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Everything posted by Bert

  1. Do you consider 18 as the start of adulthood? If yes, 2 in high school.
  2. Bert

    Nobody needs to own an AR-15

    An AR-15 is needed to handle animals like these.
  3. Bert

    Marine doing Marine sh!t

    But somebody probably disrespected the bum and his culture has taught him to immediately turn to violence. This time he assaulted someone stronger than him and Darwinism took over.
  4. Bert

    Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame 2023 Inductees

    Or Ozzy or the Scorpions.
  5. Bert

    Rock And Roll Hall Of Fame 2023 Inductees

    But nowhere close to Ozzy. The rock and roll hall of fame is a joke.
  6. Bert

    I KNEW it!!!

    I am AOC and I approved this message.
  7. Bert

    Cancel Bud Light! Maga Hissy Fit!

    She created the hysteria. When it blew up her condescending interview came to light making in worse. She created a marking nightmare for AB. She didn't pull the ad. She failed miserably at her job period. Spin it however you want but she failed on multiple levels.
  8. Bert

    Shootings of the Day - July 4 edition

    Not nearly as discussing as the liberal Judges and DAs. Here is how liberals deal with gun criminals. https://www.fox26houston.com/news/4-out-of-5-defendants-charged-with-possessing-machine-gun-just-48-hours-ago-are-already-free https://www.fox26houston.com/news/breaking-bond-18-year-old-gets-sweetheart-deal-from-judge-for-weapons-charges-now-accused-of-murder https://www.fox26houston.com/news/dozens-of-defendants-charged-with-unlawfully-possessing-machine-gun-later-granted-pr-bond
  9. The right is pushing anti abortion and fault divorce and the left is pushing for children that do not have the mental maturity to buy a drink or a cigarette to be able to have life and body altering genital surgery without parental consent. Gotta love politics.
  10. Bert

    Cancel Bud Light! Maga Hissy Fit!

    It was a colossal marketing failure. The executive clearly did not know or understand her customer base. That was made very evident by her condescending comments after words and why she is on leave. Her hubris that her ultra progressive views should be accepted by everyone cost her her job and AB 100s of millions. This will blow over and bud light will survive but it will be a lesson in marketing classrooms for a long time.
  11. Bert

    Cancel Bud Light! Maga Hissy Fit!

    It's very simply failed marketing. This virtue signaling executive millennial forgot rule number 1 in marketing, know your audience (ie customer base). If this had been for bud light seltzer it is no big deal. But no she chooses to demean women and forgot the customer base for bud light is mostly red necks and frat boys.
  12. If they wanted to do something good for society they should require an application showing financial ability and a government permit to have a child.
  13. Bert

    Cancel Bud Light! Maga Hissy Fit!

    Correct. They will brag about putting solar panels on their homes to save the environment and they have multiple Iphones, a tablet or two, a computer and multiple TVs.
  14. Bert

    Cancel Bud Light! Maga Hissy Fit!

    We are the biggest hypocrites in the world except for Europe but that is a totally different conversation.
  15. Bert

    Cancel Bud Light! Maga Hissy Fit!

    FYI - Kid Rock isn't the one forcing me to take diversity and inclusion training. Kid Rock isn't forcing ESG standards and reporting down my throat. Kid Rock isn't the reason for the Unisex bathrooms at the new KC airport. Kid Rock isn't the one telling me that what I have learned in my 54 years of life experience is racist and creating an unconscious bias but only against minorities, women and the disabled. Kid Rock isn't the reason damn near every other commercial features gay men and or multi racial families. Kid Rock knows his audience. While his marketing stunt was childish or even stupid if you prefer it strengthened his brand. Bud Light obviously didn't know it's audience and their moronic marketing stunt cost them 10s maybe 100s of millions of dollars.
  16. Bert

    Cancel Bud Light! Maga Hissy Fit!

    The man in his ivory tower pronouncing his judgment on all those below him.
  17. Bert

    Prototypical 90s country video

    Nirvana - Smells Like Teen Spirit (Official Music Video) - YouTube And some people think this was great music.
  18. No, because when officials threatened to send them to Buffalo they said they would prefer to go back to Mexico.
  19. Bert

    Cancel Bud Light! Maga Hissy Fit!

    Good that you are consistent. I don't care but I also don't care that people are boycotting. It is amazing people have such a strong reaction to people boycotting especially the people that are all for cancelling the names of sports teams, food products, street names, government buildings, etc.
  20. Bert

    Deathpool update: Gordon Lightfoot

    Very true.
  21. Bert

    Cancel Bud Light! Maga Hissy Fit!

    Did you read into Mrs. Butterworth's being racist and offensive?
  22. Bert

    Cancel Bud Light! Maga Hissy Fit!

    Did you watch the ad? Apparently this march madness is some kind of sports thingy. I though everyone just had a crazy March.
  23. Bert

    Cancel Bud Light! Maga Hissy Fit!

    So a major brand having a man pretending to be a woman condescendingly mocking a woman's intelligence is ok with you?
  24. Bert

    Deathpool update: Gordon Lightfoot

    That's a good one. Never heard it but that is because I can't stand Pink Floyd.
  25. Bert

    Deathpool update: Gordon Lightfoot

    Childs play. Rime of the Ancient Mariner 13:38. Empire of the Clouds 18:00.