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TD Ryan2

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Posts posted by TD Ryan2

  1. "School" as we know it today is so problematic and antiquated - the school shootings just tip the scales even further towards really evaluating our entire "system" of education.







    These "systems" are relics of the industrial revolution and none of them work well anymore... and while school shootings are a (or the) major issue, it's just another bullet point in the list of issues that are pushing for a wholesale change in the way education is achieved.

  2. The truly sad part is that it will just generate a couple weeks of the same arguments that go nowhere until they fade away and are replaced by the next yanni vs laurel argument.


    The other troubling thing is that I have no idea what the solution to stopping these is. I haven't heard anything near sounding like a legit plan. I suppose the biggest thing is how do you fix focks that are miswired?



    rinse. repeat.


    The solution part is the scary thing... I'm with you... no focking idea what to do and I haven't heard anything reasonable yet.

    • Like 1

  3. Kemper was fantastic - an iconic character right up there with the best ever in movies/tv.


    I can't remember where exactly I stopped watching - maybe I finished Season 1? But at some point, it started to get really slow over multiple episodes and I just bailed.

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  4. and therein lies the lesson son... the two girls I loved the most were Princess Leia and Lois Lane... they were smart, fiesty, beautiful, and (I thought) completely out of my league... but the truth is, like most wimmens, they were batshIt crazy (no pun batgirl, you didn't make the list, you were too old)


    I totally coulda' nailed Leia or Lois if I just had a little more confidence... If I knew how focking nuts they all really are.

    So keep it in mind son... women are crazy... all of them... and that flaw is what will get your ugly, poor ass laid more times than you can imagine.

  5. Meanwhile, tv doesnt seem to have that problem. They are making insanely expensive shows, and killing it. Why can they pull off what Hollywood cant?


    let's take GoT.

    It wasn't that expensive to begin with for HBO... they mad the show specifically for the niche fan... and it spreads from there... the "core" community becomes a force of advocacy for the show and news/interest travels - viral - and before you know it, 50 year old housewives are watching it too.


    And once it's gone "viral" the big budget opens up.


    Can't do that with a movie. Gotta get the mass audience in first somehow to afford the big budget.

  6. the problem with the movies/hollywood/theaters is that they have to make a movie for "everyone"... a product that aims for the center of the bell curve and generates the most interest.


    And that approach toproducts/content/services is dead... there is no "middle of the bell curve" anymore.

    If you are for everybody, you are for nobody.

    Choice is nearly endless and offerings are niche and specific.


    College is wildly overrated and outdated.


    in some cases yes.


    What it not outdated or overrated is education and continuous learning.

    And an many cases, identifying potential employees that can/will continue learning has more to do with the "soft" skills rather than the "hard" skills.... very few employees will show up on day 1 with the EXACT skill sets required from a job...but they can have all the 'soft skills" that make them ideal candidate that can learn, fit in and offer value.

  8. this is just another case where our outdated, "industrial revolution", systems no longer works for the modern world.


    School doesn't adequately prepare kids with the skills needed in our connection-communication-technology economy.


    And many companies and hiring managers have no focking clue how to find the right people for their open positions - where again the old "submit your resume" approach is pretty ineffective even with the help of sites like Monster and Glassdoor.


    Everything is simply moving a lot faster than we can keep up with... we no longer know "how" to do it and we don't know how to find people that "can" or "could" do it... whatever "it" happens to be.

  9. Super Hero Movies go like this for me:


    Superman - Christopher Reeves

    sequels were turrible.


    Batman - Michael Keaton

    then all the Batman movies were turrible


    Dark Knight

    great job, finally Super Hero movies done well



    turrible... Dark Knight set the standard - it's all turrible from here.


    SpiderMan, Avengers, Hulk, IronMan, DeadPool, etc, etc, etc... just turrible.
