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Everything posted by Vince44

  1. Vince44

    NFL playoff predictions

    Cowboys over Seahawks Eagles over Bears Chargers over Ravens Texans over Colts
  2. Vince44

    This is Us (& misc TV)

    This Is Us- Season 3 Jack's story about Vietnam and his brother Nick is excellent. The writers of this show deserve all the awards.
  3. Vince44

    Pocahantas is running for President!

    Means nothing. Less than nothing. Warren won't be among the last eight standing. Not very liked among the party or press from a nation wide standpoint. Warren is too much of a Hillary clone in presence and demeanor. She won't even be among the last two women remaining in the race. She will bow out faster than you think. A non factor.
  4. Vince44

    Anybody impacted by the shutdown?

    Have to agree. Drobeski is having a rare off day. Beer won this thread in a knockout.
  5. Vince44

    What oppression looks like in 2018

    If you fock with the hood, they'll fock you up.
  6. Vince44

    Christmas meal

    Ham, mashed potatoes, green bean casserole, sliced carrots, and dinner rolls.
  7. Baja California (Technically in Mexico) Great place to raise a family.
  8. Vince44

    future wiffleball topics

    Gum or Mints? What works faster for bad breath?
  9. Vince44

    What are you getting wiff for christmas?

    A lifetime subscription to TV guide
  10. Mayfield is the most immature punk you will ever come across. My favorite highlight of that drama queen was when the Norman PD knocked him into that concrete wall for trying to run from them. You would think getting arrested would have humbled him a little, but instead he uses it to play on this fake bad boy image. The guy is always starting non existent fueds with everyone for the most empty pathetic reasons if you've followed his career at OU. Jackson had every right to take a job with the Bengals after being fired from the Browns. He didn't quit on his own players and move on to the in state rival by his own choosing. Mayfield has been a classless juvenile bittch to Jackson twice in the last five weeks by talking shittt in postgame interviews and now staring him down on the field. Jackson has said or done nothing to warrant this type of disrespect. Must be no veteran players with any pride in that Bengals locker room for not sticking up for your coach.
  11. Vince44

    ***Official*** NBA 2018 / 2019 Thread

    This Lakers team is definitely for real. A impressive blowout win over the Warriors on their home floor. LeBron taking another last place team back to the top of the league in year one. LeBron has resurrected three NBA franchises in the last seven years. Focking legend.
  12. Vince44

    Whats up with the caravan?

    If these people want to come in, fine. But it simply has to be done legally. You have to go through the proper channels and follow the right process. Come in legally or get stopped at border. Don't wanna see any women or children harmed, but we must have some tough containment on this issue.
  13. She is in their heads and gotten under their skin by all the winning she has done. There are exactly six threads about AOC on the first three pages. The new Obama of the Geek Club conservatives. HT is still flipping out by how popular AOC is in the Bronx. He won't be happy when she throws out the first pitch at the Yankees home opener next year.
  14. Vince44

    Will KC win its divisional playoff game ?

    The Chiefs always lose that first home playoff game. 95- Lost to Colts 97- Lost to Broncos 03- Lost to Colts 10- Lost to Ravens 16- Lost to Steelers 17- Lost to Titans As good as Pat Mahomes is at QB, I would still bet of them being one and done. They are cursed in the month of Jan on their home field.
  15. Please. Fat ass Schilling couldn't do any damage to AOC unless he sat on her. I can't stand that right wing nut. Stick to baseball, Barney Rubble. You don't know jack when it comes to politics.
  16. I like to eat my cereal dry on certain brands. The milk can make it too soggy and takes away the sweet taste. Depends on the flavor.
  17. Vince44

    Do you need a break?

    Nothing. She is so damn hot. AOC looked amazing last week in that Yankees jersey and Giants cap. She knows her politics as well. Stomped Joe Crowley in the primary. Beauty and Brains.
  18. Vince44

    You Tube Full Length Movies

    Henry Winkler and Michael Keaton were a great comedy duo in that movie. "Hello? This is Chuck to remind Bill to shut up!"
  19. Vince44

    SpinSpinSpinoff: Name a living geeky black guy

    Niger Innis- CNN political pundit
  20. Vince44

    Why do the Democrats want to impeach Trump?

    Actions always speak louder than words on this issue and nothing is gonna happen based on what we know as of today. There isn't enough dirt and the votes aren't there. A lesson should have been learned two decades ago to avoid picking this fight. The fact of the matter is there will never be a real impeachment push by either party again after what happened in late 98 to early 99. The Republicans and Gingrich got their asses completely kicked by the Democrats and Clinton. It blew up in the faces of every conservative in DC when they tried to boot out the POTUS. Clinton's job approval rating jumped from 57 to 65 during the impeachment process that fall/winter and the Dems also won the midterm elections that Nov. During that four month process, Clinton kept on winning on every level. He had the economy at a new high point. He submitted a balanced budget to kickoff 99. He knocked even more off the national debt by the end of 98. They were never gonna get the majority in the Senate that they got in the House four months earlier to impeach him. You need about 2/3 of the vote to remove a POTUS and they came up about 20 votes short. Unless there is some major proven crimes like collusion or treason on Trump's part with Russia, then there isn't a chance in hell Nancy and Company will go for impeachment. The blue house may vote him out, but the red senate will not. Hell, I don't care if it was a blue senate with the same four seat edge, you still aren't getting the 66-68% needed to impeach. And there will be some dems that won't impeach Trump in the senate just like the five to six repubs that didn't impeach Clinton.
  21. Vince44

    Best bad-ass chick in a movie?

    Total Recall, 1990 Sharon Stone!!!
  22. Vince44

    Dallas Cowboys 2018 & Beyond

    Dak Prescott is single handedly trying to gift wrap a win for the Eagles on that INT and fumble.
  23. Vince44

    Dallas Cowboys 2018 & Beyond

    This Cowboy defense is definitely for real.