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Everything posted by TBayXXXVII


    2024 Projections & Rankings

    Not sure yet. Not enough information on him as of right now.

    2024 Projections & Rankings

    To answer your question... yes, their OLine was crappy the last 2 years. In 2022, they ranked 31st in Run Blocking Win Rate, and 32nd last year. Chase Edmonds - 4.5 ypc (career pre-2023). Last year in Tampa, 3.6. You do realize that those numbers aren't really all that much higher than last year, right? Also, I said that's if you think the OL is better and that Mayfield doesn't stink.

    Racist dad ruins daughters graduation

    Anyone who has lived in this country since 1776 with Democrat elected officials as their representative, has been victims of a long train of abuses.

    Racist dad ruins daughters graduation

    Right, you're on the side of anti-Declaration of Independence... a.k.a, anti America.

    2024 Projections & Rankings

    Not saying White is a great runner, but he's a lot better than what people give him credit for. Tampa's iOL was complete trash last year. On runs designed up the middle, White averaged less than 1 yd before contact. Meaning, so matter how great of vision you have, you're not getting many yards. IF the Bucs are right about their OLine additions as well as their belief that Cody Mauch will have a big step forward, I think 4+ ypc isn't just reasonable, it should be expected. I also think he gets more carries than the 272 he had last year... that's at least until I see Irving play. Understand, I think Baker Mayfield is trash and the Bucs offense won't be effective because he won't be. That said, if by some miracle, he's a decent QB and the Bucs are able to move the ball and score more often than last year... that means the OLine is a lot better and the net result will be more production from White. Yes, I'm saying that White isn't the problem with that offense, it's the iOL and Mayfield. If White is the same player as last year with others around him improving, I'd expect about 70 receptions, 1700 total yards and 12 TD's. Note, that's not a huge increase, that's only 6 more receptions, 160 more total yards, and 3 more TD's. Summation... if you fade White because HE's the problem, you're making a mistake. If you're fading him because you think Mayfield and the iOL still stinks, then I'd agree with you and wouldn't blame you.

    Racist dad ruins daughters graduation

    No, I'm saying you were. If that's the case, you should be ok with it, since the Declaration of Independence says that it's our responsibility to do it if we think the government is at fault.

    Racist dad ruins daughters graduation

    That's right... only one side does it. Got it. Again, it's not a whataboutism, it's calling you a hypocrite for not being consistent. Typical, of your kind.

    Racist dad ruins daughters graduation

    Apparently. You don't think this statement in the Declaration of Independence is valid: "But when a long train of abuses and usurpations, pursuing invariably the same Object evinces a design to reduce them under absolute Despotism, it is their right, it is their duty, to throw off such Government, and to provide new Guards for their future security."

    Racist dad ruins daughters graduation

    So wait, you guys are now don't just hate the Constitution, you now hate the Declaration of Independence too? Dudes, why not just leave the US then? Canada is that way.
  10. TBayXXXVII

    Racist dad ruins daughters graduation

    Remember how your people tried to break into government buildings in 2020, across the country? Don't recall any calls of overthrowing the government that year. I do recall our current president and VP telling people to donate to bail funds for those arrested though. Weird, huh? I even recall a portion of Portland (I believe), that was literally seized by these people for what, 3 weeks? Remember when the liberals changed that situation from CHAZ (Capitol Hill Autonomous Zone), to CHOP (Capitol Hill Organized Protest), to downplay what actually happened? Yeah, good times.
  11. TBayXXXVII

    Racist dad ruins daughters graduation

    The new slogan for the Democrat party should be: "Irony is our way of life".
  12. TBayXXXVII

    Philadelphia Business Curfew

    So, forcing stores owned and operated by minorities are being targets by the government and controlling the hours of operation. Wonder when @The Real timschochet will be here to point out how this is systemic racism.....
  13. TBayXXXVII

    Racist dad ruins daughters graduation

    Oh, you meant that ONE guy? When you said "these Trumpers", I thought you were referring to multiple people or people on the board.
  14. TBayXXXVII

    Racist dad ruins daughters graduation

    If by "out of control", you mean "owning the left", "calling out the left on their bs", and being right", then I agree with you completely. Otherwise, you're just blind by the blue haze over your eyes.
  15. TBayXXXVII

    Racist dad ruins daughters graduation

  16. Yeah, just furthers the fact that the Left is who's moving left and not the Right moving right. Willing to bet that both NYT and Newsweek would get massively offended at being called "center right".
  17. Wait, @torridjoe thinks the NYT is "center right"? WTF?
  18. TBayXXXVII

    Racist dad ruins daughters graduation

    Covering a story properly is fine. OP and his tweet about it being racism, is furthering the problem.
  19. TBayXXXVII

    Racist dad ruins daughters graduation

    Excessive race baiting and creating divisions among the races sky rocketed during the Obama campaign and presidency. The Democrat party and their PR department (the main stream media), were at the forefront of it. It's been around ever since. We have people here, even the OP, who are quick trigger racist people. Once he sees/hears something that he likes or doesn't like... boom... racist. Again, we're calling him and people like that out, and you're here with the "whataboutism" crap. Yeah, we're not the problem.
  20. TBayXXXVII

    Trump to ban contraception?

    It actually was a funny story, but my fiancé didn't know about it either, like he pretends.
  21. TBayXXXVII

    Trump to ban contraception?

    I'm responding to a question about Biden's thoughts, not a moron on the message board. Way to prove you have no real defense for your stupidity... oh, and she didn't plan it moron.
  22. TBayXXXVII

    Racist dad ruins daughters graduation

    That's right, we're the problem... not the race battery. You're such a clown.
  23. TBayXXXVII

    Racist dad ruins daughters graduation

    It's been like that since '07, when ANYONE who disagreed with Obama, only did so because they were racist. Or, so I was told by the Leftist media anyway. Seems weird to have a message of unity when they only brought division.
  24. TBayXXXVII

    Trump to ban contraception?

    When he was competent, he was against it. Now that othee people are pulling his strings, he probably doesn't even know what abortion is.
  25. TBayXXXVII

    Racist dad ruins daughters graduation

    Liberals and your bs crap about "whataboutisms". He's calling out the agenda of the media and dumbasses like you on your hipcracy.