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Posts posted by IGotWorms

  1. 8 minutes ago, The Real timschochet said:

    Are you quite sure of this? 

    He can’t be.

    Even the people that have been there in the courtroom the whole time and seen all the evidence and heard all the testimony — the judge, the lawyers, and each juror — all they could really say is whether they think the case seems strong or weak.

    No one really knows one way or the other how it’ll all shake out when it’s time for the jury to deliberate.

    Yet alone people that haven’t heard the testimony or seen the evidence. Just relying on what Fox News or CNN tells them — and we have to, because it isn’t televised.

  2. 7 hours ago, LaChup said:

    I think Butker's jersey outsells all other jersey's this season. Let me know if this needs to be in another forum because free speech hurts your feelings.

    That’s fine, it’s useful for the bigots to identify themselves. Kinda like with the white nationalist flags

    • Haha 1

  3. I’ve had a 4Runner before. I do really like them. They are beastly and fun to drive (not in a sporty sense, obviously, but more in a utilitarian/outdoorsman way).

    But good focking god the gas mileage is terrible. It is essentially a truck. I believe it’s essentially the Tacoma made into an SUV, IIRC?

    Anyway, they really hold their value so you won’t likely get a great deal on a used one. But it’s Toyota so they’re pretty reliable and long lasting. Just make sure it wasn’t beat up too much 

    • Thanks 1

  4. 4 hours ago, GutterBoy said:

    This place is like watching a car wreck.

    The cast of characters is an interesting look into the patches of the worst of worst of Americans.  I often wonder if they are actually like this or are trolls playing a role.  Sadly I conclude they are likely real.

    Unfortunately I run into people like this pretty much every day IRL. One of the hazards of living in a red area.

    I used to not mind it so much because I knew that at least they would protect individual liberties. I didn’t agree with them politically but there were some principled aspects of conservatism that were necessary and useful. But now with Trumpism, they’re basically just straight-up fascists :( 

  5. Anybody buy it?



    CNN — 

    Boeing whistleblower John Barnett died by suicide, according to a police report released on Friday, bringing to end an investigation of the shocking death of a longtime employee who raised concerns about the airplane manufacturer’s safety and production standards – and who sued the company, claiming Boeing illegally retaliated against him.

    Barnett, 62, was found dead in a vehicle on March 9 from a self-inflicted gunshot wound in Charleston, South Carolina. Officers had been dispatched to conduct a welfare check on Barnett at a Holiday Inn when he failed to show up to a deposition in his case against Boeing, according to his lawyers and a police incident report.

    When they arrived, responding officers found Barnett dead in the driver’s seat of a truck in the parking lot. He was holding a handgun. The initial police report also said there was a note in the truck.

    But Barnett’s lawyers said in a statement following his death that his deposition was nearing an end and he appeared to be in good spirits.

    “We didn’t see any indication he would take his own life. No one can believe it,” his lawyers, Robert Turkewitz and Brian Knowles, said in a statement on March 12. “The Charleston police need to investigate this fully and accurately and tell the public what they find out.”

    The Charleston Police Department on Friday concluded their investigation into Barnett’s death, saying the Charleston County Coroner’s Office determined that Barnett had killed himself.

    The investigation found that Barnett was shot in the head at close range and the weapon was found in his right hand. There was also a notebook found in the front seat of the car that showed signs that “he was going through a period of serious personal distress,” according to a media release about the police investigation.

  6. 27 minutes ago, Bill E. said:

    I am supporting his policies not his personality.  You can not convince me that Biden or whoever is running things are any better.   Three years of lying that the borders are secure then try to blame the other side for the problem.  Even the leaders that have proclaimed their cities to be sanctuaries for newcomers are doing 180's.   Wasn't it Denver's Mayor that recently tried to get people to move to Chicago or NYC?  That is just one issue that has me voting for Trump and I really should donate to his campaign.  I probably will not because I like to donate to State and local races if at all. 

    Fair enough. I know you’re a man of principle, and respect that :cheers:

    • Like 1

  7. 7 minutes ago, Bill E. said:

    I never cared for her and she seems to get worse day by day.  But there is no shortage of morons on either side as we saw as this played out.  I was good with the reason for the hearing (open info) but she sunk it with her idiocy. 

    I’m hoping maybe someday you’ll see how her idol, Donald Trump, is just the same.

  8. 1 hour ago, Bill E. said:

    Greene is a total moron.  The hearing was about the Justice Department not releasing tapes of Biden's interview re: classified docs.  People want to hear why Hur thought Biden sounded like a blundering incompetent fool.  The Dems wanted to talk about anything but the recordings.   Along comes ol' Marjorie causing a distraction with the eyelash comments. That throws the whole point of the hearing out the window and gives the Dems all the cover they need to change the subject and nuke the hearing.   

    Glad you’re coming around :thumbsup:

  9. 35 minutes ago, Mike Honcho said:

    I vehemently disagree. 

    I would much rather get rid of the filibuster-let the parties who win actually have to legislate and then in elections we vote on what they did or did not achieve. The current systems is stuck in the mud where nothing can be done and the goal of the parties (particularly the R's, think McConnell and his my job is to stop Obama from getting policies passed staement) is to not allow the other to do anything.  This is not what was envisioned when the Founding Fathers wrote the Constitution and the country is suffering for it. 

    The filibuster is anti-democracy, pure and simple. 

    That's my piece. :cheers:

    Fair enough :cheers:

  10. 2 hours ago, Mike Honcho said:

    Filibuster is stupid.  

    No where else in our govt, does the minority have the ability to veto the majority. It came to be by accident and goes against what the founding fathers wanted. Before the Constitution, we were  governed by the Articles of Confederation - and that had a 9 out 13 requirement to pass legislation and one reason for the Constitution was because this supermajority requirement prevented almost all legislation from being passed. The Fathers wouldn't have made the VP the tie breaking vote in the Senate if they wanted a filibuster.  Think about it, if you tie, the VP decides, but instead of allowing for a tie, you can just filibuster to stop legislation, it's focking absurd.

    I’m sure you are correct historically speaking, but I do think the filibuster was important as far as preventing a party with a narrow majority from ramming through whatever the hell they wanted. I think it was very short sighted to get rid of it 
