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Everything posted by wiffleball

  1. wiffleball

    The Top Ten things said during an orgasm

    Sorry about your sweater.
  2. wiffleball

    The Top Ten things said during an orgasm

    You forgot: You're on my hair!
  3. wiffleball

    Is Obama proud to be an american ?

    Yeah, I dunno about that. The dude had no WMD's, he was overflighted, inspected and embargoed up the wazoo. Seems like the policy Clinton was following: Push the UN for more and more sanctions, isolate the guy, bomb the flock outta him every time he f'ed up, wasn't such a bad thing compared to what we have now. Not to mention, AQ has a brand new playground - one that they didn't have - because they were scared shiitless of Saddam - before we invaded. Not sure how that makes us better off.
  4. wiffleball

    Here's one really big concern about Borat Obama

    That's certainly a viewpoint. To me, it's not about race. I would have easily voted for Colin Powel. To me, it's about values and intellect: 1) The fact that he lionizes such an incredibly hateful Pastor - Credits him as his biggest source of BO's values, concerns me. Reading his past writings - when he WASN'T running for office, gives me more insight into how he thinks. and 2) It's just incredibly stupid to a) Continue to attend that church as a sitting US Senator - much less running for POTUS. b )Say that all Black churches preach such hatred and stupidity. c) Allude to the idea that ONLY Black churces speak of Social Injustice. d) Ask us to believe that BO was "never there" whenever this loon said anything controversial. e) - Especially when you yourself write of these things Pastor Wright said in your own book! f) Try to spin this as "some crazy old uncle" at the same time saying this man changed your life and shaped your vision and values.
  5. wiffleball

    Here's one really big concern about Borat Obama

    Well I can you for a fact that's not correct. How do I know? Because I liked BO. There's plenty of posts here in the history that can prove that. I can't stand Hill and I don't want to spend another 100 years in Iraq. He was a compelling, engaging speaker. Then I heard his incredibly condescening, insulting, racist speech after the Wright thing blew up and I started looking into him. You're not the people he has to worry about. You'd love him regardless. The people who wouldn't vote for him for any reason aren't the problem. It's guys like me - Middle Class White Dudes who "can't stand Hill and don't want to spend another 100 years in Iraq" that he has to have in order to win the General. And I'll tell you, he lost me. And the more I look, the less I like. And that pisses me off. Because I don't want to have to vote for the Candidate I dislike the least.
  6. wiffleball

    Here's one really big concern about Borat Obama

    Well, at least you admit you have a Focking Brain Disorder. That's the first step.
  7. wiffleball

    Here's one really big concern about Borat Obama

    Untrue. Please read above.
  8. wiffleball

    Here's one really big concern about Borat Obama

    I think that's unfair. Like I said, it'd be easier if we had Colin or Condi running. BO has SO purposefully chosen to align himself with the radical black base that it's become an us/them issue. Condi and Colin have been largely dissed by the radical negroes like BO's beloved Pastor Wright. Then, it wouldn't be an "us/them" thing. If Condi or Colin ran on the GOP side, then the loons that follow and believe like Wright and BO do would align themselves with Hillary.
  9. wiffleball

    Here's one really big concern about Borat Obama

    Easy. Everybody here knows you're just stupid. I mean, if you had any real intellect, you wouldn't haveto be a teacher. Not to mention that the NEA has had its head so far up the DNC's ass, they can see through Howard Dean's mouth.
  10. wiffleball

    why i might vote for mccain

    Well said.
  11. wiffleball

    Here's one really big concern about Borat Obama

    Well yeah, I mean, a lot of stuff makes me really uneasy, but with this country already horribly divided, with this country where blacks and whites are both pixxed off at a perceived or real sense of the other guy being held to a different standard, this is definitely my top concern. We're already horribly divided politically, add in the racial element (especially with his history with a racist, America-hating loon) and there's a recipe for disaster if ever I did see one. I think Powell or Rice would be much better choices. Then again, his pastor calls them ConDAMNleeza and Colon. Hell, they're both TOTALLY black and he still hates them. - But I digress.
  12. wiffleball

    Here's one really big concern about Borat Obama

    Well, if poll numbers are any indication (and I mean, what else is there?), we were never as divided on Clinton as we are on Bush. And, maybe it depends on the circles you run around in. Here in Texor, there are millions of half-wits who are rabid GWB fans who would lose their mind if you even suggested Bush was an incompetent fock. - And quite q few here too.
  13. wiffleball

    why i might vote for mccain

    I think the way we got into iraq is completely shameless and stupid. Having said that, this idea that we can just pack up and leave is just plain naive. There's got to be a smarter middle ground between Obama leaving immediately and McCain sticking around for another 100 years.
  14. wiffleball

    why i might vote for mccain

    I wouldn't worry too much. Even if BO does win, if there's one thing we've learned about black men, it's that they are incapable of pulling out early.
  15. wiffleball

    Is Obama proud to be an american ?

    Well, apparently, according to BO's top advisor, if BO becomes President, then the Evil White Debbils who have been forcing crack and irresponsible secks upon the poor Negroes will lose their jobs. Apparently, the minute BO becomes President, he'll repeal that cruel 3-strikes law that the white man inventored to imprison the black man. Of course, it won't be necessary anymore, because when BO is President, Black people won't be forced to take drugs, commit crimes, or have millions of illigitimate children to repeat the cycle or crime, drug use and irresponsibility. And that's something to hope for.
  16. wiffleball

    So Excessive Wealth is now a mortal sin

    Yeah, but that's more about God punishing everybody else in Hell than it is about God punishing him.
  17. wiffleball

    is this racist?

