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Everything posted by Gepetto

  1. Gepetto

    J K Dobbins

    I just thought of something, both Gus Edwards and JK Dobbins played for John Harbaugh. Now both were signed by the Chargers who will be coached by brother Jim Harbaugh so it seems likely John Harbaugh gave his brother a heads up that both players are worth signing. It will be interesting to see the Chargers new offense this year.
  2. Gepetto


    Right here from Rusty's Link indicates the money going to US Defense munitions manufacturing and US Defense Contractors: In the Ukraine bill, of the $60.7bn, a total of about $23bn would be used by the US to replenish its military stockpiles, opening the door to future US military transfers to Ukraine. Another $14bn would go to the Ukraine Security Assistance Initiative, in which the Pentagon buys advanced new weapon systems for the Ukrainian military directly from US defense contractors.
  3. Gepetto

    Israel hits back at Iran

    Joe Biden is completely symbolic as well.
  4. Gepetto

    Too many playoff teams

    nah, I'm not going to take that stance. I don't like the play-in tournament, but once it's over I do like 16 teams left, each having to win series of games to advance.
  5. Gepetto

    Too many playoff teams

    Neither the Hawks nor Bulls made the playoffs. Team with worst record in this years NBA Playoffs has 47 wins and 35 losses and it's the Lakers.
  6. Gepetto

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    Path the United States is on https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Greek_government-debt_crisis
  7. Gepetto

    Israel hits back at Iran

    You seem to have a reading comprehension problem, or just don't want to accept my words as sincere. Go reread, I'm not even going into the "schooled" situation which was very specific to an emoji response to an answer I provided someone they asked about Trump and preventing Russian invasion.
  8. Gepetto

    Israel hits back at Iran

    11min ago Iran space agency says several drones ‘successfully shot down,’ adds ‘no missile attack for now’ By AFP TEHRAN, Iran — Iran says it shot down several drones and that there had been “no missile attack for now” on the country, after explosions were heard near the central city of Isfahan. Several drones “have been successfully shot down by the country’s air defense, there are no reports of a missile attack for now,” Iran’s space agency spokesman Hossein Dalirian says on X. The Fars news agency said “three explosions” were heard near the Shekari army airbase near Isfahan.
  9. Gepetto

    Israel hits back at Iran

    I'm not making any point. I'm asking questions I don't know the answer to as I'm not aware of the current developments in Ukraine.
  10. Gepetto

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    Why did Putin invade Ukraine? Why did Putin begin the invasion while Biden was President?
  11. Gepetto

    Israel hits back at Iran

    Where is that war at currently. Do you know a link to a current map of what land Russia occupies in the east of Ukraine currently? What progress or setbacks has Ukraine had in the last couple months? What is Ukraine's plan to win the war? I don't have any website to go to for this information that I know of.
  12. Gepetto

    Israel hits back at Iran

    Ukraine does and that response has occurred and is ongoing.
  13. Gepetto

    Israel hits back at Iran

    and you might be right
  14. Gepetto

    Israel hits back at Iran

    I'm not the one who called support for Ukraine warmongerers. I simply don't want our citizens to fund it any longer, unless there are clear goals to victory, that I would listen to.
  15. Gepetto

    Israel hits back at Iran

    So you think a combination of drones carrying bombs and missles in the number of 300 launched directly at Israel soil was a just and equal response from Iran for the Consulate strike in Syria?
  16. Gepetto

    Israel hits back at Iran

    Yea, that's a good point and I'm against Israel for doing that and I don't know what Israel's explanation is for that. OK, I'm going to walk back that I'm good with Iran launching missiles into Iran. Hopefully it's very limited and won't provoke another response.
  17. Gepetto

    Israel hits back at Iran

    Maybe we have perspective. Israel is much more powerful than Ukraine, and Iran is not as powerful as Russia.
  18. Gepetto

    Israel hits back at Iran

    fine with me
  19. Gepetto

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    That's right, I just schooled you so all you can do is try to sweep it aside is a laughing emoji.
  20. Gepetto

    Israel hits back at Iran

    No. They can't do nothing after Iran attacked them directly with 300 projectiles. If Israel didn't respond they are weak, and Iran would then attack again and again.
  21. Gepetto

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    No one said that.
  22. Gepetto

    About effing time…Ukraine to fall by end 2024

    No it wasn't an empty threat. Those words were for if Putin invaded Ukraine while Trump was President. As Putin invaded Ukraine while Biden was pres, it's Biden's fault, not Putin's. Trump won't retaliate against Moscow because of Biden's blunder. Maybe Biden should fix this he's the president now.
  23. Gepetto

    Israel hits back at Iran

    https://www.timesofisrael.com/liveblog-april-19-2024/ Israeli missiles struck site in Iran, US official tells ABC News Iran news agency says explosions heard at Isfahan airport
  24. Gepetto

    Israel hits back at Iran

  25. He was on a two way contracting making $415,000 this year playing basketball. Those gambling decisions were very costly for him.