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Everything posted by NorthernVike

  1. NorthernVike

    My Bike is finished

    If you are single and do not have kids I dont have a problem with that. If you have kids, wear one for them.
  2. NorthernVike

    I'm done

    I've come to the conclution that they are all fuckingcrazy
  3. NorthernVike

    My Bike is finished

    Where's the gun mount?
  4. NorthernVike

    It's not a focking pregnant man. Jeebus people. Smarten up.

    I heard it was Barak Obamamamama's love child
  5. NorthernVike

    Guns. What you got?

    Give me a focking break No need for them. Ever get out of the city and see how people live off the land? Yes, many still do. they hunt and fish, providing a large portion of what they feed their families every year. And what is wrong with the recreational aspects of hunting. I hunt every year and I eat what I shoot. Is it my main source of food, no. But I do enjoy eating Deer, Grouse, Duck and Pheasant. And as far as the accidents go, with your line of reasoning we should get rid of all cars because more people die in car crashes each year then they do with accidents with fire arms. Make sure you wear your helmet next time you ride a bike. Up north we have a name for people like you......Citiots
  6. NorthernVike

    Guns. What you got?

    Just look to history. How did this nation get to be free. The people stood up against a foreign power. Now look to the future. I'm not so afraid of our own country taking away my guns as the constitution provides protection there. But if a foreign power wanted to invade the USA they would be met with every person in the country defending what is ours (unlike the French in WWII) I know this is an unlikely scenario but history tells us time and time again that the mightiest powers rise and fall. If the day comes when this nation falls it will be over my, and many more Americans dead bodies. BTW:This may be my next one
  7. NorthernVike

    Ok, so I'm driving today ...

    What's the difference between a Harley and a Hoover vacuum? It's where you put the dirtbag
  8. NorthernVike

    Let's review ... why I'm cool ... and you prolly SUCK!

    You're kinda funny, little man
  9. NorthernVike

    Calling all Geeks..

    Tell them they owe all us geeks a beer
  10. NorthernVike

    States Want To Save Millions.

    I'm glad I own guns
  11. NorthernVike

    Are we the animals in the zoo?

    But we're too busy singing.
  12. NorthernVike

    Guess the geek

  13. NorthernVike

    I'm done

    Fock that. This thread is life for 90% of us on here. HTH the other 10% either are single or lie
  14. NorthernVike

    My newest toy

    I'm gheyer than Tinkerbell Get your guns while you can. Barak Obamamamamamamama wants to take them all away.
  15. NorthernVike

    Ayman al-Zawahiri on Iraq

    Wow! Al Qaeda has talking points too
  16. NorthernVike


  17. NorthernVike

    Turning 40

    Just turned 40 back in Feb. Not a big deal for me. It kind of sucks now when people ask how old you are and you cant say 30 something No good gifts, not even a BJ from the wife Shared a B-day party with my son who turned 2 a week later. BTW: Happy Birthday you old FOCK!
  18. NorthernVike

    Off to Tahoe in the morning.

    Who do you think you are....Giants Fan?
  19. NorthernVike

    i got no attention during the suns/sonics game

    Pimp'n aint easy
  20. NorthernVike

    Off to Tahoe in the morning.

    I'm sure some on this site will appreciate this more than others...... Break a leg wish I was going, I could use a vacation
  21. NorthernVike

    My girlfriend and I broke up today

    Was she the reason you quit the herb? If so go get buzzed like never before
  22. They have gotten out of hand and are ruining this place. What dose everyone else think?
  23. NorthernVike

    Opening Day 2008

    Twins win! Twins win! Twins win! :sings: Hooray for the Minnesota Twins today
  24. NorthernVike

    Anyone else sick and tired of.........

    THANK YOU I'll join you in your endeavor Come on who's with us