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Everything posted by IGotWorms

  1. IGotWorms

    Steers and LGBTQ

    Let this be a warning to those of you who long to hit the open road with a 2,200-pound steer riding shotgun: Observe all traffic laws, especially when passing through Norfolk, Neb. Lee Meyer, 63, a retired machinist, learned that lesson on Wednesday. For seven years, Mr. Meyer has been chauffeuring his 2,200-pound Watusi-longhorn mix named Howdy Doody with its horns and head exposed to the open air in a customized Ford Crown Victoria with the license plate “Boy Dog.” But he had never been stopped by the police, he said, until Wednesday morning as he drove Howdy Doody into Norfolk from his 15-acre ranch south of Neligh, about 35 miles away. Mr. Meyer had just turned off the highway on what was supposed to be a test run in preparation for Howdy Doody’s appearance at Norfolk’s Oktoberfest when he noticed a police car behind him had turned on its flashing lights. Someone had reported “a vehicle driving down the road with a cow in it,” Capt. Chad Reiman, of the Norfolk Police Division, said. “The assumption was it was a calf — something smaller that would fit in a vehicle,” Captain Reiman said. But the officer found Mr. Meyer and his large steer in a car that had its roof, door, back seat and windshield partly removed and its shock absorbers and frame reinforced to accommodate the beast’s massive girth and weight. Video at link: https://www.nytimes.com/2023/08/31/us/nebraska-watusi-bull-car.html
  2. I thought MAGA was kinda backtracking on support for the gheys, since it kinda goes along with tranny bashing. But now, Trump has picked a ghey married dude with children (that they’re obviously indoctrinating) to be his treasury secretary! Plus he’s part of the elite AND he used to work for Soros!! Which I personally think is pretty open-minded of Trump. But maybe not so MAGA A capitalist with a soft spot for royalty. A deep-rooted Southerner with a fondness for stylish New York locales. A gay man, married with children, who has embraced a Republican Party that has sometimes vilified elements, and individuals, of the L.G.B.T.Q. movement. Such are the crosscurrents coursing through the biography of Scott Bessent, President-elect Donald J. Trump’s pick for Treasury secretary. The appointment would give him vast power over the nation’s economic plans — and place him fifth in line for the presidency, potentially the highest governmental position ever held by a gay person. A hedge-fund titan with a formidable professional pedigree, Mr. Bessent, 62, has been a quiet presence in New York’s social scene since the 1990s, when he worked for George Soros, the liberal megadonor and financier, eventually managing tens of billions of dollars in assets. He counts among his friends a group of elegant socialites and women of the world, Capote-ian swans of a different era, including the president-elect’s former sister-in-law Blaine Trump, Princess Firyal of Jordan and Queen Camilla, whom he once hosted at his Hamptons home — and forced to smoke her cigarettes outside. He is friends, too, with King Charles III, who has regularly hosted him at Buckingham Palace. Mr. Bessent no longer has a home in New York City, and is instead schooling his daughter and son, ages 11 and 15, in London with his husband, John Freeman, a former assistant district attorney in the Bronx, whom he married in 2011. The family also has homes in Charleston, S.C. — the state where Mr. Bessent was raised — and in Lyford Cay, a gated community in Nassau, the capital of the Bahamas, which advertises itselfas “one of the Caribbean’s most elegant and exclusive enclaves.” https://www.nytimes.com/2024/12/10/style/scott-bessent-trump-treasury.html
  3. IGotWorms

    Black Doves on Netflix

    Surprisingly good, if you stick with it What else is new and good?
  4. IGotWorms

    Ten Dead And Thirty Injured Last Night In New Orleans

    Seems to be a bit of a disagreement on what exactly is a “terrorist attack.” Does it include lone wolf psychos or are we talking organized jihad stuff? To me it makes sense to focus on the latter as the threat is potentially ongoing there vs isolated to the one attack with a lone wolf. But terror is the purpose for both so I can see why people would include those as well
  5. IGotWorms

    Black Doves on Netflix

    Well 5/6 is a pretty decent run. Guess it just wasn’t for you
  6. IGotWorms

    Black Doves on Netflix

  7. IGotWorms

    When the Truth Presents Itself

    My cauliflower identifies as mashed potatoes
  8. IGotWorms

    Jahmyr Gibbs

    Thanks for the heads up
  9. IGotWorms

    Trump May Privatize Fannie Mae & Freddie Mac

    Must have friends in the biz
  10. IGotWorms

    Back from Europe!

    Oh thank goodness
  11. IGotWorms

    OG Maga vs Maga tech bros

    You’ll excuse anything. What a b1tch
  12. IGotWorms

    Is CVS a buy right now?

    No they’re focked with Amazon and other mail pharmacy services. No one actually picks up a prescription if they can avoid it anymore
  13. IGotWorms

    OG Maga vs Maga tech bros

    https://cwa-union.org/trumps-anti-worker-record http://www.ibew.org/articles/16ElectricalWorker/EW1608/IBEW_Trump.0816.html https://aflcio.org/2016/7/12/when-donald-trump-had-choice-he-chose-nonunion-labor-his-construction-projects-ibew Oof
  14. IGotWorms

    Lincoln Lawyer...anyone watch.

    Not to go all posty on you guys, but I have never seen the movie or the show
  15. IGotWorms

    OG Maga vs Maga tech bros

    2016 he had them convinced that he could “stop it” because he “knew how it was done.” Basically that he was an inside man on their side At this point it is simply willful suspension of disbelief.
  16. IGotWorms

    Jet crash in South Korea - yikes!

    Awesome stuff, thanks for posting! From this video seems like most likely scenario is the flight crew panicked?
  17. IGotWorms

    Jet crash in South Korea - yikes!

    Yeah it’s awful. You’d be thinking too like jeez I hope we just end up in the grass or something, maybe a pond at worst. It’s not like they’d put a giant concrete wall up at the en
  18. IGotWorms

    The 2024 Trumpslide Boyosexual Cope Tour

    Holy irony!
  19. IGotWorms

    Jet crash in South Korea - yikes!

    It was one and the pilot flew it out over the Indian Ocean until it ran out of fuel and crashed.
  20. IGotWorms

    The Giants will beat the Colts tomorrow.

    Maybe they can find a DII gem?
  21. IGotWorms

    The Giants will beat the Colts tomorrow.

    GM should be fired just for that. I’d clean house completely
  22. IGotWorms

    Jet crash in South Korea - yikes!

    Well Putin just shot down a passenger jet and Jong Un is his good buddy now… probably unrelated but odd timing