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Everything posted by wiffleball

  1. wiffleball

    Hows about a Limerick?

    There once was a moron from Kennebunkport - Oh Mother FOCK! What the HELL rhymes with that??
  2. wiffleball

    National Heathcare

    1) Want to eliminate the CDC, the Pentagon? 2) Many would argue it's farsically ridiculous lawsuit awards that do that. Others would say it's the $50-70 Billion dollars in free indigent health care that ultimately get passed on to us as a result of a people not having access to insurance. I mean, somebody's paying for that 50-70B each year. I'd rather it not be entirely us that do so.
  3. wiffleball

    Obama lies. A list.

    How many did they say were true? Failure to address is not confirmation of accuracy.
  4. wiffleball

    National Heathcare

    "Oh, but you can't expect to wield supreme executive power just because some watery tart threw a sword at you!" Completely destroyed the legend of Camelot in one scene.
  5. wiffleball

    National Heathcare

    I could certainly imagine that there'd be some hella ridiculous paperwork for doctor's offices trying to get reiimbursed for those that utilize the federally susidized insurance. Like you said, we see that with medicare right now. A big part of that stems from the rampant fraud that some doctors and hospitals have perpetrated which results in hella paperwork trying to correct it. Still, even then, that's not "regulating health care" as much as paperworking the hell outta people trying to get reimbursed for providing it. Hell, there's rampant fraud and hella paperwork involved in national defense, but nobody's arguing to stop doing that.* *(Well, maybe Obama...)
  6. wiffleball

    Question: Do you resent the rich

    'Scuze me?? Are Blacks streaming over the border to Mexico to fill those jobs?? BTW - I'd like to find me a quote supporting your first sentence. It's not true. Here, I'll show you how it works. You make a statement, then back it up. Like this: http://mexidata.info/id1722.html And Peenie? (I know I won't get anywhere with you, but what the hell): Every single day I see Hispanic workers busting their ass in my neighborhood while negroes stand mere feet from them begging for money. I have NEVER seen the opposite. I'm not saying all Blacks are lazy, but I'm telling you that there's plenty of work in the Houston economy and these same blacks have been begging for money, not work, as long as I can recall.
  7. wiffleball

    National Heathcare

    I agree the government couldn't run a birthday party without some contractor getting rich off it. BUT, I think we've gotten past the point where we really believe the Pentagon actually paid $1,000 for toilet seats and hammers. - "Creative Accounting" to fund black ops seems to be the key there. And yeah, truth is, the Fed gets a ton of shiit very cheaply (compared to retail) because of their PP. Not as good as if it wa a private busiines. Well, strike that. There's some pretty focked up private bidnesses too. But yeah, I just like the part about 1) People who are paying nothing at least paying SOMETHING. 2) Cheap-ass Employers at least paying SOMETHING. 3) Nipping shiit early rather than having to foot the bill for an amputation, kidney transplant, etc..
  8. wiffleball

    Question: Do you resent the rich

    "Free Lunch Program." I like that. Does PWC get a tax credit for that? Is there a "Free Golf Program too?" And you STILL shop at Good-Will you cheap ass fothermocker! jk
  9. wiffleball

    National Heathcare

    Not really. The PP of the Federal Governement is one of the things that keeps their per-unit costs of things like paper, cell-phones, office supplies, - even vehicles and arms - cheaper than if individual employees had to go out and buy their own and get reimbursed. Again, this is all pretty much common sense. - The same way Wal-Mart call sell shiit cheaper than a mom-n-pop store.
  10. wiffleball

    National Heathcare

    Because if employers don't, they have to kick-in to cover part of the cost of their employees. - Which is great. ###### employers who are too cheap to take care of their employees don't get away scott-free anymore. AND hard-working small businesses that WOULD like to take care of their employees, but can't do so because of the ridiculous cost of insurance (because they can't negotiate smaller premiums since they don't have 5-20,000 employees) will now be able to do so without going out of business.
  11. wiffleball

    Any other Obama supporters starting to wake up?

    This is really ignorant. You should educate yourself before making idiotic comments like this. And I don't even like BO.
  12. wiffleball

    Brooke Hogan Maxim Magazine photo shoot video

    She had some work done. Something is different in that mug of hers. Not sure what, but sumfin.
  13. wiffleball

    Bush's overall presidency

    Dollar also fell because we're in a crapload of debt thanks to the Iraq war, no??
  14. 1. I don't quite buy Chacon's version of events. 2. If my boss tells me he'd like to see me in a conference room, I go. "I don't wanna" isn't something grown men say. 3. This guy's been a perennial disappointment. This is the end of the line for him.
  15. wiffleball

