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Everything posted by lickin_starfish

  1. lickin_starfish

    Andrew cuomo, undocumented?

    If Cuomo is undocumented, how can he run for President?
  2. This is exactly the opposite of what should be happening. Hillary and the DNC are the guilty parties. The US citizens should be suing HRC and her crew.
  3. lickin_starfish

    Andrew cuomo, undocumented?

    He makes me ashamed to be a New Yorker.
  4. What's the emoji for swing-and-a-miss? (also, I'm AA, so is it still racism?)
  5. Looks like a high percentage of darkness there. I'll venture to guess that little Ty'reke took his mommy's current boyfriend's illegal pistol off of the coffee table while the guy was passed out, tired from a hard day off not working and crack smoking. The media will play up the kid's age, but not mention any other details.
  6. lickin_starfish

    im just not gonna....

    The new tax code wasn't in effect for last year's income, correct?
  7. lickin_starfish

    im just not gonna....

    We should be able to decide how our tax money is spent. There should be a form where we can allocate certain amounts to different services, for example: 25% schools 25% infrastructure 20% military 20% firemen/police 10% politicians 0% welfare I would feel better if I could pick where my money went.
  8. lickin_starfish

    im just not gonna....

    Property and school taxes are for the betterment of society. Did you go to a public school? Step up and pay your fair share.
  9. lickin_starfish

    Bad day for FBI/DOJ scumbags.

  10. lickin_starfish

    Q Anon, legit insider or fake ?

    None of those people are going down. Nothing will be done. Sessions is the Swamp. The only person going down will be Trump, and it will be for cat-calling a stripper in 1975, and mis-remembering it to Mueller.
  11. Thus, welfare leaches should forfeit their voting rights.
  12. lickin_starfish

    F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen

    Nope. Wouldn't care.
  13. lickin_starfish

    F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen

    Nope. No there isn't.
  14. lickin_starfish

    F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen

    Hannity talked to a lawyer? String him up! Hang all of those other millions of people who have talked to lawyers too!
  15. lickin_starfish

    Comey Book

    This wins the whole Geek Club.
  16. lickin_starfish

    F.B.I. Raids Office of Trump’s Longtime Lawyer Michael Cohen

    This isn't about finding any wrongdoing. It's about dragging Trump's name through the mud, through the election cycle.
  17. lickin_starfish

    Flaming lawyer protests climate change through self immolation

    Which way did he want the climate to change, colder or warmer? It's cold as fock this year, so hopefully his final emissions help to heat things up.
  18. lickin_starfish

    How common are good guys with guns?

    You, apparently.
  19. lickin_starfish

    How common are good guys with guns?

    Someone has never heard of Chicago.
  20. lickin_starfish

    Fatty jumps off house

    Bumbles bounce.
  21. lickin_starfish

    How common are good guys with guns?

    I don't care what any of you gun-grabbing faggits think. I'm keeping mine. They are locked up safe and sound, but readily available if I need them.
  22. lickin_starfish

    Bombs Away

    Go to your nearest housing projects.
  23. lickin_starfish

    Bombs Away

  24. lickin_starfish

    Bombs Away

    How will the board lefties explain Trump stiff-arming Russia in Syria? I thought Trump and Vlad were supposed to be buddies.