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Everything posted by rurbaniak

  1. rurbaniak

    I need 17 pts tonight

    14 pts in the 2nd half, come on JJ!
  2. rurbaniak

    Alright, any of you fockers...

    Live Stream not working.
  3. rurbaniak

    Alright, any of you fockers...

    Hey guys, send me that link.
  4. Let's put it on the agenda for next year. I like the Idea!
  5. rurbaniak

    Rodney & AUJosh - posted just in case

    rurbaniak dfenwick2000@yahoo.com requested that 1 roll of a 1000-sided die be rolled. Roll them bones ... your dice are Roll 1: 405. Mail was sent to you at dfenwick2000@yahoo.com and to whoisjgalt@usa.net. (Mail addresses have not been confirmed.)
  6. Yea, I promised to send it, and I did. Remember I was contacting you after Week 3 when I was 0-3. I know bad timing.. Anyways, if by chance I win, you roll it over to next year, otherwise, it's my payment for this year.
  7. rurbaniak

    Week 11 Power Rankings

    I bet grandpahoo wishes he could say the same. PLayoff teams are decided by the power rankings, right? No, we use the Power Rankings to determine draft order next year.
  8. rurbaniak

    Is anyone else secretly hoping....

    I'm sure that's everyone else's hope. Just like V4E last year. Maybe Rodney will win the whole thing again. I'd be the luckiest SOB ever!
  9. rurbaniak

    Pittman / Smith Tracking thread.

    He'll need to average nearly 111 Yards per game the rest of the way out, and add 4 TD's to reach the mark..
  10. rurbaniak

    Trade 7-2-03

    Yea, what a stinker eh! Believe it or not, Javon Walker and Eddie Kennison are the leading scorers of this trade so far. eek!
  11. rurbaniak

    Offseason considerations

    2 Conferences: EAST and WEST 8 Teams from each conference make the playoffs. Matchups are 1-8, 2-7, 3-6, 4-5 to start. Winners of East and West compete for the Stanley Cup. That is all... wink
  12. rurbaniak

    Week 9 Power Rankings

    The matchup gods have been very very good to me!
  13. rurbaniak

    Playoffs and seeding - what happens?

    Standings, H2H Comp. then Total Points Scored. What I meant was, does the North and South only meet in the Superbowl during the playoffs? I get the impression from Jgalt that this is how it's laid out. So that's why would need a cross over team because we're playing through our conference first. Right??
  14. rurbaniak

    Playoffs and seeding - what happens?

    What are the rules for the playoff seed's?? I couldn't find anything on it.
  15. rurbaniak

    Playoffs and seeding - what happens?

    While I can see the confusion, I agree that changing in the middle of the season is not good.
  16. rurbaniak

    Playoffs and seeding - what happens?

    E. The two wildcard teams should be the best two teams regardless of conference.
  17. rurbaniak

    JGalt-Rodney Trade annoucement

    By the end of the Year, you should have it back!
  18. rurbaniak

    Suggested rule change for next year

    OK, how about this one. You and danzone now have three more victories than myself, but I still have a couple more points. Does it make mine the stronger team? Debatable but possible. Are you two in the thick of the playoff hunt compared to my team? Absolutely. Imagine the surreal nature of danzone, a couple wins ahead of me, taking a player off waivers ahead of me, and proceed to bash my brains in with said player. Another example: Mongo and Hoo are separated by less than one point, but five wins in the standings. If one of Hoo's players mangaged 10 more yards this weekend, Mongo would actually have wire priority over him. And that's nuts. Just because you have this burning hate for Dan doesn't give the right to use him as an example. I really think this is a real hard one to battle for or against. Looking at how last year ended, it wasn't that much of a big deal, but this year is an exception. I just think points for is a better way to guage the team. How it turned out last year, if we did waivers after that week: I think most years will turn out like this..
  19. rurbaniak

    Suggested rule change for next year

    It's true, but we have a hand in our team's point production, or lack thereof. I present this example. I actually thought of this point based on my own gaffs, but the example is pretty universal. VOTE YES ON PROPOSITION G! Yea I see your point on that. But I obviously don't have that kind of options in Chimi. If there was a total combined points for (starters/bench) would that be a better guage?
  20. rurbaniak

    Suggested rule change for next year

    Well obviously this involves me considering I'm who your talking about. I don't think that teams Wins/Losses define the team though, look at mine!! I've got the least amount of Points Scored, but I also have the 2nd least against. That's the reason I'm 4-3. My team isn't any better anyone's, is just the fact that no one is scoring against me. If this was a re-draft league though, I would probably go the other way, but considering it's not, I think that waivers are a major factor. I Vote NO on Proposal G.
  21. rurbaniak

    I want a Stud RB.

    So Corey Dillon isn't working out for you? wink That trade we made has been a sh!t for sh!t trade thus far.
  22. rurbaniak

    Fire sale

    Damn, I think your team might be crapper than mine.
  23. rurbaniak


    Did you sit Mason with injury concerns, or did you think there was a better matchup?