    Javon Walker Update

    1) Didn't we read somewhere yesterday that they have pics of the guy at the Hard Rock club well after 5:30 in the morning? 2) Vegas Hotels film every damn thing. This ought to be able to be documented very easily. There should be pics o the perps available shortly. 3) Why would they rob a guy in his hotel room, then go to the trouble to take the - already robbed - guy for a car ride to drop him off a little ways away? Big risk, absolutely no reward. Let's just say, this sounds fishy... I wonder what the medical situation is.
  16. wiffleball

    Question: Do you resent the rich

    Some thoughts: 1) Yes, I agree with you on the negroes. I see it every day in my neighborhood. Literally every day. Messicans doing all the landscaping around here while 2 feet from them some skinny stands begging for change. It's about time maybe the AA's started admitting the reality that we can't talk about for fear of being "racists". 2) Can't characterize an entire group Brad, but I'll tell ya, a huge % of the true "illegals" aren't here with their family. One, the journey is too dangerous and/or expensive. 2) They can't afford to live here. I've driven my share of illegals home on rainy days or when they miss the bus. It's usually more than one guy sharing a cheap apartment way outta town (where it's cheaper) so they can save expenses and send their pay home. The idea that this is some kind of panacea where entire families are crossing the border and chipping in to build themselves a new life is generally pretty far removed from the overwhelming majority. One of the reasons their crap wages here are so valued is because their "crap wages" buy one HELL of a lot more in Latin America. Not debating you, just adding insight. I'd be hard pressed to argue that the overwhelming majority of true "illegals" here are saving up to buy homes here. They live a pretty hard-scrabble existence so they can send money home. The amount of money that goes south across our border is a pretty good indication of the extent of that.
  17. wiffleball

    OK....I'm putting myself out here..but WTF..

    The best part is, an unattractive guy like him could actually do well on this show. No way in hell in this shallow-ass country.
  18. wiffleball

    OK....I'm putting myself out here..but WTF..

    If it's the clip I'm thinking of, it's pretty damn cool. I think that gorgeous chick in the middle (why can't we get her? I'd watch AI if she was on) left a puddle in her chair. It was great to see this guy do so well instead of those self-promotional jerkoffs we get.
  19. wiffleball

    Question: Do you resent the rich

    Yeah, I'm seeing a real flaw in the link. First, it doesn't sound like he defines what "poor" is - other than whatever the census says it is. Just as there's millionaires and billionaires, "poverty" has many levels. When your link does attempt a quantification, it's simply the lowest fifth of the population. What's that? 15 million people? I'm guessing there's some serious economic stratification among those 15 million people. Yes, I agree with you that 3rd world vs. USA are different. Not that's not the discussion at hand. And yes, I agree with you that you can work your way to McD's or HD Management. But how many Managers does MD have vs. employees? What do you do in the 5-10 years it takes you to get there? At current minimum wage, IF (HUGE IF) you can get 40 hours (most can't), you make about $200 a week after taxes. I REALLY THINK your link is flawed. 46% of all poor own homes? Does that make sense to you?? I mean, TOTAL HOship in America is around 65%. - Doesn't make sense. I can't own a home on $800 a month. I couldn't reasonably own a home & a car on $1,600 a month. So, I guess I'd really like to see what this guy's deal is - what he/census are calling "Poor" . Because: 1) The numbers just dont make sense. 2) Treating all "poor" as having the same income is like saying all "non poor" have the same income.
  20. wiffleball

    Question: Do you resent the rich

    Jeesus Focking Christo.... Perfect example of what I was talking about.
  21. wiffleball

    Question: Do you resent the rich

    I think when it comes to extreme poverty, most of us don't know a focking thing about it. "Scraping by" means eating Ramen in college or not being able to afford restaurants growing up. There's a shiitload more to that and hanging your hat on growing up with a blue collar background ain't anywhere near the kind of poverty that lots of folks grow up in. There's so many things that we take for granted, so many things we had "coming up" that we conveniently forget, that I honest to God don't think most of us have any friggin right to even broach the subject of poverty. I think more often than not we show our ignorance in addressing the subject. In short, don't assume the poor are all lazy baztards who don't want to work until you live their lives from the git-go.
  22. wiffleball

    Rapists of children shouldn't be put to death

    Why not? They're so good at everything else!! Google: Houston Crime Lab Geebus, could had monkeys running the lab with more accurate results.
  23. wiffleball

    Rapists of children shouldn't be put to death

    Thing is, there's no afterlife? This dude dies a hell of a lot easier than 99% of the good people out there. Frankly, I din't want to have to rely upon fairy tales and this guy to mete out justice. Odds are far better that child rapist dude will get his justice in prison. I think he should die, I just don't think lethal injection's the way to do it. Totally F'ed up that we won't let terminally ill people screaming in horrific agony choose to die, but we let these sick focks shuffle off their mortal coil with the greatest of ease.
  24. wiffleball

    Best Soundtrack

  25. wiffleball

    Best M0vie M0ntages EVAH!

    This? This is ice. This is what happens to water when it gets too cold. This? This is Kent. This is what happens to people when they get too sexually frustrated.