    What's really disconcerting is that the same guy that has no problem pointing out his negro-fearing grandmother was white is the same guy who: "ceased to advertise my mother’s race at the age of twelve or thirteen, when I began to suspect that by doing so I was ingratiating myself to whites" (From Barack Obama's self-penned book) So, when it's conveeeenient to throw your Grandmother's race into the mix to save your own ass, you do so. But you're embarassed to admit your own mother's race because you don't want to ingratiate yourself to the white debils? Lying hypocritical racist.
  18. wiffleball

    is this racist?

    Of course, we have absolutely no proof that Peenie isn't just making the entire thing up because I started a thread about her boy, Barack the racist with the same title who loves a noted hate-speaker. On the other hand, we have plenty of proof these statements DID occur and ARE racist.
  19. wiffleball

    Is Obama proud to be an american ?

    How could he possibly be proud of a country that deliberately created cracks and AIDS specifically for the Black man? How can he be proud of a country that forced the black man to ingest the crack, to have unprotected, irresponsible sex? How can he be proud of a country that supports the zionists Jews and thier illegal occupation of the oppressed Palestinians? * How could he be proud of "the US of KKK-A"?* How could he proud of a country that "nuked far more than the few thousand killed on 9/11 - and we never batted an eye"? * "No No Not God Bless America, God DAMN America!"* *All statements made by the man that BO claims shaped his vision and values. The man he respects more than any man in his life. - But of course, in 20 years of attendance, every time his pastor said something that might offend white people, BO was out back smoking a cigarette.
  20. wiffleball

    So Excessive Wealth is now a mortal sin

    Yeah, I posted on this a while back. The whole list is a sham: “You offend God not only by stealing, blaspheming or coveting your neighbor’s wife, but also by: 1)Ruining the environment, 2)Carrying out morally debatable scientific experiments, 3)or allowing genetic manipulations which alter DNA or compromise embryos,” he said. Don't even get me started on #2 and #3. This coming from the same church that killed people for the "heresy" of saying the earth revolved around the sun. These focksticks have been 400 years behind the times on every major scientific breakthrough. Bishop Girotti said that mortal sins also included: 4) Taking or dealing in drugs, 5) and social injustice which caused poverty or 6) “the excessive accumulation of wealth by a few.” He said that two mortal sins which continued to preoccupy the Vatican were abortion, which offended “the dignity and rights of women,” 7) and pedophilia, which had even infected the clergy itself and so had exposed the “human and institutional fragility of the Church.” The mass media had “blown up” the issue “to discredit the Church,” but the Church itself was taking steps to deal with it, according to Girotti. Yes, it was MUCH better when the press WASN'T talking about all your faaggot priests raping children. I can certainly see where the PRESS is the REAL villian there. If it weren't for them, the Catholic leadership would still be shuffling them off to other parishes to rape and molest again.. Other than Islam, this has to be one of the worst religions in the world in terms of their hypocrisy, their history of atrocities and the damage they continue to do to the developing world. I definitely love the new number 6. Where is one of the greatest collections of wealth? WHAT is the wealthiest nation-state per capita in the entire world? Yup - you guessed it - The Vatican.
  21. wiffleball

    Cutler Rips Marshall

    Yeah, I don't think a lot of folks are really buying the "I tried to avoid a McDonalds bag and put my hand through a television" story. Have you ever tried to break a TV screen? It's damn hard to do. - Especially accidentally. I have a feeling for Cutler to say something like this, there's probably a lot more that has gone on that we haven't heard about. Glad to see Cutler step up.
  22. A few thoughts: The fact that so many religous/pagan symbols are already on display in the school is a killer. Essentially, their policy seems to be anti-Christian - at least the enforcement of it. If they can show a purposeful discrimination of the display of one religion (Christianity) over the others, then I think they have a good shot. Kid was a bit melodramatic, but then again, all teens are. Second: I was thinking about this the other day: "Seperation of Church and State" is one of those classic American expressions that's repeated so much that Americans seem to think this is doctrine, it is not. In fact, nowhere in the Constitution or the BOR (Bill of Rights, not Bill O'Reilly) is the term "Separation of Church and State" even stated. What IS stated is that Congress shall make no law establishing a (Federal) religion. There's a historical context for that. At the time, the King of England was also the head of the Church of England. In order to hold any office, you had to pledge fidelity to the King - as not only Ruler of Great Britain, but as Supreme Head of the Church of England. In fact, it was considered Treason - punishable by death - to NOT acknowledge the King as such - even as a private citizen. Moreover, the first Amemendment doesn't just disallow the creation of a Federal religion, it ensures the free exercise of religion for all. The idea that somehow the FF (Founding Fathers, not Fantasy Football) wanted a Government and its bodies free FROM religion is in fact quite the opposite; The very first Amendment they wrote was to ensure that Congress (or anybody else) could pass no law abridging the free expression of one's faith. Somehow, some folks got that all twisted. (note: I could have sworn there was something in the CON, BOR that said no man would be barred from holding public office due to his religion. Can anybody find that for me?)
  23. wiffleball

    Thank you Mike

    That got old fast.
  24. Can fast forward a bit, you won't miss much. I mean, smart dog and all, but damn lady. These kind of people are truly bizarre. Can't believe Will Ferrel hasn't done a movie on this yet.