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kilroy69 last won the day on December 31 2018

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About kilroy69

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  • Birthday 11/11/2009

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    Inside your mother

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  1. kilroy69

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    another fun fact. I do not believe anyone has ever liked hillary.
  2. kilroy69

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    Ohhhh yea...I remember president Hillary Clinton.
  3. kilroy69

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    They would be about as shocked as trump was when he won. The democrats just like putting up unlikable women against trump so he can crush them.
  4. kilroy69

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    ohhhh deep down they certainly do no expect to win. This is 100 percent about 28
  5. kilroy69

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    You are delusional. Your own strategists are coming out and saying he is still the favorite. There is Zero chance she wins once trump starts attacking her on issues like when she knew that biden was senile, the fact she was overly harsh on petty pot crimes that mostly effected the black community or when they put black men up on stage to tell how Harris kept them in prison for slave labor. Democratic strategist David Axelrod says he believes former President Trump is still a “pretty substantial favorite” in November’s election, even as excitement builds among Democrats about Vice President Harris’s campaign. “I still rate him a, you know, pretty substantial favorite in this race just because of the electoral challenges,” Axelrod said Tuesday on his “Hacks on Tap” podcast.
  6. kilroy69

    Biden calls Kamala a DEI HIRE

    What is hilarious is that she IS a dei hire. We ALL know this. They can BE dei hires. You just can not call them by that name.
  7. kilroy69

    Mr. Beast's friend comes out as trans woman

    I mean, he has allowed kris to promote his mental illness to millions of fans as a normal thing. He IS part of the problem. The only good thing about it for me was that it sparked a discussion with my 10 year old and I about mental illness.
  8. kilroy69

    Mr. Beast's friend comes out as trans woman

    Wooowwww what a shocker. MrBeast's YouTube co-host Ava Kris Tyson has quit the channel after grooming allegations, which she denies. The 28-year-old US YouTuber, who has more than 22,000 subscribers on her own channel, was accused of sending inappropriate messages to a minor, reportedly then 13, when she was 20. On X, Ava denied the claims saying, "I never groomed anyone", but apologised for her "past behaviour" in a statement. She said that she and MrBeast - real name Jimmy Donaldson - have "mutually decided it’s best I permanently step away from all things MrBeast and social media to focus on my family and mental health".
  9. kilroy69

    Who will be the Kamala Harris pick for VP?

    She is almost sure to pick puffer pete as her running mate to complete the identity politics ticket.
  10. kilroy69

    Who will be the Kamala Harris pick for VP?

    That is a joke if you think Kamala has ANY chance of carrying Michigan with or without Whitmer.
  11. kilroy69

    Guess who is too old to run for President?

    If you search donald trump age right now in the last few days there are tons of stories from the MSM saying this right now. Madcow thinks he is too old suddenly https://www.msnbc.com/rachel-maddow-show/maddowblog/biden-spotlight-trumps-age-fitness-health-2024-election-rcna163226
  12. kilroy69

    Guess who is too old to run for President?

    I think it is hilarious that after 4 years of propping joe biden up in what has to be a form of elder abuse the left wants to pretend that AGE really matters NOW. NOW they want that. Before if you talked about bidens age you were being disrespectful and ageist.
  13. That cop should go to prison for the rest of his life. There is ZERO reason why he would have escalated this. I rebuke you in the name of jesus is not a legit reason to be shot in the face or even threatened to be shot in the face. This is the most absurd thing I have ever seen. There is NO reason this woman is dead. At no point did she present a threat and there would be no reason why the cop even thought she was going to throw the water on him. She was cool, calm and collected at every single point in this interaction. Joking about rebuking him in the name of jesus cost her life. That is just the dumbest police interaction I can imagine.
  14. kilroy69

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    No one does that with trump. Why would they do that with kamala?
  15. kilroy69

    The state of the Presidential race: who is the favorite now?

    I find it curious that NO ONE in the msm is questioning harris and when she knew that Biden was a vegetable.