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Everything posted by MTSkiBum

  1. MTSkiBum

    Obama supports North Carolina ghey marriage ban.

    I am concerned about the geek club, there are two threads on homosexual marriage on page 1, including a thread that quickly accumulated enough posts to be 2 pages long. Not to mention the thread detailing tom brady's hair do. Not that there is anything wrong with that
  2. Even pulling the rotors off is relatively simple. Plus the local O'Reilly's auto-part store refurbishes rotors for 10 dollars. If the calipers are worn out then you deserve the amount of money you are going to spend.
  3. MTSkiBum

    Name MDC's son.

    You dont want your kid to stick out, so give him the most popular name in the world. Muhammad
  4. Why? Brakes are incredibly fast and easy to change out.
  5. MTSkiBum

    I landed the 11th pick out of 12!

    The cool kids are already drafting
  6. I changed my own brakes about 6 months ago. It took 30 minutes and cost me 20 dollars. The real solution to your problem is to get a man. PS: i am still single.
  7. I like how smoothly you switched posters to call names. You called me a name and when I found research that proves you wrong you just moved onto the next poster. Name calling is your forte.
  8. MTSkiBum

    Draft Commentary

    I think it was 18 last year.
  9. MTSkiBum

    Obama loses Delegate in West Virginia Primary

    I lived in wild, wonderful, west virginia for 4 years. A different sort of people live there.
  10. Don't let facts get in the way! http://pubs.niaaa.nih.gov/publications/AA67/AA67.htm The graph near the top of the page shows that the percentage of highschoolers that binge drink has been on a steady decline almost every year since the mid 50's.
  11. I think drug use and alcoholism has decreased over the last 30 years.
  12. I have eaten out for every single lunch and dinner the last 6 months and I have gained 10 pounds. I would have put on even more weight but I work out in the evenings. People eating out too much has to be partly to blame for the weight gain of americans.
  13. MTSkiBum

    Draft Commentary

    I was thinking about making a trade offer before i realized that you drafted brady in the first. You value brady alot more than i do. I will be drafting brady if i see him drop to mid 3rd to early 4th.
  14. MTSkiBum

    rd 12

    12.01 Owen daniels
  15. MTSkiBum

    Round 11

    11.12 Austin collie
  16. MTSkiBum

    Top 100 U.S. pron capitals

    I did buy a blu-ray porn last weekend. What a waste of 50 dollars
  17. I would disagree. I think the surge in afganistan has accomplished nothing other than getting more troops killed. Killing bin laden has been over rated, since it was the result of hundreds, if not thousands of military men and women gathering intel for 5+ years. Not to mention the actual plan was plotted out by military as well. Obama had very little to do with this operation. Foreign policy with north korea and iran has both gotten worse over the last few years as well. Obama has also done nothing with the impending crisis in europe that is hurting american markets and manufacturing. Obama has not accomlished anything substantial in foreign policy in almost a full term, yet the left thinks he is great at foreign policy because the military managed to kill 1 man.
  18. MTSkiBum

    Top 100 U.S. pron capitals

    The list seems random and arbitrary. Minneapolis is ranked at the top of the list and fargo is ranked at the bottom, yet they are practically neighboring cities and have very similar population makeup.
  19. MTSkiBum

    Age for taking son fishing

    I remember shooting guns when I was 7. A single shot 22 under the guiding hand of a responsible adult is fine for a 7 year old.
  20. MTSkiBum

    Help me pick a computer

    I agree on that. It is a connection issue. But i think that the front jacks simply were not hooked up in the first place.
  21. MTSkiBum

    gasoline prices should begin a downward move

    There was record demand when oil was 110 dollars, and now that the demand for oil is dropping the price is dropping. Law of supply and demand. http://www.usatoday.com/money/industries/energy/story/2012-05-07/crude-oil-prices/54801980/1
  22. MTSkiBum

    Round 10

    10.01 matt schaub
  23. MTSkiBum

    Help me pick a computer

    I disagree with raplhster. I do not believe the cables have shaken loose. Computer cables usually click in place and then hold pretty tight. You would have to shake a computer violently to get a cable to slip out of place.
  24. MTSkiBum

    Random Thoughts

    You can "pop" your ears by closing your nose and mouth and trying to blow. Since I had a saliva gland removed when I try to do that the air doesn't try to go out of my ears. Instead the air goes out via my right eyeball. It is now tough for me to hear after flying or after driving over a continental divide since I have no way to change the air pressure in my ears.
  25. MTSkiBum

    Random Thoughts

    There are some species of oysters that can climb trees.