay off the fines. Any ideas on how I should handle this? Should I just throw myself on the mercy of the court and explain that I am doing the best I can do and that I can't pay the fines if I can't drive to work. Would that work? I explained it to the cop that pulled me over and he was very understanding about the issue. I have a good driving record. I have only had 2 moving violations in the last 10 years and they were both for 5 over. No wrecks since I was 19 and im 30 now. The original ticket was for expired tags and it just spiraled out of control from there.
  9. kilroy69

    Who is da Hottest latin cutie ? ( of these 5 )

    Salma Hyeck is one of the hottest women on the planet, there may be another one hotter out there but I have yet to see her.
  10. kilroy69

    We got a NO NO brewing

    I watched a combined no hitter for the braves. Alajandro Pena, mark wholers and Kent merker. It was cool as sh!t.
  11. Jeff has no value to them unless he can be converted to a RP.
  12. kilroy69

    Welcome back Mr Prior!

    6-0 with 1 out in the first.
  13. kilroy69

    Detroit tigers homers

    Our # 6 overall draft pick andrew miller is pitching tonight in the CWS for North carolina state I believe.
  14. kilroy69

    Detroit tigers homers

    Miller allowed one hit from the fourth through seventh innings. He left with one out in the eighth, having allowed five runs on six hits. The five runs matched the most against him this season. He walked three and struck out nine. He gave up a chunk of runs but still had 9 K's.
  15. For its workers that are retired now. What a bunch of sh!t. And I suppose they will get away with it.
  16. kilroy69

    Extra Innings

    I went to see The Rocket win his 300th game against the tigers on fathers day a few years back. Got my dad to actually go into the dirty D to see this historic moment. The game went 18 innings and clemens did not get the win david wells did. 18 innings in the hot sun and they stopped serving beer after the 7th.
  17. kilroy69

    Delta wants to shed its pension plan

    Yea thats what I am afraid of. My dad has worked at GM for 30 years now and he is not going to retire for fear that they are going to fock him over once he leaves.
  18. kilroy69

    Most despised athlete

    There is nothing to forgive. He is a racist good ol boy that may also have chewed paint chips as a child.
  19. kilroy69

    Any good weekend plans?

    Playing an addicts game of poker and getting stoned.
  20. kilroy69

    The Geno Steak controversy

    Could it possibly be that he is just tired of people coming up and ordering in a language that he does not understand. He is not asking them to renounce god. Just don't hold up the line and SPEAK FOCKING ENGLISH.
  21. kilroy69

    is it wrong to kiss a girl

    You got some good advice and some smartarses. Thats about par for the course here.
  22. where have you been ? you left me no email no phone number so if you want mine here they are or go to classmates.com and look for ---------- and leave me a message ok? i really hope you are not mad at me or i did anything wrong. ther's a few things we need to talk about that i really need to tell you. love ya always my andrew L.W. P.S. I lost my mickey mouse key ring you need to go get me another haha! Now, I have not seen her in a few years. The last time I knew she was married with 2 kids and a 3rd on the way. Just an odd email to get. We were pretty close friends in high school. And yes she has HUGE cans, but no I don't have a pic.
  23. kilroy69

    Just got this email from a girl I grew up with

    38 D's at least. She was 5'0 125 and big large breasts.
  24. kilroy69

    People Who actually like Hockey...

    I knew I liked you for a reason. LOL. State is good in hockey and basketball all the time and football every 4 years it seems. I will root for Michigan though if they are not playing state.