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Everything posted by wiffleball

  1. wiffleball

    My New Website for Online Salon Management...

    Geekfest is happening again?
  2. wiffleball

    US group sues KFC to stop use of unhealthy fat

    Sort of. The rest of my money's going to angioplasty.
  3. wiffleball

    US group sues KFC to stop use of unhealthy fat

    Of course, this is the SAME FDA that in the '80's told us to stop eating Butter and start eating more margarine. The SAME FDA that warned us about eggs - then back-tracked on that too.
  4. wiffleball

    ECW kicks off tonight on SciFi

    Foley vs. the Cylons in an all-out grudge match!!!
  5. wiffleball

    ECW kicks off tonight on SciFi

    Wrestling's on SciFi? What's the connection? ...other than they're both complete fantasy...
  6. wiffleball

    Red Friday

    "Red Friday" followed closely by "Wash The Sheets Saturday"
  7. wiffleball

    Red Friday

    Unless I'm walking around sporting my battle red polo shirt in say, Baquba, How the FOCK are any of the troops going to know or care what I'm wearing?
  8. wiffleball

    Red Friday

    Commies wear red!
  9. wiffleball

    Hitler quotes in yearbook prompt apology

    "Mommy, Daddy, Don't fight - you're SCARING me!!!!"
  10. wiffleball

    Leno to referee Coulter and Carlin

    Can't stand her. Nothing to do with her politics, it's just her style. She's obviously just trying to get attention and - lo and behold - the idiot american public and press give it to her. A pretty good indication as to how far we've slid as a country in terms of political discourse: Compare Coulter with Mary Matalin.
  11. wiffleball

    Hitler quotes in yearbook prompt apology

    Same here. I'd hate for my kid to grow up like Ted Turner.
  12. wiffleball

    Hitler quotes in yearbook prompt apology

    I'm a little more worried that Daddy thinks Dylan Klebold there is just a "child" at 18 YO.
  13. wiffleball

    Taking a drug test today

    Had to do one last week. This is the first one where the guy actually WATCHED me. I had to pee like a racehorse (standing up) - until I HAD to pee. It was the toughest pee I've ever taken: Sweat rolling down my head, veins standing up, legs shaking, - Looked like I was doing the dead lift at the olympics!
  14. wiffleball

    Hitler quotes in yearbook prompt apology

    I'm sure at some point Hitler said "No more Shnitzel for me". Apparently, THAT can't be used in a yearbook either?
  15. wiffleball

    What to do in Pittsburgh?

    Downtown somewhere. Got the idea it was the 'original'. Definitely not my favorite sandwich. Didn't try the pizza though....
  16. wiffleball

    What to do in Pittsburgh?

    BTW: This is a picture of the sammich I was talking about. And THIS is their own marketing photo! (ugh) http://www.primantibros.com/
  17. wiffleball

    What do you think of this for a wedding song?

    How about this: If you wanna be happy by Jimmy Soul If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life Never make a pretty woman your wife So for my personal point of view Get an ugly girl to marry you If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life Never make a pretty woman your wife So for my personal point of view Get an ugly girl to marry you A pretty woman makes her husband look small And very often causes his downfall As soon as he married her and then she starts To do the things that will break his heart But if you make an ugly woman your wife A-you'll be happy for the rest of your life An ug-a-ly woman cooks meals on time And she'll always give you peace of mind If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life Never make a pretty woman your wife So for my personal point of view Get an ugly girl to marry you Sax solo Don't let your friends say you have no taste Go ahead and marry anyway Though her face is ugly, her eyes don't match Take it from me, she's a better catch If you wanna be happy for the rest of your life Never make a pretty woman your wife So for my personal point of view Get an ugly girl to marry you
  18. wiffleball

    US group sues KFC to stop use of unhealthy fat

    Dammit! Why didn't I think of this sooner? Deep Fried Cigarettes!!! I'll be a BAZILLIONAIRE!!!!
  19. wiffleball

    US group sues KFC to stop use of unhealthy fat

    Nothing like biscuits and man-gravy.....
  20. wiffleball

    US group sues KFC to stop use of unhealthy fat

    If KFC really wants to do better they need to: 1) Use real mashed taters (like Boston Market). Instant tastes like wallpaper paste. 2) Scrap their gravy recipe and start over. The colonel would roll over in his grave tasting that crap. Offer country gravy too. 3) Scrap the damn biscuits and hijack the Red Lobster's. I like their chicken - eat it every coupla months - but their sides suxor!
  21. wiffleball

    Rove UN-Indicted!

    I never understood that whole thing. Some chick's husband poo-poo's the admin's case for war (and was apparently right), so the admin gets pissy and gets revenge by outing his wife as a CIA agent? WTF??
  22. wiffleball

    So torridjoe ...

  23. wiffleball

    US group sues KFC to stop use of unhealthy fat

    I love me them little snackers that they got. I ordered a couple of them while I was waiting for my bucket of extra crispy andomethamine cyllitrate. oh, and their little bucket parfaits are right tasty too. Do they have that andomethy sillystring stuff too?