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Everything posted by wiffleball

  1. wiffleball

    Actors/Actresses who can't act for crap

    Gotta admit, I've never really seen a role where I wasn't thinking the whole time, "yeah, he's Brad Pitt and he's acting allright." I dunno where I stand with him. I mean, he's believable when he's distressed or angry (Seven, Mexican), but even then, I don't think of him as the character as much as I think of him as Brad Pitt Acting. Contrast that with some of Clooney's roles where, while I obviously knew who he was, I at least bought off on the idea that he was Danny Ocean, etc.. Same with Mel Gibson - HUGE movie star, yet, even though I know who he is, I buy off on the character he plays. Just never been able to do that with Pitt.
  2. wiffleball

    Actors/Actresses who can't act for crap

    Wow. We are seriously going to have to disagree. Portman was amazing in The Professional. I remember seeing her in that movie and thinking she was going to be great. The only thing I haven't liked of hers was that godawful star wars crap and she didn't have a lot of material in that shiitfest. Don't get me wrong. I like George as an actor, but he's really not that different in any of those three roles. - Still one of my favorite to watch along with Duvall.
  3. wiffleball

    Little Miss Sunshine

    So did Macy Gray.
  4. wiffleball

    Musicians who play crappy music

    Gotta be Phish for me.
  5. wiffleball

    A Pet Peeve of Mine

    Do people still live in 7 digit phone number places?? I love the ones who do this That's Stewart. SMITH. S-M-I-T-H- that's S-M-I-T-H ("yeah yeah, hurry the fock up") at: 7-1-3-69355555. (at light speed) I'm pretty sure they do this just to bring about my certain myocardial infarction just a little bit sooner.
  6. wiffleball

    Flemings deal

    Yeah, for my money, I'd say Flemings is in my top three in Houston. I look at steak joints with an overall view: Sides, appetizers, salad/soup, meat, atmosphere, wine, price. If you're just gonna get a steak, just go to the focking butcher and learn how to grill. There are some places that serve a nice steak, but have very little else going for it. - And maybe half a dozen of those at best. I look at a restaurant as if I'm inviting half a dozen friends with all kinds of diverse tastes. Not everybody's going to wolf down a bone-in ribeye and nothing else. Again, if that's your only criterion, why even bother going out?? Fleming's has nice balance in their menu, nice atmosphere and decent pricing - along with a good steak.
  7. wiffleball

    Actors/Actresses who can't act for crap

    That one where he was the prisoner on the plane? Great cast - horrible lead. WTF? How do you fock up a southern accent? That accent was so on again, off again - it reminded me of Costner's phantom ("Oh yeah! I'm British!") accent in Robin Hood.
  8. wiffleball

    White House Blocking capture of Bin Laden?

    ...It was in all the papers...
  9. wiffleball

    White House Blocking capture of Bin Laden?

    are you STILL THAT FOCKING IGNORANT? Even BUSH has admitted that AQ wasn't operating in Iraq before we invaded. The CLOSEST you get to ANY kind of terrorist "link" is Saddam giving money to the families of terrorists who's homes were bulldozed by Israel. - And those guys were in LEBANON. (62 year old Lebanese women are terrorists?) - And they had NOTHING to do with 9/11. If you can find ANY viable proof that AQ and/or other hard-core Muslim terrorists were hanging out and operateing en masse in the ONE country in the M.E. that killed these fockers as soon as they found them, PLEASE kick it out - 'cause only the half-wit Toby Keith 23% still believe that. ###### hysterial - even when the WH admits there were no AQ operating in Iraq, had NOTHING to do with 9/11, even when the WH admits there were no new WMD, there's still half-wits like you living in massive total focking denial. Tip: Saddam KILLS Muslim extremists. OBL HATES Saddam for killing his people. Saddam HATES Muslim radicals for fear of them taking over Iraq like they did Iran. Are you guys really still this focking stupid after all these years??
  10. wiffleball

    White House Blocking capture of Bin Laden?

    Or: "The most important thing is for us to find Osama bin Laden. It is our number one priority and we will not rest until we find him."- G.W. Bush, 9/13/01 or: "we will make no distinction between the terrorists who committed these acts and those who harbor them."[6] So, we invade Iraq - which had no proven terrorist presence, but we flat-out ignore the one place where everybody knows they are.
  11. wiffleball

    White House Blocking capture of Bin Laden?

