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Posts posted by IGotWorms

  1. 1 hour ago, EternalShinyAndChrome said:

    I agree with this 100%.  

    Of course, bicyclers are some of the most insufferable jackasses on the road themselves too - not in this case - but I've seen the videos on youtube and I put them right up there with vegans.  No one deserves to die, though.

    They kinda have to be, to try to survive.

    That said, it’s pretty stupid and I’d just not ride on the road or even shoulder just so I can’t get hit by some drunk or inattentive driver or assh0le

    • Like 1

  2. 5 hours ago, kcBlitzkrieg said:

    Why is "the only thing the NFL is doing wrong is allowing him to play" ??   

    You mean, the NFL should suspend him before any legal action is taken by the courts ???  aka "guilty before proven innocent" ???  Sorry to break it to you but that is not how the legal system works, it is "innocent until proven guilty".   Unless you are a communist that is how it works.  


    What do you mean, "after this" ??   There is already a CIVIL suit with a trial date for December.  NOT a trial date for the criminal courts.  

    We already covered this in the following thread so not sure why the misinformation is still going around..... perhaps some of you are butt hurt for not grabbing yourselves a low end WR1 / high end WR2 in the the 6th/7th round and now have to pay a 4th or 5th.  


    We’ve all seen the focking video and he admitted to it.

    Frankly, there should be a boycott

  3. 2 hours ago, DonS said:

    Was actually super smooth this AM.

    I'm snugly in my middle seat :cry:

    Thankfully I'm the largest of the folks in my row.  (Sorry little Asian ladies to my left and right) 

    I mentioned to lady to my left that I might watch a show that has sex scenes that might appear out of  nowhere (see posts about Banshee in my "series to watch" thread) and said I could watch something else if that would be a problem.   She said it's cool. 

    (Dear Penthouse Forum... I was on a flight from SEA to DCA.  You won't believe what happened  next!!!>

    Clearly she wants to bang 

  4. 42 minutes ago, Alias Detective said:


    The bill will effectively allow migrants to buy homes without having to save for years to fund a down payment, which is almost always required by financial firms providing mortgages.

    The loans from the program don't accrue interest or require monthly payments, and when the main mortgage is refinanced or the house is sold again, the borrower pays back the original amount of the loan plus 20 percent of any increase in value.

    The legislation now only needs the approval of the Democrat-supermajority state Senate and a signature from Governor Gavin Newsom to be enacted.

    “Only” needs approval of the legislature and Governor — isn’t that always the case with any proposed law? :rolleyes:

    But yeah, that law is whack. Hope it doesn’t pass
