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Everything posted by mgs316

  1. mgs316

    How bout dem Cowboys

    As much as I hate "America's team" I would like to see Romo shove it in everyone's face. He's been an above average QB carrying some pretty bad teams. Football unlike baseball is actually a team game and takes everyone doing their part to win and produce. Adrian Peterson didn't run for 2000 by himself, he had to have holes opened by the line. Brady wasn't throwing 50 TD's without Moss and a very good O-line giving Moss time to run 50 yards. He just needs to get hot in the post-season, seems to be the MO.
  2. mgs316

    Calling it: Stacy breaks out this week

    Debating going with stinking McFadden instead of this cluster fvck. Not practicing, who know what % of carries will be if he even plays and on Monday night when it's too late.
  3. mgs316


    Noodlearm Fitzpatrick on the road? Seems like a gimme but that line...hummmm...
  4. Not making an excuse for Tebow specifically, just young QB's in general.
  5. mgs316

    Hopkins whose sitting him tonight?

    Cruz in for Hopkins.
  6. NFL needs a QB development league or something. Some guys it just takes a long time to slow the game down and make the right choices. Kurt Warner took 4 years to get back to the show. The NFL needs more capable QB's. Maybe with some more time Tebow could have been a solid backup with more training.
  7. Team killer. Backups until I see him perform in full for one week.
  8. We usually have 1 or 2 blockbusters but it seems this season the teams are so even it's hard to do the 2 for 1 or 3 for 1 where you trade a top 20 RB for two good players where you need help. Basically no one has 3/4 stud RB's so you can't do a RB for WR and TE help as an example.
  9. Not trying to start anything but norv is calling the offensive shots, not zimmer. So yes, the head coach knows his team but its up to norv to decide how to use the two rbs. I do not own adp, asiata or McKinnon.
  10. mgs316

    Ben Tate is Back

    Cripes, the way Cleveland has run, you could probably get by with starting Tate and Crowell with as bad as the rest of the RB's are doing league wide.
  11. mgs316

    4-0, Let's see those teams

    12 team, standard scoring. #1 in points. Luck/Dalton McCoy Jennings/Bradshaw/Khiry/Ingram/Sanky Marshall Maclin/Austin/Robinson Thomas/Paul K D
  12. mgs316

    Is this trade collusion?

    ^^^^ Re-read the OP's post.
  13. mgs316

    wr/wr finally paying off

    Rds 1-4: QB, WR, RB, TE 2-1 RB, WR, TE, QB 3-0
  14. mgs316

    Is this trade collusion?

    I moved Peterson two games into the 2011 for McCoy and Wallace, everyone said I was insane, blah, blah, blah. This trade is a wash.
  15. mgs316

    Whos got the balls to bench mccoy?

    Better options is the problem for almost everyone. Jennings, Thursday game on the road against the 2nd ranked run D. Pass. Sankey, no chance. Ingram, out. Khiry, timeshare but a maybe i guess.
  16. mgs316

    Is this trade Fair?

    Nothing unfair about it. Would I trade Green and Charles, probably not but it's not unfair.
  17. Wait, what? The same R. Jennings that has 100+ combined yards in each week along with 2 TD's? The same R. Jennings that has no competition for touches? He went too high?
  18. mgs316

    Official 3-0 Thread

    12 team: Luck\Dalton McCoy Jennings/Bradshaw/Khiry/Sanky/Ingram Marshall Maclin\Sanu\Boldin Thomas\Niles D K
  19. mgs316

    Buy Low - Sell High

    With how few legit RB's there are, how can anyone be selling any of them like Bradshaw or Jennings? What, is someone going to give me Calvin Johnson for Jennings? I have McCoy, Jennings, Bradshaw, Khiry, Ingram and Sankey and i ain't selling jack squat.
  20. Just scoreboard watching so no clue what's going on.
  21. mgs316

    Kirk Cousins

    RGIII to St Louis.
  22. mgs316

    Finally saw Asiata play and....

    I think people were envisioning Norv making him Sproles.
  23. mgs316

    96.75 to 96.74

    How do you get xx.74 points? What is providing the second decimal place?