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Everything posted by TBayXXXVII

  1. These people are probably paid to be there.
  2. Gotta love it. Biden is going to prevent political interference by interfering politically!

    Unisex bathrooms at airport

    How stupid.
  4. Ugh, need new glasses... thought that was 2029. I don't think he should pardon anyone. They broke the law, period.


    I ignore all those people.
  6. I didn't follow the sentences of the people who were found guilty of crimes from Jan 6th. Are you saying that their sentences will run out at that time or that Trump will pardon them on his last day in office?
  7. You spent too much time on this post. I don't care if there's proof or not... the city, the state, and the judge are doing everything they can to make sure there is a guilty verdict, and that's what I expect. In NYC, the likelihood of a fair and impartial jury in a trial against Donald Trump is virtually impossible... I think we saw that with E. Jean Carroll trial.


    How else would it occur?


    My post was a joke. I don't believe God exists, just like I don't believe that Mother Nature exists.
  10. I think a heavy fine and house arrest & probation is a reasonable expectation. That said, I put nothing past the liberals (politicians/activists/judges).
  11. I'd bet against it, but I wouldn't be shocked. I think the media and politicians will be a bigger threat than the public. The origin of this tangent was if a jurist wrote a book. We were just pointing out that historically, the Left is way more violent than the Right.
  12. Nice to see someone on the left admits that they're for political prosecutions.
  13. Doesn't matter... he'll be in the White House in January.
  14. Hung jury would be ok, because that would give them the opportunity to try him again.
  15. Correct. They have fear from the Left for a non-guilty verdict. Substantially more fear from the left than the right, history has proven that.
  16. TBayXXXVII


    God is incorrectly faulted and praised for good and bad weather.... that's all on Mother Nature.
  17. TBayXXXVII

    Bill Walton died

    I would definitely put Lanier ahead of Walton.
  18. My guess is yes. They don't want him on the campaign trail.