    God FORBID we be "controversial or risky" in aprehending or killing the guy most responsible for 9/11. Certainly Occupying Iraq was neither controversial nor risky. - Certainly not "complicated" Heavens to Murgatroid, we wouldn't want THAT. Certainly deleting emails, violating FISA, appointing a bunch of brainless mouth breathers to the JD - none of THAT was controversial. But hey, on the ONE thing that Americans REALLY want out of the WOT. The ONE place where EVERY SINGLE INTELLIGENCE AGENCY agrees AQ is operating, training and fully functional. - Let's not risk it. I'm sure Pakistan would gladly give up the 10 BILLION IN AID we give them. The MOST OF ANY SINGLE COUNTRY. Because we were "controversial". Yeah, fothermocking GOD FOR FOCKING BID we don't appear to be controversial nor risky. And no, Bush said in his own words he couldn't care less if he gets OBL or not. Good to keep the Boogeyman out there.
  12. Let's face it - quoting movie lines is a guy thing. Women just don't DO this well. - I dunno, maybe stupid shiit like that one with billy crystal and meg ryan, but not really. So, let's say you have a son. You want to give him a primer of what basic essentially movies he needs to have under his belt. - Not wierd shiit that nobody else gets - that'll just get him to looking like a dork. - Basic shiit that every guy should be able to recognize and quote. Number one. Always. The GodFather.
  13. wiffleball

    Help an old dude remember

    Wow. Gonna be hard to stomach the Grand Slam Breakfast from now on...
  14. wiffleball

    Teen Decapitated by Roller Coaster

    I once complained bitterly that I had no hat. - Until I met a man who had no haid.
  15. wiffleball

    Help an old dude remember

  16. wiffleball

    Actors/Actresses who can't act for crap

    Definitely agree with the first two. Nick Cage wouldnt' have gotten a gig if it weren't for his family connections. last one: Disagree. I agree that he's never really ACTED, but people said that about Jimmy Stewart too. There's certain actors that are - am I using this right? - Character Actors. They never really shift from their onscreen personna from film to film, but they're enjoyable to watch. I'd probably put George Clooney in this category too.
  17. wiffleball

    Actors/Actresses who can't act for crap

    Absolutely. On the female side, Andie McDowell wins hands down. She must be able to suck the chrome off a trailer-hitch to have ever gotten past the first audition.
  18. wiffleball

    Best Soundtrack

    VISION QUEST 1. Only The Young - Journey 2. Change - John Waite 3. Shout To The Top - The Style Council 4. Gambler - Madonna 5. She's On The Zoom - Don Henley 6. Hungry For Heaven - Dio 7. Lunatic Fringe - Red Rider 8. I'll Fall In Love Again - Sammy Hagar 9. Hot Blooded - Foreigner 10. Crazy For You - Madonna I'm not saying you have to personally like every song, but that they are playable songs that a bunch of people enjoy. Para examplo: "Crazy for You" from the above list. Not big on Maddoner, but I can certainly recognize that this was apparently a very poplar songue.
  19. wiffleball

    Anybody drink Bourbon?

    I'm more of a blended whiskey kind of guy right now, but wondering if there's any bourbon lovers out here. Recomendations? Straight, Rox, mix??
  20. wiffleball


    Look, if you go, be careful. The accents can be a little hard to master. I was at that kick-ass luau thing that's listed above - it was really good, but it's also kind of loud. Among other people were a group of folks from the Archdioscese of Cleveland. Some kind of annual vacation. Boy, did things get uncomfortable when the waitress walked up to the Priest and asked if he'd like a little poi.
  21. wiffleball

    A list of posters who I think are OK

    Thanks for pointing that out. Any list that has Peenie on it...
  22. wiffleball

    Woo Hoo!

    That's good. You'll be able to mildly empathize with your date.
  23. wiffleball

    Woo Hoo!

    So, they're remodeling our floor. We have to move to a new floor for like 6 weeks. (Uh-huh, and the "big dig" will be completed in 9 months and Iraq will pay for itself....) Anyhoo, as senior ranking turd wrangler in these parts, I got first peek at the new floorplan when we come back. (shh, don't tell anybody!) I get my boss's orifice!! Significantly bigger, nicer view, big ass winders. The only downside? I have one of them skinny winder things next to my door. This is really going to curtail the amount of at work "activity" I can accomplish. :jerk: 'Course, it's hot as hell in that office too. hopefully, they'll fix that. And, I'm right next to my boss. Holy Crap. There's a lot more downside than I thought of.