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Everything posted by lickin_starfish

  1. lickin_starfish

    Trump refuses to issue Russian sanctions

    Russia interfered in the election on behalf of Hillary, and yet Trump still won. MAGA!
  2. lickin_starfish

    7 year old handcuffed for attacking teacher......

    Dreamers are turning parts of the country into snitholes.
  3. lickin_starfish

    I left a $47 tip on a $53 bar bill today/tonight

    You want a ticker-tape parade or something?
  4. He's got Hillary's love juice in his eyes, he can't see the truth.
  5. lickin_starfish

    Biggest sexual regret?

    I didn't do ass-to-mouth with your mom like she wanted me to.
  6. lickin_starfish

    Should classrooms be recorded

    What if the observer is pinko-leftie? Then the teachers will get away with their bullsnit, just like when Comey and Strzok were in charge of watching Hillary.
  7. lickin_starfish

    ever banged a girl from a different country?

    I tickled an Asian girl and made her fart, but she was born in America. That's the closest for me.
  8. lickin_starfish

    Hillary Kept On Adviser Accused Of Harassment

    That's exactly the point of why I can't stand Hillary or anyone supporting her. She is above the law. Trump should not have to testify under oath if Hillary didn't have to. No one in any court in America should have to testify under oath if Hillary doesn't have to.
  9. lickin_starfish

    Hillary Kept On Adviser Accused Of Harassment

    I still care about Hillary because I truly think she belongs in jail.
  10. lickin_starfish

    Add a word to a movie title to ruin it

    Blacksnakes on a Plane
  11. lickin_starfish

    Things innocent people absolutely don't say part 1

    I voted Democrat both times Bush ran, so I feel no need to defend Bush. You can calm your clit.
  12. lickin_starfish

    Things innocent people absolutely don't say part 1

    Somebody is a little excited. Did I give you a boner?
  13. lickin_starfish

    Things innocent people absolutely don't say part 1

    "The pallets full of cash that we flew to Iran in the dead of night had nothing to do with buying our hostages back."
  14. lickin_starfish

    Things innocent people absolutely don't say part 1

    "The average family under the Affordable Care Act will see savings of $2,500 per year." "If you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor." "Wipe my server? You mean like with a cloth?"
  15. lickin_starfish

    Where Is Senator Johnson's informant on Secret Society.

    He is sh#tting on Hillary's chest in a Russian hotel room.
  16. lickin_starfish

    Favorite Word For Bagina

    Stinky wrinkle
  17. lickin_starfish

    Which set of choices is/was worse?

    The Russians hacked the game.
  18. lickin_starfish

    Sandwiches blamed for Global Warming?

    I got a leaflet with my latest utility bill. It said that this winter is colder than average, and that's why the bills are higher. Is my utility company a Global Warming denier?
  19. lickin_starfish

    Republicans want this. Why is it bad?

    My bottom line: Illegals should be deported, even if they aren't violent felons. Dreamies should be granted asylum, but never be able to vote. Build a big, beautiful wall. Arrest any politician who circumvents federal immigration laws.
  20. lickin_starfish

    Republicans want this. Why is it bad?

    I was just going for large masses of scumbags. Yes, the trailer park welfare rats should also have to work.
  21. lickin_starfish

    Republicans want this. Why is it bad?

    You want to expand the workforce while decreasing immigration? Make the inner city welfare scumbags go to work.
  22. lickin_starfish

    NFL is a bunch of focktards

    We'd better not see one girl power commercial then.