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Everything posted by lickin_starfish

  1. lickin_starfish

    Honest Question For The Left

    Do you have an explanation that is based on facts, and not your opinion of how Trump thinks?
  2. lickin_starfish

    Welfare - what does it take to get it?

    Welfare should have a 5 year lifetime limit. If you're a child and your parents are on Welfare for three years, you would only qualify for two years of Welfare as an adult. Welfare should consist of 1 bag of rice and 1 block of cheese per family per month.
  3. lickin_starfish

    Welfare - what does it take to get it?

    We need to get this idea to Trump. Make the welfies work for taxpayers. Welfies should be treated no better than slaves, and maybe then they will seek to better themselves.
  4. lickin_starfish

    Bad day for FBI/DOJ scumbags.

    Oooh, I finally made the list!
  5. lickin_starfish

    Bill and Hillary Flying Commercial?

    She will be in jail by 2020.
  6. lickin_starfish

    Anthony Kennedy retiring from the Supreme Court

    I'll admit that they obstructed the pick. It makes me so happy that they did it. You'd better clutch your uterus tight, because Trump is coming with another scary judge to haunt you for the next 30 years. Hahaha!
  7. lickin_starfish

    Stand up wipers

    Lean left, wipe right. Repeat 1,000 times until the brown streaks disappear.
  8. lickin_starfish

    Who are you sweating?

    It must be a seriously dull life if you spend your time watching people play poker.
  9. I'm sure she'll manage just fine (with those 36D's).
  10. The Haitians want the money the Clinton's stole from them.
  11. "You want this D? Say yes. Beg for it, you dirty twat." Does that count?
  12. lickin_starfish

    Another Democratic Socialist lies about her past.

    Obama is the biggest piece of schit liar to ever have been elected to the oval office. Not even debatable.
  13. Know what's the best part about this thread? That it's about President Trump, and not President Hillary.
  14. lickin_starfish

    Winning! MAGA!

    I like how you think. I'll add: People on Welfare forfeit their right to vote. Prisoners run in hamster wheels 16 hours/day to generate electricity. Welfies do yard work for taxpayers.
  15. It's better to have the gun and not need it, then to need the gun and not have it. Trump's Supreme Court will guarantee that Cyclone won't ever get his wish of disarming American citizens.
  16. lickin_starfish

    Calling all geeks who aren't into stick women

    She has the face of a fish. Just nasty. I'd hit it from the back though.
  17. lickin_starfish

    Scott Pruitt - this one might stick.

    If Pruitt was breaking the law, then lock him up. If he was just doing a shotty job and wasting taxpayers money, then good riddance. Next man up.
  18. lickin_starfish

    Thoughts on This team stuck in cave?

    They're used to living in caves, so this should hardly phase them.
  19. lickin_starfish

    Nothing About Trump Invading Venezuela?

    Get out and enjoy the fresh air. Don't let little things consume you, and you'll be happier for it.
  20. lickin_starfish

    Nothing About Trump Invading Venezuela?

  21. lickin_starfish

    Enjoy your 4th everyone!

    My childhood friend came to town and we had an awesome time grilling and swimming, even though he's a marching, protesting Lefty, and I'm a red-blooded American. Don't let the media tell you that you can't be friends with those who have different views.
  22. lickin_starfish

    The left is always fricking protesting

    They should have shot her with a tranquilizer dart, just like an ape at the zoo. Then they could bring her to safety. Also, what are the axeholes "resisting"?
  23. lickin_starfish

    Top Three American Presidents

    No, because he is a traitorous bitcch.
  24. lickin_starfish

    Nobody posted the Senate Intel report today?

    What if Russia meddled, but without aid from the Trump campaign? What then?
  25. This is the opposite of the Clintons. They leave people to die.